Douglas Laboratories® – Óxido de Magnésio – Suporte à Função Cardíaca Normal e Formação Óssea – 250 Cápsulas
O Óxido de Magnésio da Douglas Laboratories® é um suplemento de alta qualidade que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde cardiovascular e na formação óssea. Com 250 cápsulas em cada frasco, este produto é formulado para fornecer uma dose eficaz de magnésio, um mineral essencial que participa de mais de 300 reações bioquímicas no corpo humano. O magnésio é fundamental para a função normal do coração, ajudando a regular os batimentos cardíacos e a pressão arterial, além de ser vital para a saúde dos ossos, contribuindo para a mineralização e a densidade óssea.
A deficiência de magnésio pode levar a uma série de problemas de saúde, incluindo cãibras musculares, fadiga, e até mesmo complicações cardíacas. O uso regular do Óxido de Magnésio da Douglas Laboratories® pode ajudar a prevenir esses problemas, promovendo um coração saudável e ossos fortes. Este suplemento é ideal para pessoas que buscam melhorar sua saúde geral, atletas que necessitam de recuperação muscular, e aqueles que desejam manter um estilo de vida ativo e saudável.
1. Suporte à Saúde Cardíaca: Ajuda a regular a função cardíaca e a pressão arterial.
2. Fortalecimento Ósseo: Contribui para a formação e manutenção de ossos saudáveis.
3. Melhora na Recuperação Muscular: Auxilia na redução de cãibras e na recuperação após exercícios físicos.
4. Aumento da Energia: Combate a fadiga e melhora a disposição diária.
5. Fácil de Incorporar na Rotina: Disponível em cápsulas, facilitando a ingestão diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de Óxido de Magnésio da Douglas Laboratories® por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações do seu médico ou nutricionista para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
LittleGreenWings –
I use this along with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as a substitute for Oxy Powder which is ridiculously expensive and this along with Vitamin C pills works just the same. You do need to use it along with the vitamin C though, or it doesn’t work as well, at least for me, it did not. Not sure why, but I’ve experimented enough to know that it definitely needs the two ingredients, they seem to work together to give good results. There’s nothing special about synthetic magnesium oxide, so no need to buy an expensive brand – this brand seemed to be the best in terms of price.
DeskJockey –
I switched to Magnesium Oxide 500 mg daily, from Magnesium Taurate 200mg, on the advice of my headache doctor. My migraines are nearly gone, and the doctor thinks the magnesium oxide deserves the credit. I’m also take vitamin B2 400 mg, carefully watching my triggers (headlights, sunlight, fluorescent lights, flashing lights), and getting physical therapy on my neck. Still …. I’ve doing all that other stuff for 6 months, but the migraines didn’t abate until I switched to this type of magnesium.
Analytical Consumer –
This is a tough review to write because as a health scientist, I’m reluctant to show cause-and-affect without a blind study. Nonetheless, as an avid hiker I was experiencing significant thigh pain after long and arduous hikes. They relief came with 800mg Ibuprofen and leg stretching, especially in the middle of the night. Since taking this product, I haven’t experienced any problem after hikes. Is it the Magnesium Oxide or something else – well, I don’t know but continue to take this product because of personal outcomes.
There are various Mg products on the market and my Internist recommended the MgOx. Again, I’m not for sure if this is the most efficacious product but it apparently works well for me.
dlucas –
These are powerful. According to the colon cleanse regimen I was doing it instructed one to take 1 500mg. capsule per 50 lbs of weight. I weigh 120 lbs. and didn’t know whether I should take 2 or 3 capsules, so I took 3 (as if I weighed 150 lbs.), but that was too much because it gave me a headache and I felt a bit crummy. The next time I only took 2 and that was exactly right. So if you are doing Shane Ellison’s $1.41 colon cleanse, and don’t weigh over 150 lbs., take 2 of these very powerful capsules.
J. Wear –
Magnesium Oxide is Very Good for people who have bad headaches ….. as well for constipation!
Taking Magnesium Oxide is proven to help keep headaches away, but you Must take it daily. Personally, I take 500 to 1,000 mg daily, There have been times I have taken 1,500 mg. I would imagine each person would be different.
Taking upwards of 1,500 mg is how I discovered its’ usefulness for constipation!! When taken in large amounts, ti causes loose stools, so if one is constipated, it is definitely a great product for that as well.
Best of luck to all!
AMZN Customer –
The formulation has changed. No longer lists titanium dioxide. The label photo is not correct then.
Mad Russian –
I was suffering from myoclonus which is a condition where the inner ear muscle that attaches to the ear drum begins to vibrate. The only American medicine solution is to either inject the muscle with Botox or sever / cut the muscle with a surgical knife. Huh? Slice into my ear muscle with a knife? It carries a risk of facial paralysis on parts of your face? Um no thank you, I will suffer with a popping ear drum ya dummy. After reading more I found that Magnesium and lack of this vital mineral in your body leads to many common health ailments. After taking this for a few days, trying to relax and getting more sleep, avoiding alcohol my thumping eardrum completely vanished! These Magnesium supplements are THA BOMB!
P.S. This has caused me to eat healthier as well.
Cathy –
Bought this product as part of a cleansing and detoxing process and it did its job. I have high BP and magnesium citrate helps with
it by helping the arteries to relax and constrict as needed so I take it every day for this reason – I’m trying to get off BP drugs and
since I started using this along with other things I have reduced my intake of the prescription drugs and feel much better. I like this
particular brand because it does not have a bunch of ‘other’ crap included – it is one of the few brands I’ve found that is a stand alone
product which is what I wanted. Too many brands use fillers and other nutrients when you only want one particular nutrient.