Descrição do Produto: Pink Stork Lactation Sweets
As mães que amamentam enfrentam uma série de desafios, e mais da metade delas relata dificuldades na produção de leite materno. Para apoiar essas mães em sua jornada, os Pink Stork Lactation Sweets surgem como uma solução deliciosa e prática. Combinando os poderosos ingredientes do Feno-grego e do Cardo Mariano, esses doces são mais do que simples guloseimas; são um suporte essencial para a produção de leite materno. Cada pastilha é envolta individualmente, tornando-as irresistíveis e fáceis de consumir a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar.
O Feno-grego e o Cardo Mariano são ervas galactagogas amplamente reconhecidas por sua eficácia em aumentar a produção de leite. Com a conveniência dos doces, não há necessidade de preparar cookies ou barras que podem esfarelar. Basta levar os doces na bolsa de fraldas ou na bolsa do extrator de leite e desfrutar de 1 a 4 unidades por dia, sem complicações.
Os Pink Stork Lactation Sweets podem ser utilizados em conjunto com outros suplementos pós-natais ou de lactação da Pink Stork para resultados otimizados e recuperação pós-parto. A linha inclui vitaminas pós-natais, probióticos de lactação, gomas de lactação, chá para desobstrução de ductos mamários e chá de lactação, garantindo que você tenha tudo o que precisa para uma experiência de amamentação bem-sucedida. Formulados por uma equipe feminina de especialistas, esses doces são testados por terceiros e não contêm glúten, laticínios, amendoins ou OGM.
A Pink Stork é uma empresa de propriedade e gestão feminina, liderada pela fundadora e CEO, Amy Suzanne, mãe de seis filhos, que compreende a importância de oferecer produtos confiáveis para novas mães. Com mais de 80% de suas funcionárias sendo mulheres, a Pink Stork se dedica a criar produtos limpos, confiáveis e eficazes para cada fase da jornada feminina, com a missão de proporcionar esperança e um impacto positivo a todos que entram em contato com a marca.
– Apoio à Produção de Leite: Contém Feno-grego e Cardo Mariano, conhecidos por aumentar a produção de leite materno.
– Praticidade: Pastilhas individuais que podem ser facilmente transportadas, sem necessidade de preparação.
– Sabor Irresistível: Deliciosos doces de melancia que tornam a experiência de suplementação agradável.
– Sem Ingredientes Indesejados: Livre de glúten, laticínios, amendoins e OGM, ideal para mães com restrições alimentares.
– Formulação Confiável: Desenvolvido por uma equipe feminina e testado por terceiros, garantindo qualidade e segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir de 1 a 4 pastilhas de Pink Stork Lactation Sweets por dia. As pastilhas podem ser ingeridas a qualquer momento, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária. Para potencializar os efeitos, utilize em conjunto com outros produtos da linha Pink Stork, como vitaminas pós-natais e probióticos de lactação. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Lauren –
I will start by saying that I have tried many different products to try and stimulate lactation – all at once – so it’s really hard to pin-point exactly which of those products did the trick. That said, I don’t think these were too helpful. The concept is great, and the flavor is really good, so I gave them 3 stars for that.
In my experience, warm oatmeal, lots of gatorade or body armor, and lots of massaging helped the most.
Rose S. –
Definitely would not recommend this product. I was pumping and producing enough milk to have a few extra bags in the fridge, but bought these candies with the hopes to expand my supply to the freezer as well.
After eating them for just a couple days, my milk supply is almost completely gone. I dont even have any bags in the fridge anymore, I actually had to buy a can of formula to make up for the drastic loss of milk. Went from pumping approx 5-6 times a day and getting obo 7/8oz to pumping 2-3 times and only getting 4-6oz total. My baby eats 2-4oz in one sitting every couple hours. Nowhere near enough to keep him fed.
I’m very very disappointed, not only that but there’s religious stuff all over the back of the bag including “this item was prayed over” and none of that was advertised on the Amazon listing.
Amazon Customer –
These little candies taste better than I was expecting, but I honestly don’t think they’re doing much for my supply. I’ve been lazy about taking my other supplements lately and have been just using these candies, and I’ve noticed a drop. I think it’s fine to use them in addition to all the other supplements/dietary stuff out there for breastmilk production, but relying on them alone is not going to do much. I’ll continue to work through this bag, but probably won’t buy again.
Stacey –
I started off producing a lot of milk after the birth of my second daughter and after trying to stop breastfeeding I decided to start up again after she was rejecting formula. I bought these lactation sweets on Friday and was producing milk like I was in the beginning which was more than 30 ounces a day by Monday. They absolutely work they taste amazing like watermelon jolly ranchers and I love them. They don’t have the milk flavor like the teas I’ve tried before. I definitely recommend!
Amazon Customer –
I absolutely love and trust all Pink Stork products. I never have to worry about the quality or integrity of this company, so I was really excited to try these lactation sweets! I’ve done nothing else to actively try supporting my milk supply, and I truly believe these sweets have helped me exclusively feed breastmilk to my first baby for almost 5 months now. I’ve even built up a healthy stash of frozen milk for days where I’ll need to be away, or when we are traveling and need to use a bottle. I have only tried the watermelon flavor, and let me tell you, they are delicious! I highly recommend at least trying these sweets to see if they help you on your nursing journey 🙂
Lucky peanut –
I’m usually too lazy to write reviews but Pink Stork deserves this! I wanted something simple and clean, I stubbled upon this brand and gave them a try… Sis! It worked wondersss, every morning I’d pump 10-12oz easy and nothing less than 5oz total throughout the day. But then I stopped my subscription because I didn’t want to pay for it so I decided to try something else in the meantime that would maybe last a little longer. Longer story short, my milk supply decreased while I was using “Milk Rich” by Wish Garden so I decided to buy these again. I got them yesterday evening, took about 8 of them so far and I just finished pumping hands-free… with 8oz of milk. Mind you, a day ago I was only pumping 3oz around this time of day. This morning I got 12oz just like when I first started using it, I’m never going back. They work amazing quick! You have a customer for life! I’m a first time mom in my 20s, I think all breastfeeding mamas need this! I like the watermelon flavor I haven’t tried cherry but I think I’ll stick with watermelon <3
Rose S. –
I love these! Initially I didn’t really buy into the hype of the “lactation” foods… but I decided to give these a try for giggles since I’m trying to up my supply to get a freezer stash going before returning to work and don’t really want the added calories of scarfing down oatmeal based cookies. I swear these things work!! My supply has definitely increased. I’m getting more each pump (1-2 ounces more), and my baby also seems more satiated after feedings. Before she would get frustrated, and feeding took what felt like forever. And before long, she was at it again. She basically lived on my boob. Once I began eating these, that changed later that day. When I ran out and didn’t eat them for almost a week, I noticed a dip in supply as well as my kiddo being frustrated with feedings again. So I ordered another pack and I’m back in business. The flavor is also great!
Shawna –
Good flavor & seemed to help!