O Dimora Gel de Silicone para Cicatrizes é um produto inovador que se destaca no tratamento de cicatrizes cirúrgicas, queloides, estrias, marcas de acne e na recuperação pós-cesárea. Com uma embalagem de 30g em um pacote com 2 unidades, este gel transparente e de secagem rápida é formulado com silicone médico, que atua de maneira eficaz na hidratação e suavização da pele, melhorando a textura e a coloração das cicatrizes. O uso contínuo do Dimora Gel proporciona resultados visíveis em apenas 8 semanas, tornando a pele mais uniforme e saudável.
O gel é especialmente projetado para suavizar e aplainar cicatrizes elevadas, aliviando a coceira e o desconforto associados. É ideal para cicatrizes resultantes de lesões, queimaduras, cirurgias plásticas e traumas, além de ser uma excelente opção para a prevenção de cicatrizes hipertróficas. A fórmula avançada contém vitamina C ester, que auxilia na melhora de cicatrizes vermelhas ou escuras, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida e eficaz.
Após a aplicação, o Dimora Gel forma um filme protetor invisível na pele, secando rapidamente em 4-5 minutos, permitindo que a maquiagem seja aplicada sem manchar as roupas. Testado dermatologicamente, o produto é hipoalergênico e não tóxico, sendo seguro para crianças e pessoas com pele sensível.
1. Eficácia comprovada na prevenção e tratamento de cicatrizes elevadas.
2. Resultados visíveis em apenas 8 semanas de uso.
3. Fórmula avançada com vitamina C ester para melhorar cicatrizes vermelhas ou escuras.
4. Textura invisível, sem odor e não oleosa, permitindo o uso de maquiagem após a secagem.
5. Produto testado dermatologicamente, seguro para crianças e pessoas com pele sensível.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma camada fina do Dimora Gel de Silicone na área da cicatriz duas vezes ao dia. É importante seguir as instruções de aplicação fornecidas na embalagem e evitar o uso em feridas abertas. Para um tratamento eficaz, recomenda-se utilizar o produto por um período mínimo de 60 a 90 dias. Em casos de cicatrizes maiores, pode ser necessário um tempo de tratamento mais prolongado. Caso tenha dúvidas ou preocupações, consulte um profissional de saúde.
Annette Telles –
Very well packaged, pleasef with the product
Simon –
I have been using this scar gel for several weeks now and have noticed a little difference in several long term smaller scars that I have. I will need to use this for a much longer to potentially notice any results. The formula is known to help improve the appearance of scars over time so we will see. I like that the cap is thin which makes it easy and accurate to apply exactly where you need it. There is no weird smell and it absorbs into your skin pretty well. I am hopeful that over time it can provide some improvement.
Retiredcatmom –
I haven’t been totally religious about applying this, but I’ve applied it regularly, and definitely averaging at least 1x/day. It’s perfectly easy to use— rub it on and let it dry. I have an ugly scar on my knee from a stupid fall a few years ago. It’s not gone, but it’s definitely getting lighter, which is what I wanted. I’ll continue using it, and I’ll apply it on fresh healing wounds next time I injure myself to try and prevent the scar formation in the first place. The price is reasonable compared to other scar creams. It doesn’t irritate my skin in any way.
John K –
Never expected it would make my scar look so much better even after the first application. Pretty cool stuff!
K –
I want to flatten and make less red my scars from stitches. My dermatologist told me to look for silicone.
This tape is easy to cut, sticks well for a few days, and does not itch or cause irritation.
The scar is looking much better.
Ramjet Rogers –
I ordered Dimora Professional Silicone Scar Sheets for a 50 year old surgical scar. It’s about a foot long and has endured a lot of abuse over the years. I haven’t seen any improvement in the whole week that I’ve been using this scar tape, but I didn’t expect to. After all these years I know that it will take some significant time to see any difference. But, I can tell you that this product is really comfortable. The directions say to start by wearing it 4 hours per day and work your way up to 24 hours over a period of two weeks. I applied the tape in the morning on day one and promptly forgot about it. I didn’t realize it was still there until I felt it in the middle of the night after wearing it for about 18 hours. It didn’t seem to matter. There was no swelling, rash or redness. I skipped the next day thinking that I’d already used up day two hours during the night. When I applied it again on day 3, darned if I didn’t forget all about it again until the following morning. Now, I’ve just given up and wear it for a full 24 hours. 🙂
If you’re looking for scar tape, you should give this a try.
Ostar –
We have bought a few different brands of these scar remover products. Coming from my wife who works at a dermatologist clinic the apparent important thing is they must be silicone. From there I can’t really say one works better than the others but they all should help. One thing I like about this particular product is it’s in a roll. We have bought others that come in precut strips. Not only do you not get as much they’re hardly ever the right size either making you cut them anyway or wasting them. This is a much better value and it’s just as easy to use. If you’re looking for getting started on some of these save yourself some money and just get it in a roll.
Marie –
I had a surgery back in March and my doctor recommended me to use another brand name scar gel super expensive.
I got it and when I was finishing the tub, I couldn’t find the product anywhere! I panicked because it was helping me with my big scar.
That’s when I came across this scar gel. I ordered it and started using it immediately about 2 months ago.
To be 100% honest, it does the same job that the other brand name does, but for a fraction of the price.
2 tubes for $17 ! It can’t get any better than that!
I can see my scar keeps fading the same way it was fading with the other gel but it’s not breaking my bank 😰
The color is clear, has no smell and it works!!!
Highly recommended!!!