- Atributos Especiais – Cápsulas vegetarianas de DIM de alta absorção 2 em 1 com extrato de pimenta preta. Ingredientes à base de plantas que trabalham sinergicamente para uma biodisponibilidade ideal. DIM ativo de grau USP que mantém propriedades antioxidantes e fitonutrientes essenciais.
- Benefícios e Uso – DIM é um nutriente natural encontrado em muitos vegetais crucíferos e, se tomado diariamente, pode oferecer benefícios para o estrogênio, acne e suporte para SOP em mulheres e homens.
- Dosagem e Porções – Cada frasco contém 240 cápsulas que vêm em uma fórmula conveniente de duas cápsulas por dia. Isso permite um suprimento de até 4 meses, com cada porção fornecendo 300mg de DIM puro combinado com 2,5mg de extrato de pimenta preta.
- Propósito – A pimenta preta contém um composto chamado piperina, que complementa o DIM ajudando a limitar a quebra de nutrientes durante a digestão e auxilia na absorção completa de nutrientes para resultados maximizados.
- Qualidade Garantida – Ingredientes não transgênicos testados e aprovados por laboratórios independentes. Feito sem glúten, conservantes, laticínios, ovos, amendoim, soja, trigo e levedura.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Biodisponibilidade otimizada: As cápsulas vegetarianas de DIM com extrato de pimenta preta garantem uma absorção eficiente dos nutrientes, permitindo que você aproveite ao máximo os benefícios do produto.
2. Suporte hormonal: O DIM é conhecido por seu potencial de equilibrar os níveis de estrogênio no corpo, o que pode ser benéfico para mulheres que sofrem de sintomas relacionados ao desequilíbrio hormonal.
3. Combate à acne: A ingestão diária de DIM pode ajudar a reduzir a acne, pois ajuda a regular a produção de sebo e a controlar a inflamação na pele.
4. Suporte para SOP: Mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) podem se beneficiar do uso regular de DIM, pois ele pode ajudar a regular os níveis hormonais e aliviar os sintomas associados à condição.
5. Qualidade garantida: Os ingredientes deste suplemento são testados por laboratórios independentes, garantindo que você esteja recebendo um produto de alta qualidade e confiável.
Recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
amber –
I’ve been taking DIM for some time to assist with hormonal fluctuations and hormonal cystic acne.
I’d run out, and things went downhill with my system and skin quickly and dramatically! I don’t recall what drew me to try the deal DIM, but I ordered and waited impatiently!
I didn’t wait long! It arrived quickly, a great value, and I started back to my usual routine!
My skin quickly began clearing, I began feeling better. The dosage is ideal for me, and the capsule are easily swallowed. After taking this product for a few weeks, my skin and system are back to normal and I’m happy to continue with this brand!
I may have neglected the review without the offer on the bottle to receive more product for doing so, but I wouldn’t be interested in another bottle if the product y hadn’t worked as intended and needed!
It delivered, and I’m happy to share that!
This is a good, effective value for anyone taking DIM or interested in the benefits of DIM! I recommend DIM to anyone who has struggled as I have with hormonal cystic acne. Washes, treatments and masks cannot reach an issue that is deep in your skin and triggered by the internal processes of your body. You have to work from within (and hole still caring for the surface!) and I for one would much rather support my body with DIM rather than subject it to unnecessary antibiotics which may treat the symptoms of the issue but will never be able to actually solve the root of the matter!
Valid customer Hadicha hanum –
I have been using other supplements to help with menopause symptoms and joint pain. But they could help just little. I felt different right after taking this supplement in few days. Now after one month taking, I can say for sure : it is working and helping a lot. Last 4-6 months I used to have noisy annoying pain in my stomach any time on the day, before or after meal . U can’t believed it stopped. During one month I had only ones such pain, but it was weak and short t time . I have migraines every month for 3 days ,
and during this month it was mild pain for half day only! It was hard for me to get up for morning prayers last few months, now I can get up early and stay up all day.also it helped me a lot with hot flashes and joint pain . I am getting better. I started even walking for 20 minutes a day ( with awful pain I wasn’t able to walk or didn’t have feel to walk) it helps with mood swings ✅ recently every morning my face was swollen, now I feel little swollen only. I will keep taking this supplement, and thanks a lot ddeal.net for promotion to get one bottle for free. It was fast service ✅. Yes , I highly recommend it for everyone one who is having menopause simptoms or who ever wants to stay healthy and happy!
The Mrs. –
The wife here! This review will be long, so I’ll just say right now, this 100% helped with hormonal imbalance and hormonal acne! I believe it was a combination of things, but this is DEFINITELY one of them.
At 37, during a C-Section for my last child, my doctor removed my tubes. I was done having kids and it lowers your risk of ovarian cancer by 40%, so I was all for it. However, my doctor not tell me there was a risk of hormonal imbalance afterwards, and I believe that many doctors do not even believe this to be true. But ask any woman who has had her tubes removed or tied, it does. Women are almost always dismissed or told our problems/pain is in our heads but that’s a story for another day.
I thought my severe mood swings was due to postpartum hormonal changes, but when time passed and my mood swings were still nuts (imagine the worst ones when you’re pregnant, almost all the time) I thought perhaps it was due to my age and maybe I was reaching peri-menopause. After some research, I discovered that many women reported hormonal imbalances after tubal ligation and removal. Interesting. My doctor said nothing to me about this.
Next, I began getting terrible acne, and none of the conventional products (salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide) did NOTHING to help, and I tried a lot of things. So I began to research once again. I discovered that the type and placement of my acne was referred to so charmingly as an “Acne beard” demonstrated that it was hormonal. Lovely. Typically that stuff only goes away with dermatologist visits, and money was a bit tight so that wasn’t an option. I learned that dairy and gluten can worsen/cause hormonal break-outs. I was doing a round of Whole30 at the time which meant no dairy or gluten for 30 days, so that would be simple to test the effects of a lack of air and gluten on my skin.
My next leg of research brought me to birth control, which I didn’t want to take, and I stumbled across DIM. It not only was supposed to help hormonal imbalance, but it was supposed to help hormonal acne as well. The very first review and pictures sold me on this particular one, as was a lack of carrageenan in these particular capsules. The fact that they send you a free bottle really clinched it for me. 🙂
I began taking these at night, as well as keeping dairy and gluten from my diet. When I reached the reintroduction period post Whole30 and broke out every time I ate dairy, I decided that there was certainly something to that. After a couple of weeks of regular use, I didn’t get any new acne. And I also learned about adapalene or its name brand, Differin. It’s the only OTC retinoid that’s effective for treating acne, and bonus, many women use it as a cheap anti-aging product.
Ladies, my mood swings leveled out. Near shark week of course, I still had my usual stuff, but I didn’t feel psychotic all the time anymore. I didn’t get new acne, and my existing acne cleared up. My skin started looking like my skin again. I used to look in the mirror and cry, because I felt so hideous. I whole-heartedly believe that the Differin, this DIM, and not eating dairy or gluten is the combination of things that keep my skin clear. I know this because every time I “cheat” and eat a “forbidden” food, my skin always breaks out. lol. The thing is about Differin though, is you have to keep using it to as a prevention. It’s pretty reasonable at Walmart, and they sell Adapalene on here which works just as well. Just make sure you use sunscreen with it, (I like Cerave AM moisturizing lotion) and a good moisturizer at night. I like the giant 16 oz tub of Cerave moisturizing cream. It will last you at least a year, even with generous application.
TRY THIS STUFF! Don’t suffer another minute!