Descrição do Produto: Dispositivo de Terapia com Luz Original – Tratamento Premium para Herpes Labial
O Dispositivo de Terapia com Luz Original é a solução inovadora e segura para o tratamento de herpes labial, projetado com tecnologia patenteada que se destaca no mercado. Ao contrário dos tratamentos convencionais que utilizam luz vermelha, este dispositivo utiliza terapia de luz infravermelha, especificamente regulada para oferecer um tratamento eficaz e seguro. A tecnologia de luz patenteada acelera o processo de cicatrização, reduzindo significativamente a duração das lesões. A luz emitida atinge comprimentos de onda específicos que visam as áreas afetadas, promovendo a regeneração da pele e aliviando os sintomas de forma rápida.
Além de sua eficácia, o dispositivo é discreto e não invasivo, permitindo que você o utilize em qualquer lugar, sem que seja visível na pele, ao contrário de cremes ou adesivos. Sua portabilidade facilita o transporte, tornando-o uma opção prática para quem precisa de um tratamento a qualquer momento. O uso é simples e eficiente: basta aplicar o dispositivo três vezes ao dia durante dois dias, garantindo um tratamento rápido e eficaz sem a necessidade de reaplicações constantes. Além disso, o dispositivo é uma alternativa segura e livre de medicamentos, permitindo tratamentos ilimitados em qualquer fase de um surto, oferecendo suporte confiável sempre que o herpes labial se manifestar.
– Tratamento eficaz e seguro para herpes labial, com tecnologia de luz infravermelha.
– Redução significativa na duração das lesões, acelerando o processo de cicatrização.
– Discreto e portátil, ideal para uso em qualquer lugar, sem deixar marcas visíveis.
– Uso fácil e conveniente, com apenas três aplicações diárias por dois dias.
– Alternativa livre de medicamentos, permitindo tratamentos ilimitados em qualquer fase do surto.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Dispositivo de Terapia com Luz Original, siga estas instruções técnicas: inicie o tratamento assim que os primeiros sinais de herpes labial aparecerem. Posicione o dispositivo diretamente sobre a área afetada e ative-o. Aplique a luz por 2 minutos em cada área afetada, repetindo o processo três vezes ao dia durante dois dias consecutivos. Certifique-se de que a pele esteja limpa e seca antes da aplicação para maximizar a eficácia do tratamento. O dispositivo pode ser utilizado em qualquer estágio do surto, proporcionando alívio e suporte contínuo.
M. Revello –
The first time I used this, my cold sore was on day 4 it didn’t really help much because the sore was full blown. I used this sooner on the next one and it worked ! It skipped the blister. If you use this by day 2 it will stop your cold sore.
Update: if you own one, make sure you use fresh batteries each time. Pay attention to the light. If it’s not as bright anymore, time to change the batteries!
Simon –
I ordered this a few months ago just to have it when I have my next episode. I got to use it for the first time two days ago, and it didn’t work at all. I religiously applied this device every four hours, and I ended up with two big ones on the middle and corner of my upper lip. I wish I stuck to my old routine of Abreva and ice cube compresses. At least that trick would have stopped them from growing so big. It’s a nice toy, and I appreciate the new research for this nasty condition, but we are not there yet.
Update 2018:
After seeing so many glowing reviews, I thought maybe I got a bad one. So, I did the iPhone camera test mentioned in another review to see if the lights work. The back camera didn’t show anything, but the front facing FaceTime camera worked great. The lights glow in a violet hue when the button is pressed, and they turn off automatically at the end of cycle. I was really hoping maybe mine was a faulty unit, but it seems the results are totally subjective. For now, Valtrex, ice cubes, and Abreva are the best options.
Cherie –
Really easy to use, and a painless application to remove annoying cold sores. Took more than the stated 2 days (3-4. actually) but only due to a second sore appearing the same day of receiving the virilite. Well recommended and although expensive, its still good value for money . “It Works and now all clear”
Yours Truly –
ok this is nuts but i think this thing works. it is hard to tell since the infrared lights aren’t visible to the baked eye but i can feel the warmth. i got these weird tingly red achy blotches that looked exactly how cold sores look at the beginning. i ised this and they never broke out. i also used antiviral cream but that is what i always use and they break out. i am guessing either this is a miracle product or they were never cold sores in the first place. i would give it 5 stars but i am giving it 4 simply because i cant be 100% sure. if you are on the fence and can afford i’d say definitely try it!!!
