doTERRA Women Bone Nutrient Essential Complex
O doTERRA Women Bone Nutrient Essential Complex é uma fórmula avançada projetada para atender às necessidades nutricionais específicas das mulheres, especialmente em relação à saúde óssea. As mulheres começam a construir massa óssea em uma idade precoce, atingindo a densidade óssea máxima no final dos vinte anos. Com o passar do tempo, especialmente após os 30 anos, a massa óssea começa a declinar, tornando os ossos mais frágeis e suscetíveis a fraturas. Este processo pode ser acelerado em mulheres cuja dieta não inclui níveis ideais de nutrientes essenciais para os ossos e cujos hormônios estão desregulados.
Além disso, a falta de gerenciamento dos metabólitos de estrogênio prejudiciais pode contribuir para a degeneração óssea. O doTERRA Bone Nutrient Essential Complex é uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada de vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde óssea, incluindo vitaminas C e D, cálcio, magnésio e outros minerais traço. Este complexo pode ser utilizado por mulheres (e homens) de todas as idades como um suplemento dietético, facilitando o aumento do consumo de nutrientes ósseos que frequentemente estão em falta nas dietas modernas.
Stephanie Crockett –
I went back and looked at the product again and do not see the dosing schedule listed. I was not aware when I ordered that the daily dose was four capsules. The capsules are large and I have not been able to take four at a time. I tried dividing into two doses and this was just not convenient for my schedule. Not to mention if you are also taking other vitamins/supplements, it’s just too many things to take at once. So I have 3/4 of the bottle sitting in my cabinet. I do believe DoTerra products are of good quality as I am a huge fan of their oils. I was excited to try their vitamin line. Wish I realized there was a return option with Amazon. I was not aware vitamins or medications could be returned. At least I learned something with this order?!
Susan E. Pajari –
I use this bone supplement every day. I was so happy that it was available on Amazon and I could get it more quickly since I had run out
MaeLou –
I find this calcium supplement more gentle on my stomach than other brands I have tried. Some are very harsh during digestion. Highly recommend.
Martie Nichols –
Taking this product as a bone nutrient
Annie –
Been using bone nutrient for years & it has worked wonders.
Start taking after knee replacement.
natalie montana –
I am taking these , but how do you know a bone nutrient is working , ? I cannot rate it . I can however , say it smells funny , almost rancid , but its a powder , in a capsule , so I took one apart , its dry and good consistancy , just smelly stuff I guess . Im taking them and no ill effects., as a rancid oil , would send my guts rolling . nothing like that .
will not go without it love the product
Gloria Cunningham –
It works