- Conjunto redutor de queixo duplo 3 em 1: o pacote inclui 1* tonificador de pescoço, 1* rolo de jade e 1* gua sha. O tonificador de pescoço fortalece seus músculos através de exercícios de tonificação. O rolo de jade e o gua sha podem relaxar os músculos, melhorar a circulação sanguínea, firmar e levantar a pele, reduzir inchaço e rugas. Este kit de cuidados pessoais funciona muito bem para reduzir o queixo duplo.
- Massageador de queixo: o Tonificador de Pescoço é o primeiro sistema de tonificação de resistência do mundo para pescoço, queixo e rosto. O tonificador de pescoço exercita os músculos do rosto, pescoço, queixo e garganta, funcionando como redutor de queixo duplo, levantador de linha do maxilar, ferramenta de escultura facial e também desempenha um papel importante em problemas de deglutição.
- 3 Molas de Diferentes Resistências do Tonificador de Pescoço – Níveis iniciante, médio e avançado para atender às suas necessidades, o massageador de queixo firma os músculos e tonifica a pele para um levantamento dramático. Com apenas 2 minutos de exercício por dia, você pode ver uma diferença dramática após um mês.
- Rolo de Jade Ferramenta Natural de Cuidados com a Pele: o rolo facial alivia a tensão muscular após o exercício de tonificação, reduz inchaço e rugas no pescoço, firma e aperta a pele, levanta a linha do maxilar. Também pode ajudar o creme firmador de pescoço a ser absorvido de forma mais eficaz.
- Gua Sha: as ferramentas faciais gua sha não apenas podem levantar a pele e melhorar as linhas finas com pressão ascendente, mas também ajudam a moldar a linha do maxilar.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Redução eficaz do queixo duplo: o conjunto 3 em 1 do Tonificador de Pescoço é especialmente projetado para reduzir o queixo duplo de forma eficaz. Com exercícios de tonificação, massagem com rolo de jade e gua sha, você pode obter resultados visíveis em pouco tempo.
2. Fortalecimento dos músculos do pescoço e do rosto: o Tonificador de Pescoço não apenas reduz o queixo duplo, mas também fortalece os músculos do pescoço, do rosto, do queixo e da garganta. Com diferentes níveis de resistência, você pode personalizar seu treino de acordo com suas necessidades.
3. Melhora da circulação sanguínea e relaxamento muscular: o rolo de jade e o gua sha incluídos no conjunto ajudam a melhorar a circulação sanguínea, relaxar os músculos e aliviar a tensão após os exercícios de tonificação. Isso não apenas melhora a aparência da pele, mas também proporciona uma sensação de relaxamento.
4. Firmeza e levantamento da pele: o rolo de jade e o gua sha têm propriedades firmadoras e de levantamento da pele. Com o uso regular, você pode notar uma melhora na firmeza da pele e uma linha do maxilar mais definida.
5. Compatível com outros produtos de cuidados com a pele: o rolo de jade e o gua sha podem ser usados em conjunto com outros produtos de cuidados com a pele, como cremes firmadores de pescoço. Isso ajuda a melhorar a absorção dos produtos e a potencializar seus efeitos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga estas etapas ao usar o conjunto 3 em 1 do Tonificador de Pescoço:
1. Comece com o tonificador de pescoço, realizando os exercícios de tonificação recomendados por pelo menos 2 minutos por dia. Você pode ajustar a resistência de acordo com seu nível de condicionamento físico.
2. Em seguida, use o rolo de jade para massagear suavemente o pescoço, o queixo e o rosto. Faça movimentos ascendentes para ajudar a melhorar a circulação sanguínea e relaxar os músculos.
3. Por fim, use o gua sha para moldar a linha do maxilar e melhorar as linhas finas. Aplique uma pressão ascendente suave ao longo da mandíbula e das bochechas.
Repita essas etapas regularmente para obter os melhores resultados. Lembre-se de limpar os acessórios após o uso e armazená-los adequadamente para garantir sua durabilidade.
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mec –
Love using the Jade roller. So easy to massage neck and face with the cool Jade roller, the coolness of the Jade feels wonderful on my face. The main reason I bought this, was to massage a small area on the top of my lip were I had surgery and 14 stitches. The Doctor told me to massage the area several times a day to help break up any scarring . I found this was awkward to do and not effective. Now I just add a drop of almond oil and use the roller, so easy and WOW the results are amazing. The area flattened out and the color is back to normal. This could be used on any part of your body, not just for your face. I plan on buying several more to give as gifts.
Emerald Bixby –
A little Squeeky and definitely cheaper metal that discolors if not dried off immediately, but it does the job and I really like it! After three weeks of continuous use, my skin definitely feels more firm and has cleared up! I use it with a drop of rosehip oil and it distributes it nicely.
Diamond –
Received September 14, 2024, and bottom keeps falling off October 10, 2014. Not good quality. Lasted just long enough for the return period to expire!
