Doctor’s Best Benfotiamine: O Suporte Ideal para o Equilíbrio Glicêmico
O Doctor’s Best Benfotiamine é um suplemento inovador que se destaca por sua formulação avançada e altamente biodisponível, sendo um derivado lipossolúvel da tiamina (Vitamina B1). Este produto é especialmente formulado para apoiar a saúde do sistema circulatório e nervoso, além de proporcionar uma influência positiva sobre os produtos finais de glicação avançada (AGEs). A benfotiamina é reconhecida por sua capacidade de atravessar facilmente as membranas celulares, oferecendo suporte não apenas para uma resposta glicêmica equilibrada, mas também para a defesa antioxidante do organismo.
Ao incorporar o Doctor’s Best Benfotiamine em sua rotina, você estará contribuindo para a manutenção da saúde dos tecidos e promovendo o bem-estar geral. Este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que buscam um suporte eficaz para uma resposta glicêmica e metabólica que já se encontra dentro da faixa normal. Além disso, a benfotiamina ajuda a aumentar os níveis sanguíneos de vitamina B1, essencial para a saúde dos nervos e do sistema nervoso, garantindo que seu corpo funcione de maneira otimizada.
Cada cápsula contém 150mg de benfotiamina, e a embalagem vem com 120 cápsulas, oferecendo uma solução prática e confiável para suas necessidades diárias. O Doctor’s Best Benfotiamine é vegano, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), é livre de glúten e soja, garantindo um suplemento puro e de qualidade.
– Suporte ao Equilíbrio Glicêmico: Ajuda a manter uma resposta glicêmica saudável, essencial para o controle dos níveis de açúcar no sangue.
– Saúde do Sistema Nervoso: Contribui para a saúde dos nervos, promovendo um sistema nervoso mais forte e resiliente.
– Defesa Antioxidante: Oferece proteção contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres, ajudando a preservar a saúde celular.
– Fácil Absorção: A forma lipossolúvel da benfotiamina permite uma absorção mais eficiente, maximizando os benefícios do suplemento.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produto vegano e livre de alérgenos comuns, ideal para quem busca um suplemento seguro e confiável.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Doctor’s Best Benfotiamine, uma ou duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, para otimizar a absorção e os efeitos benéficos. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
RockNRoll –
Miracle worker.
I can tell when I don’t take it.
Quites the food noise and I don’t over eat.
RomaineCalm –
Got these as an add on supplement to Agmatine, AcytelCartiine for possible neuropathy. Thiamine was one supplement touted that can help.
I’m not diagnosed yet, my appt in Feb, but these three supplements seem to be helping me in a major way. Is it just this product, can’t say. I have no side effects, they are very tiny and easy to swallow.
John Thomas –
I don’t have diabetes, nor am I pre diabetic. But in have had problems with neuropathy tingling and numbness for years. Most often it never got any worse than that. I used to take bitter melon when the tingling was particularly troublesome and it worked very well…Then about 3 months ago I started to get much more pain in my hands, and especially my feet…A true neuropathy pain or damage was developing. It some times is just like you have walked several miles and they hurt like hell. Other times they had a terrible aching that could not be relived by any pain killer I tried..But no question the very worst of it was this relentless, intense, sensitivity where you can’t even bear to even touch your feet, or each other.. This sensitivity was something I could barely able to take without running off to some treatment center somewhere and begging them to give me anything or do anything to relieve at least some of it..If anyone has ever had shingles and remembers the terrible sensitivity of your whole torso you know exactly what I mean…Things like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, occasionally helped some, but not with the horrible burning feeling and pain. I ended up having to sit up in a chair all night at it’s worth with my feet on a pillow and separated. Laying down and trying to sleep was was just slow torture…Their touching each other, tops of the overs, was inevitable and painful.
I was actually surprised to see how little they had written up about this pain, especially the kind of neuropathy that is not caused by diabetes. My research into it necessitated that I always make sure I typed “non diabetic” to get any results for searches…Actually what caused my neuropathy is immaterial. I just know that it was not from diabetes and the highly touted Alpha Lipoic Acid, an effective anti pain choice for diabetic neuropathy sufferers that I tried at first did not do a thing to stem the pain here.. Enter this Drs, Choice Benfo that showed up first on Amazon when going for an effective home remedy I had never heard of it, but it was full of testimonials about people with horrible neuropathy foot feeling everything from a complete recovery to just an acceptable level of relief. Both from diabetic and non diabetic neuropathy. I would say that my level of effectiveness with it being around 7 to 8 on a 9 to 10 scale. With amount of painful, sleepless nights I have had, that is a godsend…There were some mornings I needed crutches just to stand up..I’ll fully admit I don’t go or trust doctors unless I am absolutely forced too. I investigate here online what is going on with my symptoms first.. I did learn that there is really not much doctors can do with this except provide a prescription drug that is a last resort for me…I hate being tied to a doctor and insurance companies just for painkillers..Not the case so far here now that I have found this..