O –
Battery cover does not stay on so the battery keeps falling out, was like this when I opened the box. No light at all is emitted from this device, a little card claims it’s invisible, but all my other red light devices are actually red and light up. The globes on this do not light up in any color. Really disappointed, returned.
Dee –
If you can get this device onto sore lips early enough than it can stop the cold sore appearing. If the blister is already out I personally find it heals quicker
Dee –
FDA approved? That thing does not work. Does not seem to be doing anything, I smelled an odour the first time. Did not burn nor seem like something happened.
Bought ‘’in case’’, been under lots of stress and lack of sleep and today it showed up on my lip.
Don’t waste your money, go get a prescription thru your doctor instead.
Now I spent 180$ on something useless I can’t return!
Yours Truly –
Strap in, kiddies.
Short story – I’ve suffered from cold sores since I was a kid, so for nearly 30 years. I bought this product in an act of desperation during the worst outbreak of my life last year. I’ve always approached cold sores through “prevention” rather than “treatment” because once they’re there…they’re just kind of they’re for the next painful two weeks.
So, I started keeping this light in my purse. Whenever I got even a hint of a tingle – could have just been an itchy lip – I pulled this thing out and did the 3 minute treatment. It beeps to start and when finished, so you know when you’re good to go. I swear this thing helped keep what would have turned into sores at bay. Nipped them right in the bud when used at the first tingle and then every few hours that day out of paranoia. It runs on a 9V battery that seems to last 6-8 months with irregular usage. Keep batteries at home because goodness knows it’s going to run out as soon as you don’t need it to. The normally bright green light turns very dull and the beeps aren’t as loud, so you’ll be clued in when you need to change them.
Between this light and a preventative dose of a prescription oral Valtrex/Valcyclovir (go to your GP and get a prescription if you haven’t already!), I was cold sore free for almost exactly a year. One managed to sneak up on me during the night recently and I was able to really put this thing to the test. The results are as follows.
First sign of the tingle – is it a pimple? is it a sore? Better safe than sorry. Whipped this light out, did the treatment. Looked in the mirror, low and behold, there are a few tiny, tiny blisters in the bottom left corner of my mouth. Cold sore confirmed. For the next three to four days, I used the light every two hours that I was awake. As you can see in the photos, the sore never did blister up beyond its initial appearance. This light stopped it before it could really get started. If you’ve dealt with cold sores, you know that those pictures are much preferable to a full blown sore at day two or three. What you see in the pictures was flat, occasionally leaky, and seemed to skip right to the ‘healing’ stage of a sore by the end of day two. Keep at it, don’t just use it twice a day. Bombard that sucker.
Bonus – this light seems to provide some noticeable relief in any pain or itchiness.
I should also disclose that I didn’t solely depend on the Virulite, though it was the only ‘treatment’ I used during this sore (aside from my valcyclovir twice a day and some lysine vitamin tablets). No Abreva. No chapsticks or oinments.
That’s the ‘review’ part. Five stars. Worth. Every. Single. Penny. Below, I’ll tell you what seems to work for me when dealing with these bad boys.
After nearly 3 decades of sores, I’m something of an expert in keeping them in-hand. My go-to treatment plan is as follows.
Always have the following:
1) the Virulite 2) an oral prescription and some lysine tablets for funsies 3) suck it up and order *specifically* the Compeed Cold Sore Patches (in the US, you won’t find them in stores. Order several packs at a time.) 4) some 91%/high percentage Rubbing Alcohol
First step:) Virulite at first sign. First sneaking suspicion. Use this once every few hours. It’s small enough to keep on you or in your car or desk.
Second step:) Douse a cotton swab in the strong rubbing alcohol (also, if you’re paranoid like me, keep some alcohol wipes at your desk or somewhere you can always have them on hand). Don’t cause yourself to bleed – it’ll swell and look worse than it already is – but rub until that initial blister has popped. Get another cotton swab with alcohol. Set it on top of the blister for as long as you can stand it. Forget ‘keeping it moisturized so that this sweet, gentle monster who means you no harm can heal on its own schedule.’ Nuh unh. Nope. Burn that sucker.
