As toalhas para pálpebras Dr. Fischer são lenços umedecidos pré-molhados, purificados e não irritantes, ideais para limpar a pele sensível ao redor dos olhos. Com uma fórmula hipoalergênica, esses lenços não apenas garantem uma limpeza eficaz, mas também atuam como removedor de maquiagem, proporcionando uma experiência de cuidado ocular sem desconforto. Cada embalagem contém 30 unidades, tornando-os práticos e convenientes para o uso diário.
Os lenços Dr. Fischer são especialmente formulados para serem suaves e eficazes, totalmente livres de conservantes, álcool e outros irritantes que podem causar desconforto. Com eles, você pode dizer adeus à irritação em uma das partes mais delicadas do seu corpo. Além de remover a maquiagem ao redor dos olhos de forma eficiente, esses lenços também oferecem uma limpeza suave que ajuda a prevenir e tratar terçol, removendo óleos e impurezas da área das pálpebras. Eles são seguros para peles sensíveis, acalmando irritações e promovendo a saúde ocular diariamente. O Dr. Fischer Lid Scrub é ideal para remover suavemente os resíduos que se acumulam ao redor das pálpebras, enquanto sua fórmula especializada proporciona alívio da blefarite, limpando e acalmando as pálpebras irritadas.
- Cuidado Premium para os Olhos: Lenços suaves e eficazes, livres de conservantes e álcool.
- Remoção de Maquiagem Sem Irritação: Limpeza eficaz sem dor ou desconforto.
- Prevenção e Tratamento de Terçol: Remove óleos e impurezas, promovendo a saúde ocular.
- Limpeza Suave: Remove resíduos acumulados ao redor das pálpebras.
- Alívio da Blefarite: Fórmula especializada que acalma pálpebras irritadas.
Para utilizar os lenços para pálpebras Dr. Fischer, retire um lenço da embalagem e feche bem para evitar que os lenços sequem. Em seguida, passe suavemente o lenço sobre as pálpebras e a área ao redor dos olhos, removendo a maquiagem e as impurezas. Não é necessário enxaguar após o uso. Para melhores resultados e uma sensação de limpeza e frescor nos olhos, recomenda-se o uso diário.
Anonymous –
Perfect for wiping the eyelids. Refreshing and easy to use. Convenient and individually wrapped.
Kindle Customer –
Eyelid irritation was a problem when I wore waterproof mascara. This product helped.
Vincent C. –
I really like these wipes, mainly because I don’t feel the dryness I felt with the others the next day.
These wipes are nice because I rip it down the middle with my hands and I have two wipes. Also, I rub the towlet for it to have more sudds and that does the job. Just the right amount of product on them. These are easy to use, easy to clean with and overall a very gentle clean. You can also take one anywhere anytime. Love them!
Dottie –
These eyelid wipes are large and work very well with no irritation.
Amazon Customer –
Soft and flexible.
W. Lang –
I have to use a ventilator at night, which really dries out my eyes. In the morning, as soon as I take off the CPAP mask, I have been using these wipes to help moisturize my eyes. They work really well and make my eyes feel better all morning. They are easy to use and the packaging is easy to open. Highly recommend.
Robert T. Wolfington –
The lid cleaners seem to work well once you can get them out of the packets they come in. I didn’t really believe the reviews from the people that said the packets were impossible to open without using scissors but take my word for it, they were 100% right! Each packet has a tiny slit in the corner where you’re supposed to be able to tear it open, it doesn’t work, it is impossible unless you use scissors. The company needs to seriously consider doing a package redesign because the packaging does not work. ~Robert’s Wife~
Update- These are actually the best eyelid wipes that I’ve tried, they cause no irritation and itching like most of the other brands do. The packaging problem isn’t quite as bad as I first thought, after the first few packets that wouldn’t open, the rest of the box seems to be opening fine. Honestly, I think that there were just a few defective packets in the box. I will definitely be buying again.
Kristina D. –
Excellent eye wipes, they do the job perfectly, and easily, and they don’t irritate my eyes or my skin. Everything is cleaned and soothed, with no effort. I’m so pleased with them, and they’re clean and handy in their sealed individual packets. I really recommend them.
Carol82c –
If you have eye issues or allergy issues that affect your eyes, these are really helpful!
Due to allergies, I make a lot of sleepies or eye crusties or whatever your word for it is. Basically, some days I wake up and feel like my eyelids and lashes are caked together. Gross, I know! And sometimes painful. I also get swelling of my eyelid and/or lash line, if my allergies get bad.
These wipes have made a huge difference for me . They even work better than drops I’ve been prescribed. These wipes cut thru the allergy gunk and even makeup, yet they are somehow still gentle enough that you can use directly on your lash lines.
I use these almost daily and have even used them twice a day on really bad allergy days. They’ve never caused me any irritation and I have sensitive skin. I’m on my 4th or 5th box of these and despite regular usage, I don’t have dry skin around my eyes, so they aren’t drying. They also don’t leave any kind of greasy residue behind.
These wipes work. Work well. Don’t irritate sensitive skin and are gentle yet very effective. These have now become a staple in my morning routine!
alooknac –
I have previously used the baby version of this and as far as I can tell, and by reviewing the ingredients, there is no difference.
I normally use a soft, damp, warm cloth every morning to clean my eyelids to keep blepharitis at bay. But I am having allergies this year for the first time in a long time, and in particular my eyes are very itchy. I decided to buy a box of these to clean my eyes without introducing warmth (warmth worsens my eye allergy symptoms). I first tried just using cool water on my cloth instead of warm, and it didn’t feel like it cleaned well and it still aggravated my itchy eyes.
This cloth was very soothing, easily cleaned my eyes, and relieved the itchiness for quite a while. I used one cloth for both eyes, being careful to use a fresh section for each eye. Some people cut them in half but that could introduce germs. (UPDATE: In my 2nd box the wipes were exactly square & folded all the same so it was hard to keep track of which end I already used. I now keep a pair of sterilized scissors handy to cut them in half before fully unfolding, using a half for each eye.)
I am very happy with this purchase. It’s too costly to use these all the time as well as being less environmentally friendly compared to a reusable cloth, but they are great for traveling or during allergy season.
I am very sensitive to perfumes and scents and I use only hypoallergenic lotions, detergents, etc. These seem fragrance free and did not bother me at all. They do not cause any burning or irritation to my eyes.