Dr. Christopher’s Original Formulas – Cápsulas Fórmula Renal, 475 mg, 100 Unidades é um suplemento dietético projetado para promover a saúde dos rins e do sistema urinário. Com uma fórmula sinérgica de ervas, cada cápsula contém 475 mg de ingredientes naturais que trabalham em conjunto para apoiar a função renal saudável, facilitar a eliminação de toxinas e manter o equilíbrio dos níveis de fluidos no corpo. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem natural para cuidar da saúde renal, sem a adição de produtos químicos ou ingredientes artificiais. As cápsulas são feitas de 100% vegetais puros, garantindo uma opção saudável e confiável para o bem-estar.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte ao sistema urinário: As cápsulas de Dr. Christopher’s Original Formulas Kidney Formula fornecem um suporte eficaz para o sistema urinário, ajudando a manter a saúde dos rins e da bexiga.
- Fórmula sinérgica de ervas: Esta fórmula exclusiva combina várias ervas poderosas que trabalham em conjunto para promover a saúde renal e urinária.
- Suplemento dietético natural: As cápsulas são feitas de ingredientes vegetais puros, sem adição de produtos químicos ou ingredientes artificiais. É uma opção natural para cuidar da saúde dos rins.
- Qualidade confiável: Dr. Christopher’s Original Formulas é uma marca conhecida e confiável no mercado de suplementos naturais. Você pode confiar na qualidade deste produto.
- 100 cápsulas por frasco: Cada frasco contém 100 cápsulas, o que garante um suprimento duradouro. Você não precisará se preocupar em ficar sem o produto tão cedo.
- Promove a função renal saudável, essencial para a eliminação de resíduos e toxinas do corpo.
- Ajuda a manter o equilíbrio dos fluidos, contribuindo para a saúde geral do organismo.
- Fórmula natural que evita aditivos químicos, ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
- Confiabilidade da marca Dr. Christopher, reconhecida por sua qualidade e eficácia em produtos naturais.
- Suprimento duradouro com 100 cápsulas, proporcionando praticidade e economia.
Tome 2 cápsulas diariamente com água ou conforme indicado pelo seu profissional de saúde. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se ingerir as cápsulas com o estômago vazio, pelo menos 30 minutos antes das refeições. Essa prática maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos da fórmula sobre a saúde renal.
Heather Markowski –
Admittedly, I’ve only taken this one night, so I can’t speak about long term effects, but what a huge difference in just one dose! I was waking up with excruciating pain in my kidneys every morning, to the point that it was hard for me to get dressed. I didn’t know if it was structural or my kidneys. OTC pain meds didn’t work so I thought it may be my kidneys. I know my blood work tends to show some slightly elevated kidney markers, so I suspected my kidneys to not always be functioning optimally. I gave Dr Christopher’s kidney formula a shot, just to see what happens. I have zero pain this morning. Zero! My urine was a light color. I really can’t believe the change in just one dose. I’ll definitely continue taking this!
david garner –
This is an excellent value
Cynthia del toro –
The first bottle I took I felt fine but I started drinking a second bottle and it made me feel nauseous I don’t know why if I read it and it had good reviews
quality & comfort –
I take this on occasion. No side effects noticed. Good ingredients.
Sandra Friedwagner –
First of all – I am a pharmacist and dont believe in natural remedies or herbs to heal or help conditions, so this cant be due to “happy thinking” or some sort of placebo effect. I have had kidney stones, excrutiating pain and cronic inflammation in one of my kidneys for almost 4 years. I have tried everything there is and not even drinking 5 liter of water a day has helped. Unfortunatelly i had to restart my life from 0 and have not been in a very good economic situation. To the point of not being able to do medical check ups. Only thing that has kept me going through the day is the constant use of narcotic painkillers cause the pain has been almost 24/7 nonstop since a few month. Needless to say, I was very scared…my body giving me warning signs of such intensity and i am not able to do anything about it for now. I saw those pills on the internet and ordered them because I would like to think that if my kidney stops working, I at least tried some other things besides medicine, but didnt really think much about it. I sure did read the reviews and had a little hope left that it could improve maybe just a bit (the little things…). They arrived yesterday and last night i took the first 2 pills. An hour later, i was pain free. I thought this must be a weird coincidence…how can herbs and roots take the pain of a cronic condition away like that when not even morphine is doing the job anymore….This morning took the next two….i am pain free. I feel like wanting to cry out of joy and at the same time dont really believe it yet. Cause how is that possible? I just know that it is and I am through the roof to say the least. To whoever made this formula – thank you for giving me my life back. I am so happy!!
Katherine Law –
I bought a different brand, Natural Factors Urinary Flow, and those little pills smelled like maple syrup, but I didn’t notice much difference in kidney/urinary function.
Dr. Christopher’s, WOW. I noticed a difference immediately, and it’s continuing into day 2. I’m feeling a bit of detox pain in my kidney area (I was also experiencing pain & UTI’s before) but I am urinating more heavily, and frequently now, and feel relief after urinating. They also make me more thirsty, which is fantastic. I’m drinking and peeing constantly. These pills are the real deal.
Bonus, my acne has cleared up as well and it’s been bad for over a month now – it seems my kidneys were the cause which I did not expect. Very interesting. GET THIS KIDNEY FORMULA IF YOU HAVE KIDNEY PROBLEMS. They work folks. No doubt about it.
Sgt. Slab Wrankle –
I started using this kidney formula when I started noticing strange kidney symptoms (pain in my kidney areas, urinating more often than usual, and foam in my urine) typically, these symptoms are from what I understand are signs of kidney problems. I have been taking this kidney formula for about four days now and I have noticed improvements in both my kidneys and it’s a great way to take care of your kidneys to. It’s better than having kidney disease or worse kidney failure and I don’t want to half to be put on dialysis. I am doing everything I can to avoid kidney problems/failure now and I’m going to take this formula from now on as a dietary supplement to keep my kidneys healthy and in good working order. and the best part about this supplement is its all natural which is better than taking medication from the doctor in my opinion. The quality of the bottle is a bit poor. the printed ink on the labeling for the supplement facts on the bottle comes off very easily after a few days but the bottle itself is sealed and keeps the capsules fresh for about two years. (remember that this is not intended to cure, treat, or diagnose any disease) It’s more of a preventative measure to avoid these problems like eating healthy organic foods as opposed to eating junk or processed foods. Your kidneys are very important organs and you can only live about 5 to 6 hours without them so take care of them in any way you can.
Franklin E Morris –
This product was recommended by a friend who was very pleased with the results. I have to agree with him.