Descrição do Produto: DMSO Roll On 70/30 Aloe Plast – 3 oz – Líquido
Descubra o poder do DMSO Roll On 70/30 Aloe Plast, uma solução inovadora que combina a pureza do DMSO com os benefícios calmantes da aloe vera. Este produto é formulado com 99,9% de DMSO puro, um solvente natural conhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e analgésicas. A aplicação em roll-on proporciona uma experiência prática e conveniente, permitindo que você leve o alívio para onde quer que vá. Ideal para atletas, pessoas com dores crônicas ou qualquer um que busque um alívio rápido e eficaz, o DMSO Roll On é um verdadeiro presente da natureza.
Durante os meses de verão, é possível que o produto chegue aquecido, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, garantindo a qualidade e eficácia do DMSO Roll On. A combinação do DMSO com aloe vera não só potencializa a absorção dos ingredientes ativos, mas também proporciona uma sensação refrescante e hidratante na pele, tornando-o um aliado indispensável no seu dia a dia.
– Alívio rápido de dores musculares e articulares.
– Propriedades anti-inflamatórias que ajudam na recuperação pós-treino.
– Hidratação da pele devido à presença de aloe vera.
– Aplicação prática e fácil com o formato roll-on.
– 99,9% de pureza, garantindo eficácia e segurança no uso.
Para utilizar o DMSO Roll On 70/30 Aloe Plast, aplique uma quantidade generosa diretamente na área afetada, massageando suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. É recomendável usar de 1 a 3 vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Evite o contato com os olhos e mucosas, e não aplique em feridas abertas. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do DMSO Roll On com uma rotina de exercícios e alongamentos adequados.
Hoosier Hayseed –
I am almost very hesitant to write this review, because I’m afraid I’ll jinx myself, but I simply have to report the truth.
I have read all of the glowing reports about how DMSO just eliminates the pain, and that, of course, is what I have been hoping against hope to find, somehow, to solve my lower back pain, which has plagued me for many years.
You wonder just what you can do to alleviate such terrible pain, and at times it really is bad, but at other times it is fairly tolerable.
Well, I got the roll-on, and after I tried it and realized, rather foolishly, that I had not removed the plastic cap covering the ball, and wondered why the ball seemed to roll so stiffly, and produced seemingly little liquid, I put on my glasses and could see that there was a protective cover over the ball, so I scraped it off with my fingernail, and the ball rolled easily, and liquid came forth, and I felt rather stupid.
Anyway, I had bought the book about DMSO, and with all of the hullabaloo about the problems getting it approved for human use, and the fact that it has been marketed as a solvent, you are a little wary. Especially when some people talk about a garlic smell, and/or garlic breath, and/or redness on the skin, etc. etc.
Well, I rolled it on, and it does have a distinctive smell, but nothing unpleasant, and not even very strong.
But no redness of skin, at all, or pain upon application, of any kind. And no garlic breath.
Now, I have, as I said, had this lower back pain for quite some time, and have gone through many different attempts to fix it, including various pills, and creams, and sprays, etc. etc., but nothing has actually seemed to make much difference, if any at all.
To my utter amazement, and obviously, also my utter delight, I have noticed these last several days that I simply don’t have any back pain. And I haven’t used the roll-on, except for a couple of times in the last several days, after the first couple of days after I got it, of course I put it on.
Even in the morning – when it is (or has been) at its worst, I did wake up this morning with lower back pain, but nothing as bad as it has been in the past, and even that seemed to fade after I had been up for a couple of hours.
Maybe – just maybe – this is finally the “magic bullet” that I have been seeking; I don’t feel like a spring chicken, but then those days are probably long gone anyway, but at least I don’t have that awful, throbbing, terrible lower back pain that really makes your life miserable.
As I sit here writing this, I don’t feel anything in my back, AT ALL, and that is wonderful!
aklmpl –
I have a spinal condition called, Spondylolisthesis which my L-5 vertebra is pushed forward with also degenerative disc disease between that and S-1. I’ve had it for at least the last 10 years. I’m in pain everyday. I also have nerve pain because of it. It hurts to sleep. The only time I get some sort of relief from the pain, is when I sit. I can’t stand very long (I have to sit down periodically when I make dinner) God knows I can’t walk very for long (kiss my amusement park days goodbye) My brother-in-law told me I had to try this because it helped him with his arthritis.
Now…I don’t use this on a regular basis because it is not FDA approved for my condition, but I decided to try it when I knew I was going to be walking all day at the mall. I took 800mgs of Motrin (a good anti-inflammatory) and rubbed this stuff on my lower back. I WAS PAIN FREE ALL DAY!
I used it again in February while going to an out of state wedding…again I did the same thing as above, AND I DANCED MY A** OFF ALL NIGHT! It’s nice to feel normal again…at least some of the time.
Mr Tangerine –
Skin side effects:
Burning, rash, hives, blistering, itching, pain (ironic!), scaling, thickening
Systemic side effects:
garlic-like taste, breath, and body odour
nausea and diarrhea
transient hemolysis (red blood cell destruction, which can in turn in fatigue, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), dark urine, anemia, and in severe cases, organ damage.)
dizziness, sedation
kidney injury, light sensitivity, color vision disturbance
Geraldine Krijger –
I read some reviews stating the roller top doesn’t work. You MUST cut off a clear
plastic strip holding the ball in place. You can feel it if you rub your finger around
the area where the ball and side grip meet. Use a razor blade to remove.
I assume it’s there for securing roller ball in place during transportation.
Once removed, roller ball works just fine.
hank sanders –
This stuff works! It reduces pain and swelling in my knee. A coworker told me about it. He applies it just prior to playing golf. He warned me about putto g ANYTHING else in the area where this is applied.
My only concern is around any long term effects that it may have.
I had difficulty with he roller ball when I first got it. It would not roll nor apply evenly. Upon closer observation, I discovered a “cover” around most of the ball. It looked like it was supposed to be there and stay there. After removing this “cover”, it worked like a roll on should. (Take the cover off!)
Ann L –
Works very well at taking pain away due to RSD. Worked better then any of the pain killers I was given (including Tramadol, Oxycontin, Vicodin, Gabapentin, and Lyrica. I researched CRPS and RSD and Amsterdam and learned for RSD that it is illegal in some European countries for Dr.’s NOT to give patients this for their inflammation and pain. This worked miracles for my RSD after I broke my ankles. It helped everything from bringing the pain from a 10 to a zero or a one, and really helped to heal the bone and surrounding tissues (which were a nonunion at 8 months after the initial injury). The effects worked wonders, I no longer need it right now. I am doing much better! I am walking now, which the Dr. said I may not be able to. I enjoy a massage on my ankle lower foot, which once made me scream in pain if you touched it (before DMSO) and I have gained the muscle back in my injured leg that was wasting away before the DMSO. The Dr.’s weren’t helping me, and neither were the meds they prescribed this is the only thing that worked (and physical therapy). Make sure to fully sterilize the area before using this. It did burn and itch, but that is nothing compared to RSD pain and went away after twenty minutes along with the hardcore pain and increased blood flow to my injury.
Mia Ritchie –
Very disappointing. 70$ for the product with Roll on hard as a rock that doesn’t let any liquid out. Injured person can’t squeeze the bottle, just rolling doesn’t work at all. It’s a shame.
Glenn –
Help to relieve shoulder pain. No smell that was noticeable.