Descrição do Produto:
O Dispositivo Facial de Microcorrente é um inovador rolo de massagem que utiliza a tecnologia de microcorrentes para transformar a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Com um design 4D que se adapta perfeitamente aos contornos do rosto, olhos e pescoço, este massageador facial proporciona uma experiência relaxante e eficaz, promovendo a revitalização da pele. Ideal para quem busca resultados visíveis sem sair de casa, o dispositivo é uma alternativa prática aos tratamentos estéticos convencionais.
A microcorrente, a tecnologia central deste dispositivo, emite uma corrente suave que estimula as células da pele, melhorando a sua aparência e promovendo a firmeza. Com cinco intensidades diferentes, você pode personalizar a experiência de acordo com suas necessidades e preferências. O rolo facial conta com dois botões, “VM” e “MODE”, que permitem ajustar a velocidade e o tempo da massagem, garantindo que cada sessão seja adaptada ao seu conforto.
Além de ser um excelente aliado na redução de rugas, linhas finas e olheiras, o Dispositivo Facial de Microcorrente também melhora a textura da pele, proporcionando um aspecto mais saudável e radiante. O uso diário do rolo facial potencializa a absorção de produtos de cuidados com a pele, tornando-os ainda mais eficazes. Versátil, o massageador pode ser utilizado em qualquer parte do corpo, permitindo que você escolha o ângulo que melhor se adapta à sua rotina.
Este dispositivo é um presente perfeito para mulheres que desejam cuidar da sua beleza e bem-estar. Seja em datas comemorativas como Natal, Dia das Mães ou Dia dos Namorados, o Dispositivo Facial de Microcorrente é uma escolha significativa que demonstra carinho e atenção.
- Tecnologia 4D inovadora que se adapta aos contornos do rosto, proporcionando uma massagem eficaz;
- Diversas intensidades de microcorrente que permitem personalizar a experiência de acordo com as necessidades individuais;
- Múltiplos modos de massagem que possibilitam uma rotina de beleza personalizada;
- Uso diário que contribui para a melhoria contínua da aparência da pele;
- Um presente significativo que demonstra cuidado e atenção para amigos e familiares que buscam realçar sua beleza.
Para maximizar os resultados do Dispositivo Facial de Microcorrente, siga as etapas abaixo:
- Inicie com a limpeza e secagem completa do rosto;
- Aplique um produto de cuidados com a pele de sua escolha para potencializar os efeitos;
- Ative o rolo facial e selecione a intensidade e o modo desejados;
- Deslize o rolo facial suavemente sobre a pele, realizando movimentos circulares;
- Dedique de 10 a 15 minutos por dia para o uso do dispositivo;
- Após o uso, limpe o dispositivo com um pano macio e armazene-o em local apropriado.
tifani stegehuis –
I love the Pulser called the microcurrent pulser because it has additional LED lights besides the microcurrent and you can feel the microcurrent working as you move up your face and up your neck area. The handle is very easy to hold and it’s quick and easy to use. I also use it on the backs of my legs and thighs because I feel like it works so well it will also help them to get the collagen going underneath the skin. I do it every morning and night and I always spray my face with a Mist of turmeric and vitamin C (Jeannie Jones Selfie Girl YouTube) see video, and then I slightly pat it dry so that I can actually feel the microcurrents working and see the LED lights as I pass it around my face and neck area and then go to my legs. I follow up with my CBD creams and hyaluronic vitamin C and retinol creams. I definitely think it’s worth the money I saw a very similar one at Nordstrom’s in November 2022 and it was almost $259 and it didn’t even have a decent handle or LED lights. I feel like this one does the exact same thing with microcurrent as the very expensive one advertise on Instagram from Nordstrom‘s.
Prom Queen –
Trash!! Don’t waste ur money!
Jennifer –
Excelente disposjtivo, si funciona.
Amazon Customer –
Pros: Easy to use and it fits nicely in your hand. Cons: New prepared because the current used is very strong, like you are being shocked and your muscles jump. No experience with other products, so this might be what they are all like.
Patricia –
This facial roller does exactly what it says it’s going to do. I already see a difference in my skin. I use it twice a day once in the morning before make up and at night after I remove my makeup and before I go to bed.
I wash my face and I than apply my facial creams and use the machine to rub the creams into my skin with the microcurrent and vibration running at the same time sometimes I only use the microcurrent and sometimes I only use the vibration.
I will be using this product for a long time I don’t want to be without it. I love the results I am seeing so much so that I am placing an order for a second one just in case something happens to the first one. I also wanted to try it on my legs. I definitely would recommend this product.
tifani stegehuis –
I replaced a cheaper similar item for this one which is much better quality- and yet this product was still pretty affordable and works great. It comes in a cute storage box and has adequate instructions. Also has a travel pouch and a cleaning cloth and charging cord.
I read some reviews on the micro current aka: “shock” being unbearable so was a bit nervous on ordering BUT there are different level settings- so start at the lowest (1) so you can adjust as you need. *You can set it at zero/off as well. I actually tested it on my arm first, because the other reviews had me nervous. My first use- level one was good to get used to the tingle effect but now I’m comfortable at a level 3. It’s not a continuous pulse, its every few seconds.
I like the seperate vibration effect as well as the actual rollers to massage my face and neck. There is a LED blue light feature as well. You can turn it on, off, or pulse mode.
I haven’t seen any dramatic effects but I haven’t had it long. It feels great so I know it’s improving/ stimulating circulation which is necessary for facial (and neck) toning.
I am 38 and trying to stay ahead of the aging curve to age gracefully vs rapidly with preventative maintenance.
I’m keeping this device around- I was skeptical and appreciate Amazon Prime’s return policy when products don’t match up to their descriptions. This one does so it’s a part of my weekly skin care evening routine.
FYI: I use this facial toner/ massager after I do all my skin care (cleanse, tone, serum, retinol and moisturizer).
Ms. Cathy Ingoglia –
So I used this the first time on my face (dry) and it was fine on any level of the current with vibration. I did feel electric shock near my teeth area. I do have a tooth implant on one side but felt it on both sides. However, I tried it with a cream on my face and it was so uncomfortable. Barely able to use even on the lowest setting. I could see my muscles spasming. If you’re going to use this, I would recommend using it on a fry face. Do not use with conductor gel or any other cream unless you’re comfortable. I noticed my pores look better.. not sure if it’s from this device or not. Worth a try!
Jerry G –
I think this device has made make my skin look more and soft in just 4 uses. I didn’t realize it hadhad higher levels of micro current and accidentally had it on highest on day 4. BOY OH BOY, made an huge difference. I only felt some massaging before but I could really feel it on high level. I have one tooth post and it zinged my tooth so beware of that. I simply put my tongue over the outside of that tooth and it was fine but I turned the device down two notches as well. In addition, watch the led light pathway, It takes awhile getting use to and you don’t want to put it in the eye. Use it lower on face unttil you learn the path and do all your face away from eye first, then turn led off when near the eye, such as the brow.
Russell Beck –
Bought this item based on posted reviews which seemed to be better than for other items of this type.
Unfortunately I have only a month to decide whether or not to return this item and am not sure how long it takes for it to show improvement of skin tone around the jowl area. Additionally, the instructions advise keeping it in some “cradle” or other when charging. There was no “cradle” in my box and the box was somewhat damaged so I don’t know if it was a return from someone else. I generally use it for 15 minutes or so but this morning I went beyond that time to about 20 minutes and the charge ran out. Since the instruction manual does not advise how long to use this item per session I am hoping that if the company is reading the reviews someone would respond to this.