James –
It’s so awesome that it comes with two. So far so good and well made. I have owned it for over a month and used a few times. I keep mine in a freezer bag and use after applying serum before bed when I really need a face boost. I haven’t used often enough to attenst results but you feel so relaxed and good after. One big thing is to not use it with makeup on! I did this once and afterwards got the worst breakout and I think the only thing I did differently was to use this. I am thinking it swished or pressed oil deep into my pores while opening them. Anyway just do this on a squeaky clean face (with serum too) and you will be happy.
Courtney S –
Product came late & when I did receive it , it was open and broken the jade roller is nice though but maybe better packaging because i cant Even use what i really Placed the order for very disappointed
Emerald Bixby –
I’m writing this right after receiving the tools. I haven’t tried them much to see their effectiveness on the face yet, but speaking as a former medical massage therapist, I’m confident in the efficacy of facial massage and in the appropriateness of these tools for it. Your results with facial massage will depend entirely on your goals, your consistency, and your technique. 🙂 My review will center on the quality of the products themselves now that I can touch and examine them.
These are impressive, especially for the price. I’m really glad I went with these. First off, I couldn’t tell from the pictures if the center handle pieces were also jade since the colors in the pictures are pretty uniform, but on my rollers those body pieces are also fully beautiful variegated jade. The metal is very sturdy, and the pieces all roll very nicely and smoothly, and the surface of the stone is very smooth and comfortable. The overall materials and make feel more luxurious than I expected.
The first thing I did was a stupid mistake, which resulted in breaking one (I’ve already repaired it), and it’s no fault of the product itself whatsoever, I was the dumb one — I’m just mentioning it so nobody else who’s impulsive and picky like me tries the same thing. On one of my rollers, the two end pieces weren’t quite aligned on the same axis (which is fine really, they were nearly straight), and I tried to gently twist one of them just a bit against its own wires, to even it out. Even trying to be careful, I applied too much force and snapped the jade handle about an inch in. I’m not mad about that, stone is brittle and rotational force is going to stress a shape like that, I know better. Anyway, it was easy to repair with superglue; I layered a piece of scotch tape down around it with additional superglue to add extra security while the break seals and that tape is basically invisible, and I’ll remove that later and brush some clear resin or something around the handle to stabilize the repair. Just wanted to include this experience as a caution to others not to be like me, as info in case anyone makes the same mistake and wants ideas for repair, and also to validate that the metal pieces are indeed built out of strong wire and attached very firmly to the ends of the handles!
The packaging also particularly impressed me. For a product like this at this price, I expected a fairly solid product but no real frills. The box is sturdy and nice and is the sort I’ll continue to re-use; the little canvas bag the flat stone comes in is great quality and will see a great deal of re-use as well. As you can see in my pics, I’ve decided to use the original box with the lid rearranged, as a little place to keep the tools and the stone neat and separated. Also, the rollers themselves were vacuum-sealed upon arrival, which I didn’t anticipate, and I found that to be a smart way of making sure the brittle stone stayed safe while shipping.
Definitely a good quality product, and affordable enough that if I have any issues with where I already broke the one handle, I’ll just eventually buy another set. I’ll be remembering this for gifts in the future as well, for sure. They feel lovely to use so far and I’m sure they’ll be a great asset in performing facial massage on myself more often. If you’re looking for an attractive and fun self-care item as a present for yourself or anyone else, something which feels a lot fancier than its price would indicate, this is a great choice.
Catie Stearns –
The packaging on this was shockingly good for the price. Each roller came individually wrapped in a thick plastic package, both in a sturdy box with the smaller flat thing in a cloth bag. I use this product after I do my skincare routine and I roll upwards on my face and around my eyes to help the products sink in and to promote circulation. I’ve also found that keeping one roller in the fridge and going around my eyes in the morning helps to reduce puffy eye bags before I do my makeup. I’m 95% sure you could get these results with any roller product, so I can’t vouch for the benefits of the “jade” specifically. (I also can’t confirm these are actual jade but that’s the risk of the pride and frankly I don’t care.) I deducted one star simply because the connecting parts (the not stone bits) seem a bit cheap. It doesn’t affect the functionality of the roller, but don’t expect something ultra-luxurious.
Courtney S –
i had my doubts as to the performance & efficacy of this product. i mean, the price is really low for 2 of these. i don’t know how much my old skin will benefit from using this item, but i have to say — it feels like a spa treatment while i’m using it! whether i attain a new glow or my skin regenerates faster from using it, it’s a very comforting, pleasant sensation, like getting a little facial mini-massage. i’ve been using it for about 5 minutes every day, & feel very refreshed & renewed when my little session is over. i was pleasantly surprised by how well made these are. i’m sure i’ll get my money’s worth out of these, as i’ve seen them selling for alot more than what i paid. you really can’t go wrong w/this product. whether it benefits your skin, or just relaxes & feels good, you’re still benefiting from a low-cost health/beauty item.