Descrição do Produto: Diva Stuff Face Scrubbie – Almofadas Esfoliantes para o Rosto – Ferramenta de Cuidados com a Pele para Redução de Cravos e Espinhas – Estimula a Renovação Celular – 12 Almofadas (Melancia)
As almofadas esfoliantes Diva Stuff Face Scrubbie são a solução perfeita para uma pele radiante e saudável. Com 8 fragrâncias únicas, incluindo morango, carvão e bambu, mel e limão, segredo da Índia, lavanda e tea tree, cereja suave, enxofre e uva do Oregon, melancia e tea tree, você pode desfrutar de uma experiência sensorial incrível enquanto cuida da sua pele.
Essas almofadas de limpeza facial são tudo o que você precisa para uma rotina de cuidados com a pele completa. Basta umedecer uma almofada com água morna e massagear suavemente o rosto e o pescoço. Este produto foi desenvolvido para esfoliar a pele morta, curar a pele danificada e repor a pele envelhecida, tudo ao mesmo tempo.
Promova uma pele limpa e com aparência jovem com a fórmula exclusiva dessas almofadas. A renovação celular ajuda a manter a pele com uma aparência mais jovem e suave. Essas almofadas também ajudam a acalmar a acne e problemas de pele, como cravos e espinhas, melhor do que outros produtos de limpeza facial.
Fáceis de levar para qualquer lugar, essas almofadas esfoliantes são o complemento perfeito para a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. A embalagem pequena e leve facilita o transporte em viagens ou o uso em casa.
Essas almofadas de limpeza facial são duráveis e podem ser usadas até 2-3 vezes, desde que sejam mantidas limpas. Isso permite que você aproveite o produto por mais tempo, economizando dinheiro e reduzindo o desperdício.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Pele mais jovem e suave: A fórmula exclusiva dessas almofadas promove a renovação celular, deixando sua pele com uma aparência mais jovem e suave.
- Combate a acne e problemas de pele: Essas almofadas são altamente eficazes no combate a acne, cravos e espinhas, proporcionando uma pele mais limpa e saudável.
- Experiência sensorial única: Com 8 fragrâncias únicas, você pode desfrutar de uma experiência sensorial incrível enquanto cuida da sua pele.
- Praticidade para levar a qualquer lugar: A embalagem pequena e leve torna essas almofadas perfeitas para levar em viagens ou usar em casa.
- Durabilidade e economia: Essas almofadas podem ser usadas até 2-3 vezes, permitindo que você aproveite o produto por mais tempo e economize dinheiro.
As almofadas esfoliantes Diva Stuff Face Scrubbie oferecem uma série de benefícios que transformam sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Primeiramente, elas promovem a renovação celular, resultando em uma pele mais jovem e suave. Em segundo lugar, são eficazes no combate à acne e cravos, proporcionando uma limpeza profunda e saudável. Além disso, a experiência sensorial única, com fragrâncias refrescantes, torna o cuidado da pele um momento prazeroso. A praticidade de serem portáteis facilita o uso em qualquer lugar, enquanto a durabilidade das almofadas garante economia e menos desperdício, tornando-as uma escolha inteligente para quem busca resultados visíveis e práticos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga estas instruções de uso:
- Umedeça uma almofada com água morna.
- Massageie suavemente o rosto e o pescoço com movimentos circulares.
- Enxágue bem o rosto com água morna.
- Seque o rosto com uma toalha macia.
- Recomendamos o uso diário para obter melhores resultados.
Claudia M. –
This is a really unique product. I love the smell of it but can be too fragrant for some people. You can totally smell the tumeric. At first I thought the product was on gauze but it’s actually a regular square towel (can’t tell if it’s 100% cotton or a blend.)
Common Questions Asked:
Q: Is it harsh on the skin?
A: It can be but it depends on how hard your rub the previously white cloth on your skin. I rubbed it on my skin, scrubbing gently twice and didn’t experience any discomfort or pain. However, it will hurt if you somehow manage to get it in your nose or eyes (like I did.)
Q: Does it help your pores?
A: It can. I used the product in front of my fogless mirror in the shower and noticed some of my pores had the blackheads gone.
Q: How does it help over night appearance?
A: I used it in the shower before I went to bed and noticed one pimple compared to the plenty I had before. I also noticed that the pick-marks (I find it very satisfying to pop pimples) were healing faster than normal too.
