O Dr. Christopher’s Immucalm Powder 16 oz. é um produto de alta qualidade que foi cuidadosamente formulado para apoiar e fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Este pó é uma combinação única de ervas e nutrientes que trabalham em sinergia para promover a saúde e o bem-estar geral.
Com ingredientes naturais e de origem vegetal, o Immucalm Powder é uma opção segura e eficaz para fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Ele contém uma mistura de ervas como a equinácea, que é conhecida por suas propriedades imunomoduladoras, e o alho, que possui propriedades antimicrobianas e antioxidantes.
Além disso, este pó também é enriquecido com vitamina C, um poderoso antioxidante que ajuda a proteger as células do estresse oxidativo e fortalece o sistema imunológico. A vitamina C também desempenha um papel importante na produção de colágeno, que é essencial para a saúde da pele, das articulações e dos tecidos conectivos.
O Immucalm Powder é fácil de usar e pode ser adicionado a sucos, smoothies ou água. Ele é livre de aditivos artificiais, conservantes e corantes, tornando-o uma opção saudável para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico de forma natural.
Compre o Dr. Christopher’s Immucalm Powder 16 oz. e fortaleça seu sistema imunológico de maneira natural e eficaz. Sinta-se protegido e com mais energia para enfrentar o dia a dia!
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fortalece o sistema imunológico: O Immucalm Powder é formulado com ingredientes naturais que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, protegendo o corpo contra doenças e infecções.
- Promove a saúde geral: Além de fortalecer o sistema imunológico, este pó também fornece nutrientes essenciais para promover a saúde e o bem-estar geral do corpo.
- Fácil de usar: O Immucalm Powder pode ser facilmente adicionado a sucos, smoothies ou água, tornando-o uma opção conveniente para incluir em sua rotina diária.
- Ingredientes naturais: Este produto é feito com ingredientes naturais e de origem vegetal, sem aditivos artificiais, conservantes ou corantes.
- Qualidade garantida: O Dr. Christopher’s é uma marca renomada e confiável, conhecida por seus produtos de alta qualidade e eficácia comprovada.
- Redução do estresse: A fórmula do Immucalm Powder ajuda a acalmar o corpo e a mente, promovendo um estado de relaxamento que pode ser benéfico em momentos de tensão.
- Alívio de alergias: Os ingredientes naturais podem ajudar a aliviar sintomas alérgicos, proporcionando conforto durante as mudanças sazonais.
- Suporte à saúde digestiva: A presença de ervas benéficas pode contribuir para uma digestão saudável, melhorando a absorção de nutrientes.
- Aumento da energia: Com um sistema imunológico fortalecido, você pode se sentir mais disposto e energizado para enfrentar as atividades diárias.
- Proteção antioxidante: A vitamina C e outros antioxidantes presentes na fórmula ajudam a proteger as células do corpo contra danos causados por radicais livres.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de chá do Dr. Christopher’s Immucalm Powder 16 oz. em um copo de água, suco ou smoothie. Consuma uma vez ao dia, de preferência com o estômago vazio. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Tisocute –
I use it for Lupus. Calms my flares.
Scott T. –
I’ve had severe hayfever my whole life, and when the wind blows or I do anything dusty (in Arizona), I suffer for days. Runny itchy eyes and nose and nonstop sneezing for about 3 days once it starts, even if I stay inside and shower every day. A lot of times it starts on its own after I get up in the morning (Personally I think it is largely due to the desert molds and fungus spores that are in all the dust and dirt – inside the house and out!). I had heard of people curing food allergies with this stuff and I decided it was worth the money several times over if it works, so I did what someone else suggested – take 24 capsules (I took a tablespoon mixed in a glass of water) when it starts, then again every half hour after that until symptoms go away. I kept record of how many times I took it each day for the two month period I was home in Arizona for the summer.
For the first month, I averaged about 3x a day, with most days only requiring 2 doses. Shortly after the second dose my nose would stop running and the rest of my symptoms would go away to the point I would forget about it, for the rest of the day. Even allergy medication doesn’t work that reliably for me. I did have to take it every day, but I was getting into dusty stuff doing cleaning all that month. There were a few days I had to take up to 5 doses, but in the end it worked. There were a couple days it never went away and I gave up after about 7 doses, but I think my symptoms for those days were actually due to a cold that was going around… There were a few days the next month I took it once or twice, but mostly just the first half of the month. I didn’t take it at all the second half. It is possible the slow-down was mainly because I wasn’t as exposed to dust, as I had already done most of my cleaning, but even if that’s the case and the reduction in allergies wasn’t permanent like the food allergies I had heard about before (I’ll have to wait ’til I go home again for awhile to know for sure), it was definitely still worth it. Also, the feeling of relief is better, more natural. When I take allergy medication it feels mechanical/forced. My nose dries up, but it still doesn’t feel normal. When I take this, the symptoms just kind of go away and it feels normal and good.
To those worried about dosages, Dr. Christopher said to take an amount proportional to the severity of the attack. Since this stuff is basically food (as with many herbs) it is difficult to overdose. One tablespoon is equivalent to about 22 size 0 capsules, so that was convenient. Normal recommended daily dose, as with basically all of his herbs, is 2 capsules 3x a day. Mixing bulk powder in water is a great way to take it because it’s cheaper, and the flavor is not unpleasant. It’s very mild and lightly sweet, though a bit… slimy perhaps? Probably because marshmallow is a mucilaginous herb.
Chip –
Outstanding product, ragweed symptoms gone in 48 hours. I will re-order!
Emily Anastasia –
This is pry the most expensive Dr Christopher product that I have came across, but it is certainly worth the money.
I have really bad interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome) and this product has been absolutely nothing short of amazing.
No more frequent urination.
No more severe pain.
No more burning.
It is also helping my Hashimotos thyroiditis.
Within a day or significantly shrunk my enlarged thyroid.
For two days I had to use the bathroom constantly because I was holding a lot of fluids, and this helped me pass all the fluid I have been holding onto.
This really is a fantastic product.
Everyone around me was also getting the flu.
Sick for a week.
I was only sick for one day.
EDIT 5/29/2023
I quit using it, as I have issues with discipline and staying with a product long term.
I’m currently using it again for what turns out wasn’t interstitial cystitis but mast cell activation syndrome!
On 5tbsps a day for a week and for the first time in years I can tolerate being out in the heat!
Hot weather actually feels good on my body!
No longer burns!
I would come close to anaphylaxis on a 65 degree cool weather with some sun, where now I am able to come outside in 85 degree weather and tolerate it better than those around me!
I thank the school and I thank dr Christopher for all he did when he was alive, as well as his son and family for keeping the school around, and I thank GOD for leaving us with such fantastic healing herbs!