In conclusion, this is not a miracle drug that will see all of us running around the block first thing in the morning. But I can say that is certainly is the most painful, crippling condition I have ever come across or been afflicted with in my life. And any real time of effective relief from it I am grateful for..I take it now regularly for pain relief. It comes close to a miracle price charge however with other so called remedies for Neuro foot pain coming in some instances near three times much. I tried them too. Didn’t work. Just a last couple of things to remember…I started out using this at the suggested dosage which is once a day. It took me a while to realize that some people here with other brands as well as this take sometimes double and even triple the dosage to get relief. I now take a capsule day and night and are doing much better.. (Try taking this with Arthritis strength tylenol every 12 hours…Never did me any good by itself, but along with this Benfo it seems much more effective…And although there is more powerful Benfo to be had, I like Dr.s Best and used it for years. It’s a worthy part of my daily regimen here..Really great stuff that is a blessing to me and comes at a very fair price. The worst it can do is not help you…The best will be that you will write a review where you just can’t say enough about it…:)
Amazon Customer –
I have only taken this product for about a month but expected to feel some results from what I had heard about the product from “experts” on Youtube. It may be a very good product but I cannot tell any difference.
BlueWaveMermaid –
Vitamin B1, Benfotiamine, turns into thiamine in the body. Some say it’s good for cognition, and I have noticed that I am having flashbacks of things long forgotten.
Rakshit Rao –
This will cure any sort of nerve pain in body. Cured my peripheral neuropathy in just 45 days.
Ronald M. Chavin –
Benfotiamine prevents and treats polyneuropathy (neuropathy), leukoencephalopathy (encephalopathy/psychopathy), nephropathy (podocytopathy/glomerulopathy), microangiopathy, retinopathy, maculopathy, papillopathy, keratopathy, opthalmopathy, macroangiopathy (arteriopathy), cardiomyopathy (cardiopathy), myopathy, mitochondriopathy, endotheliopathy, channelopathy, embryopathy, fetopathy, osteopathy, arthropathy (osteoarthropathy/cheiroarthropathy/cheiropathy), plexopathy, radiculopathy (radiculoplexopathy), lymphadenopathy, myelopathy, mastopathy, rhinopathy, cochleopathy, vestibulopathy, labyrinthopathy, pulmonopathy, hepatopathy, uropathy, cystopathy, gastroenteropathy (gastropathy/enteropathy/pancreatopathy/colopathy), coagulopathy, endometriosis (endometriopathy), periodontitis (periodontopathy), dermopathy (scleredema/sclerodactyly), and impaired wound healing (impaired cicatrisation) but does not lower blood glucose or HbA1c. Benfotiamine was first developed in Japan in the early 1960s to treat alcoholic polyneuropathy (alcoholic neuritis) and also beriberi. Other superstar nutritional supplements that originated from Japan include: (1)Nattokinase (from Japanese natto), (2)Vitamin K2/MK-7 (from Japanese natto), (3)Serrapeptase (from Japanese silkworms), (4)Fucoidan (from Japanese wakame, kombu, or hijiki), (5)Lentinan (from Japanese shiitake mushrooms), and (6)Coenzyme Q10 (not invented in Japan but at one time, made only in Japan as a byproduct of natto fermentation or yeast fermentation). In addition, Korean Red Ginseng, the most effective ginseng, originates from Japan’s next-door neighbor, Korea, and Soy Isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, and glycitein), which are now available in capsules, originate from China, the birthplace of soy. Don’t be afraid to swallow at least one 150mg benfotiamine capsule daily. Some people say that they have gotten better results swallowing 900mg or 1,200mg daily. In the highly unlikely event that you experience any negative side effects, reduce your dosage. Unlike vitamin B1 (thiamin), benfotiamine (prothiamin) is not contained in any foods. Benfotiamine works by blocking the formation of Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs), which are abnormal link-ups between glucose and tissue proteins. Doctor’s Best Benfotiamine capsules contain “Benf-O-Pure” Japanese benfotiamine. Although diabetics have a much higher rate of AGE formation due to increased oxidative stress from hyperglycemia, people who have never had diabetes also suffer form AGE formation caused by normal metabolism and normal aging. Also, we create AGEs in foods when we cook foods at high temperatures. [Cooking foods at high temperatures also creates cancer-causing acrylamide, cancer-causing alkanals, cancer-causing alkanels, cancer-causing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, cancer-causing heterocyclic amines, and cancer-causing nitrosamines]. Researchers have implicated the accumulation of AGEs in the human body in the progression of age-related diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, stroke, cataracts, macular degeneration, asthma, arthritis, periodontitis, and muscle weakness. The accumulation of AGEs has also been shown to inhibit vascular dilation by interfering with nitric oxide and by oxidizing LDL cholesterol. Alpha-lipoic acid, metformin, and pioglitazone have been shown to inhibit AGE formation but not as well as benfotiamine. Benfotiamine will very likely help the human body repair nerve damage even if diabetes was not the cause.
thirdguy –
I have been on benfotiamine for 10 years, since the Dr. Brownlee study at Einstein college, was published. I feel that it has stablized the neuropathy in my hands and feet. Should I forget to take it, by noon, my feet will be in terrible pain. I don’t think there has been any improvement in my condition, but I will gladly take “comfortably numb” over pins and needles pain, any day. I take 600 mg. per day. There are absolutely no side effects that I am aware of. I am very grateful that this product exists. I have tried several different brands of benfotiamine, and Drs. Best is the one I always come back to. It is a consistant, cost effective product, that does what it promises. And as a Prime customer I enjoy free shipping, that is consistantly to my door in 2 to 3 days.
Sedrak –
Excellent quality. This brand always has excellent quality.