Third Step:) Hit again with the Virulite just for fun.
Fourth Step:) Leave it alone. The first day, I like to leave the sore uncovered so that I can really get at it with the Virulite. Occasionally, I’ll place another alcohol swap over it. But! Don’t keep rubbing, the skin will be tender by this point and you could die.
Fifth Step:) EVERY SINGLE NIGHT you should be covering that sore with a cold sore patch. It’ll help it heal and keep your pillows and towels sanitary. I rely on the patches mostly at night or if I HAVE to go out for work or errands. Slap one on because this thing will help keep you and the people around you safe(r).
Even with the patches on, KEEP YOUR FACE AWAY FROM OTHER PEOPLE. I don’t care if you want to kiss your wifey goodnight. NO. Don’t even use the same towel as loved ones. Not even during the healing stage. A patch is not an excuse to engage in any behavior that could even maybe spread the virus. And don’t forget – you can give it to yourself. Again. In way worse places than your face. You should have the cleanest hands you’ve had in your life when you have an active sore. Changing baby diapers? For goodness sake, put on some rubber gloves before you touch that bundle o’joy or pass her off to the partner.
Repeat the above steps right through the healing process, nixing the alcohol at your judgement. My golden rule for my loved ones is that I wait a week until the sore is GONE – as in disappeared, not healing, not almost gone – before engaging in any contact, whether that sharing food or kisses or *ahem* kisses or whatever else.
Be clean. Be ruthless.
Chris –
I purchased this device almost 2 years ago because I would get cold sores on my outer lips which were very painful as well as embarrassing. I was somewhat skeptical that this device would actually work, but I was at the onset of an outbreak so I ordered this device. It arrived a few days later, but my outbreak had already started. So I used it to see if it would help reduce the duration. It did seem to stop the outbreak mid stream and I healed sooner. I then had 2 subsequent eruptions within the first 6 months of owning this device, so I applied this device at the first start of the tingling sensations and both times it stopped it completely cold before any eruption. I then decided to start using it preventatively and used it on all my lips 3 times a day for about 2 weeks and then I stopped. I have not had any eruptions at all (zero, nada) in the last 18 months. Normally I would have outbreaks at least once every three months. I would especially have outbreaks during cold seasons or after being exposed to someone with a cold. I have had no outbreaks. This device seems to have killed the virus that was in my lip tissue. I contracted HSV-1 when I was 18 from a Dentist office that had not sterilized the dental instruments thoroughly. Because I contracted HSV-1 at such a late age, my outbreaks were more severe than if you contracted it when a child. I am pleased to say that this device absolutely worked for me and I would highly recommend it. Result may vary with each person, but I would recommend that when using it treat all of your exposed lip tissue. It takes a little longer but it seemed to work for me. I would just use it when watching TV. The device would cover about 50% of my mouth so only about 10 to 15 minutes to use it. I hope others find this device to be effective and useful and obtain relief.
Update 12/6/2020 – Started to have an outbreak for the first time since purchasing this device. It’s flu season so, I must have come in contact with some type of virus which always triggers my HSV-1. The tingling was starting in several places on my lips, which means this was going to be a very serious outbreak. I grabbed my ViruLite device and tried to use it, but the battery was dead since I had not used in in about 1.5 years. In inserted a new battery and it was ready to go. I immediately applied it across all my lips surface. That was last night before bed. Woke up this morning 95% of spots that were tingling have stopped. One area is still slightly tingling just applied again across all of my lips. All tingling has stopped and no signs of active outbreak. It has stopped this outbreak in its tracks again. This things really works. I have not had any actual outbreaks now in almost 3 years except for this most recent early stage eruption. But again I repeat it stopped the outbreak within less than 12 hours. I have not had to use any supplemental medications in 3 years only this device. I will use the device for the next few days preventatively to kill the virus that must be active my lip tissue again. It works purchase and try it. If it doesn’t work for your then return in under the Amazon return policy. If I ever need to repurchase this device I would absolutely 100% repurchase without hesitation.