Produto Importado dos EUA

Doctor Butler’s Hemorrhoid: Tratamento eficaz para hemorroidas – 30g

*R$389.51 Em até 6x de R$64.92 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$64.92 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$389.51 sem juros2x de R$194.76 sem juros3x de R$129.84 sem juros4x de R$97.38 sem juros5x de R$77.90 sem juros6x de R$64.92 sem juros

Doctor Butler’s Hemorrhoid é um produto eficaz para o tratamento de hemorroidas. Suas principais características incluem alívio rápido da dor, coceira e inflamação, além de promover a cicatrização e redução do inchaço. Com ingredientes naturais e seguros, este produto oferece benefícios imediatos e duradouros para quem sofre com hemorroidas.

(5 avaliações de clientes)
Doctor Butler's Hemorrhoid: Tratamento eficaz para hemorroidas - 30g *R$389.51 Em até 6x de R$64.92 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$64.92 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$389.51 sem juros2x de R$194.76 sem juros3x de R$129.84 sem juros4x de R$97.38 sem juros5x de R$77.90 sem juros6x de R$64.92 sem juros

Doctor Butler’s Hemorrhoid

Doctor Butler’s Hemorrhoid

Deixe a dor para trás com a pomada para hemorroidas e o creme anorretal com lidocaína do Doctor Butler. Desenvolvido por um Proctologista Certificado para garantir que nossos ingredientes ofereçam o melhor tratamento para hemorroidas para mulheres e homens.

O creme anestésico com lidocaína alivia rapidamente as hemorroidas. Nossa pomada para hemorroidas também contém fenilefrina, um vasoconstritor que ajuda a reduzir o inchaço.

Descubra alívio instantâneo com esta pomada para hemorroidas livre de parabenos, que também contém ervas, óleos essenciais, minerais e aminoácidos para soluções adicionais de cicatrização. O extrato de aloe vera, o extrato de ginseng e a castanha da Índia oferecem benefícios adicionais com propriedades protetoras para o cuidado externo de hemorroidas.

Junte-se a mais de 200.000 clientes satisfeitos que compraram os produtos para hemorroidas do Doctor Butler para alívio de múltiplos sintomas ao longo deste ano. Sinta o alívio de fissuras e dores, desconforto, queimação, coceira e inchaço causados por hemorroidas.

Os ungüentos, cremes e sprays do Doctor Butler são fabricados nos EUA sob rigorosos controles de qualidade para garantir o uso seguro e eficaz de todos os nossos produtos. Também nos associamos ao Leaping Bunny para manter os padrões de crueldade livre em nossa marca.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Alívio rápido da dor e desconforto causados por hemorroidas
  • Fórmula com lidocaína para entorpecer a área afetada
  • Ingredientes naturais que ajudam na cicatrização e proteção da pele
  • Produto testado e aprovado por mais de 200.000 clientes satisfeitos
  • Fabricado nos EUA sob rigorosos controles de qualidade

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para usar o creme para hemorroidas do Doctor Butler, lave e seque bem a área afetada. Aplique uma camada fina do creme na pele externa ao redor do ânus até 4 vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Não use este produto em feridas abertas ou cortes profundos. Consulte um médico antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica pré-existente.

5 avaliações para Doctor Butler’s Hemorrhoid: Tratamento eficaz para hemorroidas – 30g

  1. Placeholder

    It’s no use. Waste of money. Please don’t go for it. No results

  2. Sam Baize

    So, butt reviews. Everyone loves these. But I’ll assume that if you’re reading this right now, you’re in a similar situation that I was in. For me, I had pretty much exhausted every other source of relief for my chronic hemorrhoids and anal fissure. Other hemorrhoid creams worked okay at reducing the swelling, but they often stung when applied and they did very little to help the pain substantially. It was getting… pretty ridiculous, I must say.

    I changed my diet, started taking fiber supplements, avoid fatty foods, and I invested in just about EVERYTHING under the sun to keep my toosh happy. Wet wipes? Got ’em. Witch hazel wipes? Got those too. The standard prep H? But of course – the regular, extra pain relief, and itching relief varieties. I even installed a bidet on my toilet just to cut down on wiping time because I was literally in just THAT much pain.

    I’d been like this for months, and while I can stand the pain, there was something that came along even worse than that – itching. I… almost have no words to describe just how terribly I started itching, every night when I went to bed. I tried sitz baths, itch creams, home remedies – nothing. The itching wasn’t even the worst part! The real problem was that I couldn’t resist scratching, and oh god, I scratched my poor toosh raw. It was just terrible all around.

    So I was in some EXTREME pain by the time I ultimately pulled up Amazon in search of relief, and my real key motivation was just to stop the itching because that was just adding to the pain that was already there. I was miserable and when I first saw this product, good reviews aside, it was nearly $30 for a little tube of gel. Sorry to say, but I was skeptical! What made this product so much different than the others I’d tried?

    But… I read the reviews. Because I was desperate. And people made some mighty claims…

    It hurt me to pay 30 bucks for this, but in the end, I figured it couldn’t hurt as badly as the pain I was already in, right?

    And just… I’m so thankful that I pulled the trigger. So thankful that I’m taking the time to write up this review, so others can hear my testimony and hopefully, if they’re in a similar boat, choose to take the plunge as well.

    So, without further ado, onto the actual product! The tube is pretty small, unfortunately, but when I checked and compared it to the prep H I had, it was actually the same weight! I was pretty surprised, because this seemed to go by so much faster – I realized that was probably because I was using it pretty extensively compared to the other creams, because this gel actually WORKED.