Q: Can it grow mold or fungus?
A: Doubtfully. Turmeric kills and prevents fungus from growing. Lemon juice is also good for battling mold and mildew.
Q: Can it really grow worms?
A: No.
Q: So what was that white stuff on a product another person posted?
A: The product is put on small, white, square-cut cloths. The “white stuff” are the loops from the cloth much like the loops you’d see on a towel.
I hope this helps you make your choice! I’d definitely love to buy a liquid cleanser of this product with complimentary moisturizer and toner. 🙂
Anastasia Grouza –
It is a hand made natural cosmetic.
works well… smell brrrr… but it is just my taste. in my opinion, other Diva Stuff flavors are way better.
it is very comfortable size , could be used for a few times, leaves my skin fresh, but not dried.
I would give it 5 stars, if it smells different.
Otherwise , as all Diva Stuff is a very good product. Thank you, for your craft work!
Emilie Bolks –
Absolutely love this product and all other Diva Stuff products. I have seen a drastic difference in my skin since using this and coworkers have even stated I now have a “glow”. I thought I was lucky when I was younger and didn’t develop acne as a preteen or teenager, but as fate would have it, the minute I turned 25 my skin completely changed. I have noticed that my acne has almost disappeared completely! I will now only get a pimple here or there as opposed to clusters all across my face. I also have noticed that my blackheads on my nose or chin have diminished after continued use and my fine lines around my eyes have gotten softer as well. I will cut each scrubby in half and use each half two or three nights in a row. I then follow up with the skin balancing moisturizer.The smell isn’t the best thing I have ever smelled, but it is not bad by any means. With the exfoliating properties of this product, I can only use it once a day or else it would be too rough for my skin type. I have become a huge Diva Stuff advocate and have actually turned a few coworkers onto this brand! I cannot say enough great things about them!
phenice foster –
My husband and I love these…leaves skin feeling very soft. Great price and you are able to get 2-3 uses from each pad, so great vaule.
inquisitiveone –
I’ve had incredibly stubborn clogged/ enlarged pores/ blackheads on my nose for years. Biore strips do literally nothing, and no Rx or over the counter acne product has really solved this problem. Otherwise, I have combination oily/ dry skin and the occasional breakout.
These little scrubbies are incredible. You wet the little washcloth square that’s covered in the magic potion and give yourself a cinnamon scented facial. I do this every morning and let the bubbles sit on my face and tingle for a minute. After, my pores felt more supple? As an experiment, I did a Biore strip on my nose, and IT REMOVED TONS AND TONS OF BLACKHEADS/ clogged pores or whatever! FINALLY! So I think that these actually loosen or start to break down (gross sorry) your blackheads, but don’t actually remove them from your pores.
I’ve been saving the scrubby from the morning and using it again in the shower when I wash my face in the evening. There’s enough potion on each scrubby for two uses. Totally unrelated, but I also have this annoying residue under my armpits from antiperspirant deodorant that no body wash or scrub seems to really remover. Like after I shower, my armpits still feel waxy, and it kind of bothers me. As an experiment, I rubbed the remainder of the scrubby (now having been used 2X on my face) under each armpit and scrubbed away. DEODORANT RESIDUE gone!!!! No idea why or how this worked, but I could not be happier!!!
Anastasia Grouza –
love it
Fire Lord Zuko –
I really like the concept behind this product, each little square is a piece of terry cloth (like wash cloth material) that has a coating of some cinnamon scented product (it smells AMAZING). Basically you wet the square and massage it onto your face, you leave the suds on for a minute or two and then rinse. It stings a teeny bit when you apply it, but I like to think thats just the product working and not the cinnamon irratating the HECK out of my skin. Each little terry cloth bit has 2 to 3 uses, so a whole jar of them actually will take you pretty far. I would consider these to be a 3x a week or less treatment, depending on the sensitivity of your skin. For me I think these irratate my other normal breakouts a bit too much to use often, but I think if you just have blackheads and clogged pores these probably work much better. I bought these because I have a very oily t-zone and pretty enlarged pores that I was hoping these would help shrink. Unfortunately they haven’t helped much in that regard, but they have helped with getting rid of the occasional blackhead or two. I will continue using these on my t-zone to see if they help shrink my pores a bit. The company is also lovely and sent me a couple different samples of their other products which I am excited to try.