Dr. CHRISTOPHER’S, Pó de Desintoxicação Rápida do Cólon Cleanse – 8 oz (227 g) é um produto que ajuda a limpar e desintoxicar o cólon de forma rápida e eficaz. Sua fórmula em pó facilita o consumo e promove a eliminação de toxinas e resíduos acumulados no intestino. Com ingredientes naturais, esse produto auxilia na melhora da digestão, regularidade intestinal e na saúde geral do cólon. Desenvolvido pelo renomado Dr. Christopher, este pó de desintoxicação do cólon é formulado com ervas e plantas medicinais conhecidas por suas propriedades desintoxicantes e purificadoras. Esses ingredientes ajudam a eliminar toxinas e resíduos acumulados no cólon, promovendo assim uma melhor absorção de nutrientes e uma digestão saudável.
O Dr. CHRISTOPHER’S, Cleanse Quick Colon D-Tox Powder – 8 oz é livre de ingredientes artificiais, corantes e conservantes, garantindo que você esteja consumindo um produto puro e natural, sem adição de substâncias prejudiciais à saúde. A facilidade de uso é um dos grandes atrativos deste produto: basta misturar uma colher de chá do pó em um copo de água ou suco e consumir diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã, com o estômago vazio, para obter melhores resultados.
1. Desintoxicação eficaz: Elimina toxinas e resíduos acumulados no cólon, proporcionando uma desintoxicação profunda.
2. Melhora a digestão: Promove uma função digestiva saudável, ajudando na absorção de nutrientes e prevenindo constipação e inchaço.
3. Ingredientes naturais: Composição livre de substâncias artificiais, corantes e conservantes, garantindo um produto puro e seguro.
4. Fácil de usar: Prático e conveniente, basta misturar com água ou suco para um consumo diário.
5. Produto confiável: Desenvolvido por um especialista em medicina natural, assegurando qualidade e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de chá do pó de desintoxicação do cólon em um copo de água ou suco. Consuma diariamente pela manhã, com o estômago vazio. É importante seguir as instruções de uso e não exceder a dose recomendada. Para maximizar os benefícios, mantenha uma dieta equilibrada e beba bastante água ao longo do dia.
Diana –
This has worked for me so far.
Mik –
I bought it along with Quick Colon Part 1 and Parasite Syrup. I think this is fairly effective colon cleanse. However, what bothers me is the fact that it does not mix well with water and get stuck on the glass or cup or whatever I use to drink.
Victoria C. Wood –
My internist instructed me to take two kinds of fiber – a tablet that I take twice a day (2 each time), and a powder that I take three times a day with 16 ozs. of water or juice. I added this tonic cleanse to the powder mix and feel it’s essential because it removes the cause of the diverticulitis I’m treating. Again as with other products I’ve reviewed, I’m not recommending that anyone use this in place of a doctor’s prescription for antibiotics. I did it only because I was having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics, and did it against doctor’s orders. But I feel this product is really essential to my recovery and am so thankful it’s available.
carlo mathiesen –
When used in conjunction with Colon Cleanse #1, it is an excellent Natural Method of De-Toxing and Cleansing your Lower Bowel and Restoring ‘Vitality’ to your whole Body. I use these two products four times a year and swear by their positive results.
S Cabrera –
I’ve used this type of product in the past with good results. This time around using this particular brand I seem to need a little extra “oomph” to keep things moving. Most likely my fault because I believe their is a supplement that goes along with it that I didn’t bother to purchase.
Amazon Customer –
I haven’t used it, yet. However, everything else I have used has benefited me and my family greatly.
Anya Luz Lobos, author of Wild Knowing –
I already reviewed this product a few weeks ago, so why was I asked to review it again? I put a lot of time and energy into that review, because this product is amazing. In just one day, it put an end to a problem that’s been plaguing me for over 20 years. I first purchased Dr.Christopher’s Quick Colon about 2 months ago.
Prior to purchasing it: twenty or more years of having to deal with reluctant-colon and slow-colon types of conditions (as well as completely-immobile-colon situations.) One day after trying this product (and every day ever since,) my colon has been happy and (just the right amount of) on the go. One level teaspoon a day in a glass of orange juice is all I usually need. (This, in itself, is amazing.)
Once in a while I might chase it down with a mug of comfortably-hot lemon water or hot water to which I’ve added a little prune juice. (This sounds dreadful but actually tastes quite good.) There’s something about hot water, first thing in the morning, that really gets the intestines to relax. However, it’s the Dr. Christopher’s that achieves the unbelievable results. I know this from experience. For the last twenty or more years…I’ve tried so many different things — even things that made me gag, like gobs and gobs of that horrible Metamucil stuff. Nothing worked, at least not very well. And I was getting to the point where I dreaded the next dose of whatever it was that I was taking!
Quick Colon, on the other hand, works like a charm every time for me. And…it’s easy and painless to take. It makes my orange juice look oddly dark, but the good OJ flavor is still there!
Marie Vertin –
Put it in your morning shake, that takes care of the awful taste.