    The very first thing I noticed after applying this (there is an applicator, but it bothered me, so I just use my finger to apply it gently in and around the “edges”, if you will) was that there was little to no sting, despite how rubbed raw I was at the time. That was a nice relief.

    The second thing I noticed was just how FAST it worked. The pain? Gone in a matter of minutes. Like, it literally numbs the area. I was so blissed out I was ready to cry, I’m not even kidding you. And the itch? Gone just as fast. In under five minutes, I had no urge to itch anymore. And the rest is pretty much history.

    Now, I’ll admit that I use this product fairly liberally. I apply a small, pea sized amount anywhere between one and three times per day (usually closer to three if we’re being realistic), once after every bowel movement. Because of that, this product only lasted me just over a month. I just ordered my second tube (goodbye money, I knew thee well) and I have no regrets. I think of it this way – let’s say this lasts me exactly one month. At the current price (at the time of this review, May 2019) of $28.34, I’m paying less than $1 per day to be free and clear of pain and itching, and BM’s are SIGNIFICANTLY less troublesome. Is that worth it? Well, to me, it definitely is. For you? Well, that’s something you’ll have to take into consideration, but again, if you’re in pain and you’ve tried the other stuff, I strongly urge you to give this a chance. And if you need to, like me, you can subscribe and save a couple bucks each time you re-order it.

    Now, my issue isn’t going away – I’m actually due to have surgery in the near future, so for the time being, I’ll be using this. Maybe after my surgery I won’t need it as much, which would be nice, but chances are that unless you’re REALLY bad like I am, you probably won’t go flying through this quite as fast. Just another thing to take into consideration.

    [ Pros ]
    – Comes with a neat little applicator (albeit I don’t use mine, the option is there)
    – The gel (similar consistency to Neosporin, maybe a bit thicker) doesn’t burn, even on raw and irritated skin
    – The gel numbs the area VERY well, and pain is literally gone in a matter of minutes
    – The gel also takes away the itch (no matter how intense!) in again just a matter of minutes

    [ Cons ]
    – You get a fairly small amount for what you’re paying for, BUT it goes a long way in the end and does what it needs to do, so this con is ruled out for me, personally, when compared with all the pros!

    I pray that you all find total toosh happiness. uwu

  3. akash kumar

    Really effective in fissure and piles both.
    I had surgery for fissure and piles, but it came again just after one month. I was in pain again and was thinking of getting surgery again.
    After giving lot of thought I decided to purchase this medicine.
    It healed fissure in 5 days, reduced pain to 30 percent.
    It reduced size of hemorrhoid but it keeps increasing and decreasing in size according to my gastric problems(I have serious digestive issues).
    After 20 days of use my pain became 5 to 10 percent.
    It saved me from getting surgery at least. I used it for just one month. Because it’s very expensive so I could not but it again. Now I use pilorute it’s also good. But not very effective.

  4. Rivven

    i’d give 5 stars if the price ($28.36–and discounted to around $25 for second and third purchased tubes) wasn’t so outrageous for the small amount in the tube. but i’m now ordering my third tube, becuz this has really worked for me (i started out with a TERRIBLE hemorrhoid situation) and i’m able to manage the cost (so far). i received my first tube on november 21, and will be receiving my third tomorrow on dec 1. i still have a little left in my second tube.

    i generally follow the directions, and insert the cream (i use vaseline jelly on the insertion piece) for extended periods of time usually no more than three or four times— i say this becuz due to the issues i’m having, i can insert inside the cream, but then have it wasted by having to go again not long after.

    i also reapply the cream all the time to the external hemorrhoid and general anus.

    and that gets wasted too if i have to go again not long after. so the small 28 oz amount and me often having to go again after application, makes these tubes go fast.

    update: even with my bathroom trips having decreased a little more with time (and the heather tummy fiber powder i’ve started taking) these tubes just simply are too small for the price and go fast within days. it’s not even like i insert or apply a huge amount either. and i /know/ i’m going more than three times a day but still. (also as i wrote above i generally have the cream actually inserted 3-4 times for extended periods of time. so i don’t go over that. but i can insert a couple or few more times than that and have it wasted, becuz even with my bms having decreased a little in frequency from a couple weeks ago, (things seem to be improving) there’s still those magical moments when you just went, got yourself all cleaned up with water and cleansing wipes, insert and externally apply the cream, add some vaseline jelly too, then finally you walk out the bathroom and almost immediately or within minutes you have to go again. it’s not as torturous tho, even having to go again so soon, becuz of how much better i can go again without excruciating pain)

    so obviously i use more, but if the tubes had at least twice the amount and were still $25-28 that would rly make a difference and wouldn’t screw ppl like me over as much (i must have sumthing like ibs d, and developed hemorrhoid/s after several weeks of my bowel system completely betraying me and having to go so many times a day. it’s a lot better tho) , who yes are going to be using more than other ppl, but i have literally spent over a hundred dollars for a few 28oz tubes.

    i know preparation h sells 50oz tubes for like $11-12 on amazon, and if i knew for sure it would work the same i’d switch over. but dr butler was the first stuff i tried and it’s been working great (it’s not an instant healing of course, but after two weeks my terrible hemorrhoid situation has vastly improved and it’s no longer the excruciating pain when going, and the external hemorrhoid has very much decreased in size.)

    if anyone is ever in a situation like i’ve been and am still in, you are screwed if you can’t manage the costs of multiple tubes. so i would keep that in mind when considering this product.

  5. Nicholas T Hendrychs

    This product is very similar to Preparation H. It really does feel good on the whole. It is a yellow clear gel. It seems to work better than Prep H and has a numbing effect. I’m switching to this product for the future!

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