DNA Discover Natural Athletics Elite Sleep – Melatonina Livre e Sabor de Cereja Preta
O DNA Discover Natural Athletics Elite Sleep é um suplemento inovador que visa melhorar tanto a qualidade quanto a quantidade do sono, sem a utilização de melatonina. Com um sabor delicioso de cereja preta, este produto é formulado com ingredientes 100% naturais, proporcionando uma alternativa saudável para aqueles que buscam um descanso reparador.
Este suplemento atua como um otimizador do ciclo do sono, ajudando a regular os padrões de sono e a promover um descanso mais profundo e revitalizante. Além disso, ele também serve como um auxiliar na recuperação muscular, ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas que necessitam de um sono de qualidade para a regeneração adequada dos músculos após treinos intensos.
Os ingredientes naturais presentes na fórmula garantem que você possa desfrutar de uma noite tranquila sem os efeitos colaterais frequentemente associados a produtos que contêm melatonina. A combinação de componentes cuidadosamente selecionados proporciona um suporte eficaz para o seu corpo, permitindo que você acorde renovado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
Tom –
This stuff is great to help me get some good deep sleep. I never wake up feeling groggy like I do sometimes with other sleep aids. I’d recommend this to anyone trying to sleep more deeply and wake up feeling better rested.
Scott –
This sleep aid is in the powder form. I am used to taking melatonin supplements and this has none of that inside. It does contain valerian root which is a herb to help with sleep. Caution to those on certain medications. Black cherry flavored. A little bit costly
Steven Mowry –
All of the benefits of a typical sleep aid without the side effects. Would highly recommend.
This product is the real deal. I would highly recommend it for anyone that has trouble sleeping/recovery time –
This product is the real deal. If you have trouble sleeping/recovery time, buy this product
Devin Akdag –
I’ve always had trouble sleeping, but taking a scoop 30 minutes before bed with water and I noticeably fall asleep faster while having a deeper sleep. Waking up full of energy without the groggines of melatonin.
As usual with supplements like these the results are highly subjective – what works for some has zero effect on others since as usual the effects are not independently verified.
I don’t use anything related to sleep on a regular basis, only when I move between time zones for work travel, and this seems to help a little, the fact that it is regular powder and not large capsules that I sometimes have a hard time swallowing is definitely a plus for me.
The flavor is subtle enough to help getting it down without being in-your-face artificial – give it a try if you’re in the market for a melatonin-free sleep aid.
David –
Not only has this product given me great reliable sleep, but also has helped tremendously with recovery from my workouts as well. I’ve been using it for about 2 months and wake up well rested with no aches and pains. An absolute must have for anyone with a serious training program!