Dr. Clark Lugol’s Iodine 2%% é uma solução aquosa de iodeto de potássio e iodo granular, projetada para oferecer alívio natural para o estômago e cuidados com a saúde. Com 30 ml e um conta-gotas, esta fórmula de alta qualidade apresenta uma concentração de 2%% de iodo, proporcionando uma maneira eficaz e prática de manter a saúde da tireoide e promover uma digestão saudável. A coloração marrom característica da solução é um indicativo de sua pureza e eficácia, sendo um nutriente essencial que ajuda a manter níveis ótimos de iodo no organismo.
A combinação sinérgica de iodo granular hipoalergênico e iodeto de potássio não apenas apoia a função saudável da glândula tireoide, mas também possui propriedades antimicrobianas que podem contribuir para a saúde geral. O Dr. Clark Lugol’s Iodine é ideal para aqueles que buscam um suporte natural para o estômago, especialmente em momentos de desconforto digestivo. O uso regular deste produto pode ajudar a manter uma excelente digestão, mesmo em condições desafiadoras.
O uso sugerido é tomar a solução de iodo de estômago vazio, 15 minutos antes das refeições. Para uso regular, recomenda-se adicionar até ½ gota em um copo de água e consumir metade da mistura. Para situações que exigem um suporte mais intensivo, pode-se diluir até 12 gotas em ½ copo de água, sempre respeitando as orientações de um profissional de saúde. O frasco contém aproximadamente 720 gotas, garantindo um suprimento duradouro e eficaz.
- 1. Suporte à função saudável da tireoide: Essencial para a regulação hormonal e metabolismo.
- 2. Melhora da digestão: Ajuda a aliviar desconfortos estomacais e promove uma digestão eficiente.
- 3. Fórmula de alta qualidade: Ingredientes hipoalergênicos e testados em pureza garantem segurança e eficácia.
- 4. Fácil de usar: O conta-gotas permite uma dosagem precisa e conveniente.
- 5. Livre de aditivos indesejados: Compromisso com a pureza e qualidade, sem excipientes desnecessários.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar o Dr. Clark Lugol’s Iodine 2%% de estômago vazio, 15 minutos antes das refeições. Para uso regular, adicione até ½ gota em um copo de água e consuma metade da mistura. Para uso intensivo, dilua até 12 gotas em ½ copo de água, respeitando sempre as orientações de um profissional de saúde. Esta abordagem técnica assegura que você maximize os benefícios do produto, promovendo uma saúde ideal e um bem-estar duradouro.
A. N. –
I’ve lost 140 lbs so far doing keto and fasting. I needed thyroid support that did not show up in tests though I was developing a goiter. It has shrunk, I have more energy and got off a weight loss plateau by adding iodine to my water a few times per day. Highly recommend for anyone on a similar journey.
LC –
My journey into the research of iodine and supplementing began from a desperate place. My adult acne has been a struggle of many years and has wrecked havoc on my face and psychological well being. Thousands of dollars spent on doctors, antibiotics, commercial and homeopathic treatments that never made a real difference other than slimming my wallet. Then I came across the book by Melissa Gallico titled ‘The Hidden Cause of Acne’ and I came to the terrible realization that my years of research were completely mislead. It had never occurred to me that flouride has completely saturated the typical American lifestyle starting with diet and ending with the most essential of things in our home; water. I never knew how flouridated my house water was and how much it was destroying me skin from the outside while I poisoned myself drinking purified water, red wine and foods that have a toxic amount of flouride. I read her book thoroughly and decided to eliminate all flouride water from my diet since the best I could do to avoid my skin exposure was simply cleansing my face with my spring water and never taking a soaking bath in my house again. Not all areas of the USA have flouridated water but in my case the city has not updated to reverse osmosis filtration. With Mellisa Gallico’s research and brave testimony I introduced iodine into my daily supplementation along with magnesium selenium and vitamin C to help my body absorb the iodine and detoxify from the flouride. I’m no expert but I began with an extremely low dose of 1 droplet per day and increased to 2 my second week and so on. It’s been a slow process but my body feels and looks better every day, I can’t begin to imagine how much more damage the flouride in my body would have caused if I didn’t become aware of it. This iodine solution is perfect for anyone looking to begin a daily supplementation, just remember to incorporate selenium, magnesium and vitamin C to help in the process.
Amazon Customer –
In less than a month my fribrotic mass in my chest went away in combination with my carnivore diet, amazing!
Jedaias Azevedo –
I loved it
Keri Tackett –
As described! Love that it came with a glass dropper, too!
Judde –
Iodine Elemental and Iodine Iodide. I wish company would have put 1/2 drop First as the Serving Size. They put 12 drops for stomach saver which could be confusing. Iodine can be harmful if very careful (medical emergency). However, under No Circumstances would I take 20 drops of Iodine. If I have a stomach problem I would rather see a Dr, than risk Hyperthyroidism. Even taking 1/2 drop I take for very short time.
Rae –
I’ve been on a mission to cleanse my body of toxins. I’ve been using black seed oil and fermented skate fish liver oil and saw tremendous progress. While doing research, I found that most people with a western diet are iodine deficient, and that’s what’s a main cause for being unhealthy.
I ordered my iodine and decided to use two drops per bottle of water I drink. The same night I started drinking it I felt light headed, chills and felt slight pain in my stomach. I only drank half of that bottle. The morning after I found myself feeling refreshed and clean. I drank the rest of the bottle of water and noticed that the fog that always crowded my mind was gone. I had such clarity.
Over the next few days I noticed that my sleep had become deeper and more satisfying. I work overnights, and sleep during the day is almost impossible for me. I think this is the most incredible benefit for me.
I am curious to see if it will help with my autoimmune disease, though. Most, if not all, autoimmune diseases are linked to thyroid problems. I’ve read that iodine helps resolve these problems. I think iodine has begun to help with my autoimmune disease because I am no longer sluggish. I have incredible amounts of energy and motivation to accomplish EVERYTHING on my to do lost.
I have not felt this healthy since I was a young child and I cannot believe that this is practically being denied to us in the western culture. I highly recommend incorporating this into your diet, even if you do eat foods high in iodine.
Dee –
Really as good as a antiseptic, strange sore s that doesn’t clear could end up as an infection, iodine works on everything BUT I WOULDN’T PUT NEAR KIDS
Makes a difference after a week or two especially when your body is thirsty of Iode
c –
Love the quality