Descrição do Produto: Dr. Boz – Keto BHB Powder – Mexican Chocolate Spice, 20 Porções
Descubra a energia revitalizante que o Dr. Boz – Keto BHB Powder – Mexican Chocolate Spice pode trazer para o seu dia a dia. Este poderoso suplemento de cetonas exógenas é formulado para proporcionar um impulso energético sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados, como nervosismo ou náuseas. Com um sabor delicioso de chocolate holandês, você pode misturá-lo facilmente com água ou sua bebida favorita, desfrutando de uma experiência sem grumos, sem gosto de giz e sem retrogosto. O Dr. Boz é ideal para quem está passando pela transição inicial para a cetose ou para aqueles que precisam retornar à cetose após um deslize na dieta.
- Max Strength Keto BHB – Diga adeus à sensação de zumbido e aproveite a energia que vem com as cetonas ativas em seu sangue. Este produto é uma solução eficaz para quem busca um aumento de energia sem os efeitos colaterais comuns.
- Energia Duradoura – As cetonas exógenas podem aumentar dramaticamente sua energia a qualquer hora do dia, proporcionando uma melhoria física e mental instantânea com a fórmula que contém os sais de BHB de mais alta qualidade.
- Alta Qualidade & Testado em Laboratório – Suplementos de keto precisamente medidos, fabricados nos EUA, que apoiam a inovação que alimenta os objetivos de fitness de atletas de elite e pessoas conscientes da saúde.
- Conheça a Dra. Boz – A Dra. Annette Bosworth é uma médica de medicina interna com 20 anos de experiência, ajudando pacientes a superar condições crônicas por meio de ajustes de estilo de vida e medicina preventiva.
- Especialista em Vida Keto – Filha de um fazendeiro, a Dra. Boz é uma profissional reconhecida, com aparições em CNN, Time, US News & World Report e Fox News, além de contar com mais de meio milhão de inscritos no YouTube.
1. Aumento significativo de energia sem efeitos colaterais indesejados.
2. Facilita a transição para a cetose, ideal para iniciantes e aqueles que enfrentam retrocessos.
3. Sabor agradável de chocolate, tornando o consumo mais prazeroso.
4. Produto de alta qualidade, testado em laboratório e fabricado nos EUA.
5. Apoio de uma especialista reconhecida na área de saúde e nutrição.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher medida (aproximadamente 10g) do Dr. Boz – Keto BHB Powder em 240ml de água ou na bebida de sua preferência. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se consumir uma porção pela manhã para um impulso energético duradouro ou antes de atividades físicas para maximizar o desempenho. É importante seguir uma dieta cetogênica adequada para potencializar os efeitos do produto e alcançar seus objetivos de saúde e fitness.
Anonamo –
If you are a long time keto person, you should not need BHB or MCT UNLESS you’re fasting (to help you make it though-lil extra boost). If you are new to keto, BHB is a must. PLEASE RESEARCH Dr. Boz video’s before starting! Too much info to type, you have to build up for both BHB or MCT DO NOT take a full dose and expect to be okay, and you need to understand glucose levels, how it works and you need to monitor.
If you have ever made lemonade w/ real actual stevia, that is what this tastes like-closest I can describe. If you can’t tolerate or don’t like stevia then buy a capsule-Boz has them. I kind of like the taste, but COMPLETELY understand why some folks hate it (it’s the ONLY sweet tasting drink I’ve had in YEARS). After studying keto for 10+ years and being back on the band wagon for 7 months strong; I decided to try BHB due to some signs of insulin resistance and really just wanting a temporary extra boost.
About the same price as others, maybe even more affordable than others; esp. one that I looked at yesterday YIKES! I tried Dr. Boz’s brand as I found Boz on youtube (main reason for buying), she’s an internal medicine doc. Internal medicine docs work on the mystery cases-tough cases, so ya can’t be a dummy to be an internal med doc, sorta like endocrinologists or anesthesiologists, they really need to know their stuff. I also love supporting small business and helping those who spend countless hours helping others for free.
Yes, it really works! My ketones were struggling between .5 and .8 without them (MAYYYYYBE 1.0 on a good day). They had been much higher on my own months ago-but tapering off. I’ve worked my way up to 2 glasses a day so I can keep the ketones boosted most of the day, now they’re between 2 & 4. BHB is short lived (2-3 hours ave.). Fasting levels this a.m. were 2.5! Meaning I had no ketones-in-a-can in my body, so my own body produced that 2.5 ketones! I tried good quality and the right kind of MCT a month or so ago, NEVER got those levels even after weeks of consistent use. It is NOT cheap, even Dr. Boz says that all the time, but if you need a boost for a while until your body starts to more ketones on its own, then this is a must. I was resistant to all these products, went through very mild keto-flu (because I’m smart and know what to do to avoid it), but if I was at the beginning stage of doing keto, I’d DEFINITELY start with this!
Denise H –
I wish it didn’t have the sweetener horrible after taste . But works great
William M. Sauve, MD –
This product tastes great. Increases ketones slightly when sipped over the course of an hour or two (mixed into 20 oz of water). It did not increase ketones hugely, but did increase ketones and kept ketones at higher level for several hours
Molly –
The first thing I noticed when I opened the box was that there was an awful lot of powder on the outside of the packets, rather than inside them. Annoyed that something that costs as much as this stuff does, they should treat every particle of it like gold, I commenced making myself a cup of hot chocolate. The packets are made of paper, easy to tear open, and reminiscent of a simpler time when products weren’t all packaged in some kind of space aged material that either tears unpredictably or can’t be torn at all. Any remaining peevishness I had evaporated completely once I tasted the deliciousness. It’s not as spicy as I thought it might be, but there’s just enough spice to make it more interesting than plain chocolate. Add a big splash of heavy cream, and it’s better than any cocoa I’ve tasted. I suppose It’s possible that I may have forgotten what cocoa is supposed to taste like, given that I haven’t had any for decades, but I’m delighted with it. The taste is just a bonus, because the real reason for drinking this is to nudge me into ketosis, which it does admirably, with no gastrointestinal repercussions. I’ll be needing some more soon!
Priscilla Bettis –
This is my first ketones drink ever. I thought it’d taste horrible, but it’s not too bad. It’s kind of like a powdered protein drink they sell for weight lifters. The “spice” part is very gentle, not spicy-hot. I tested before and after–the drink definitely delivers ketones.
William M. Sauve, MD –
Specifically ordered this product because I very badly wanted to try it in coffee, and I’m happy to say it was just the perfect thing!
The biggest problem with consumable ketones (beta-hydroxybutyrate – BHB) is palatability. Straight up BHB is acid, and very tart, unacceptably so to many people. Ketone esters are a volatile compound and taste exactly how you might think – about like the worst vodka you ever put in your mouth. Ketone salts are typically more palatable, but still, the flavor and ability to mix up in a beverage so you can drink it down is a challenge.
This particular flavor (dutch chocolate) is a perfect mixture of all the factors, a great delivery of actual BHB (I drank one packet in my coffee and saw my blood BHB rise to well over 2.0mmol) a great flavor for mixing in coffee (which is perfect, since I want my ketones first thing in the morning before I train,) and very easy to mix – just a packet in the mug, pour some coffee over it, a few seconds with the little hand frother, and I’m good to go.
I have no complaints about this product at all, it does exactly what I want and fits perfectly into my morning routine. Highly recommend.