Descrição do Produto: Digest Gold, 240 Cápsulas
O Digest Gold é um suplemento enzimático vegano de máxima potência, projetado para otimizar a digestão e potencializar a energia do seu corpo. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina 13 tipos de enzimas digestivas, incluindo amilase, lipase e protease, este produto é a solução ideal para quem busca uma digestão mais eficiente e um bem-estar geral.
- Impulsor Digestivo: Acelera o processo digestivo e melhora a energia, ajudando a desbloquear o poder dos alimentos para nutrir sua vida.
- Alívio Rápido: Desfrute das suas refeições sem desconforto; ajuda a eliminar gases ocasionais, inchaço e indigestão.
- Suporte Completo: Uma mistura abrangente de enzimas digestivas que quebram todos os componentes da sua refeição, como gorduras, fibras, proteínas e carboidratos.
- Baseado em Ciência: Potencializado pelo Thera-blend, um processo que combina várias variantes de enzimas-chave para atuar sinergicamente em toda a ampla faixa de pH do sistema digestivo.
- Promessa de Pureza: A Enzyme Science, divisão de profissionais da Enzymedica, é uma pioneira original em enzimas suplementares; este produto não contém glúten, leite, caseína, soja, ovos, cores ou sabores artificiais, nem OGM, sendo vegano e kosher.
1. Melhora na Digestão: Acelera a quebra de alimentos, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes essenciais.
2. Redução de Desconfortos: Minimiza sintomas como gases e inchaço, proporcionando uma experiência alimentar mais agradável.
3. Aumento de Energia: Ao otimizar a digestão, o produto ajuda a transformar os alimentos em energia de forma mais eficiente.
4. Fórmula Completa: Com 13 enzimas diferentes, oferece suporte abrangente para todos os tipos de alimentos consumidos.
5. Segurança e Pureza: Produto livre de alérgenos comuns e ingredientes artificiais, ideal para dietas restritivas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 a 2 cápsulas de Digest Gold antes de cada refeição. Isso garantirá que as enzimas estejam disponíveis para atuar no momento em que os alimentos entram no sistema digestivo, promovendo uma digestão eficiente e aliviando qualquer desconforto associado. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde para personalizar o uso conforme suas necessidades individuais.
Trebeca –
Update September 2022:
This is a weak update but I said I’d be back, sooo…
When I remembered to take these, I think they worked. If I took them religiously I truly think I would not have gained weight although I’m not sure if I would have lost more than a few pounds.
Mostly I think taking these serves as a psychological reminder about the fact I’m eating a high carb meal and perhaps I should make a better food decision. The importance of awareness about food should NOT be underestimated in my opinion, so I consider this a benefit of these pills.
I just started taking these a few days ago and I’m still trying not to forget to take one before each meal. So, the jury is still out for me.
I received these in July 2022 and the expiration date is March 2023.
I like that they’re made in the USA and that they’re certified kosher and vegan friendly, that demonstrates good quality control to me!
Cari T –
I ordered this product, as I’ve dealt with digestive issues for most of my life. While I maintain a very healthy lifestyle, I am always looking for a product that will help aid in better digestion, but also discomfort from certain foods.
Not only does this enzyme blend promote better digestion, but this powerhouse is meant to work throughout the entire GI tract. This is important for someone like me, as most products don’t treat your entire intestinal system, therefore leaving you with continual problems.
I will say that the price is high at $.55 per serving, especially when you are meant to take one capsule with every meal. That being the case, this will last you 30 days, meaning that you are spending $1.65 per day.
However, it’s benefits might outweigh the cost. Not only does this product speed up digestion, but it is fast acting relief which means it should help aid in occasional gas, bloating and indigestion. Even more important, is the fact that it is made up of 13 digestive enzymes so that you are able to break down all components of your food: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber.
Along with this, this product is gluten-free, dairy free, soy free, non-GMO, vegan, and has no artificial fillers.
Overall, this product gets five stars in my book.
RPJr –
I didn’t notice a huge difference, I have tried other digestive supplements that have helped more.
Lia Batista –
son enzimas digestivas, se utilizan para realizar la digestion de los alimentos .
Cari T –
I love that this is such a comprehensive digestive enzyme. It seemed to work really well for us. However, I am super picky about what we put into our bodies because there are so many companies out there that are not testing their products well for toxins additives (which I unfortunately learned by personal experience recently on another product.)
Thankfully, Enzymedica seems to be a company that has done not only their research, which is easy to find on their well done website, but also their quality testing (which took me a little longer to find). They are third-party GMP certified by NSF which is a real and genuine certification. I really appreciate knowing that they care enough about their consumers to pay for the extra quality manufacturing precautions.
So, when I take this, I’m not just experiencing a good short term outcome, but I can also know I’m doing good for my body in the long term. If you have any questions about using digestives long term, Enzymedica has some good FAQs and blog articles on their website where they address those questions in a reassuring way. I highly recommend this supplement not only based on my short term results but also on the company’s commitment to our long term health.
SJ –
This is not the real “Digest Gold”
Lia Soffia Ludovica –
I tried Enzyme Science Digest Gold because I regularly take digestive enzymes at meals to help calm digestive issues. The capsules are average sized, easy to swallow, no taste detected nor aftertaste and no digestive upset and worked as expected. I chose this brand for its quality ingredients, manufacturing standards and formulation. The product is Vegan and Kosher, made in the USA and contains NO gluten, milk, casein, soy, egg, artificial colors, flavors or GMOs. The dose is 1 capsule before meals and its a 90 capsule bottle. Recommend product and may want to consider purchasing larger size for lower price per capsule and best value.
PLEASE NOTE: I am not a healthcare or medical care professional. I have educated myself on key factors to look for when selecting quality supplements.How it will affect others depends on personal biology, current health conditions, what other supplements and medications you are taking, if you take with food or not as directed, length of time used, etc. Review is based on my personal opinion and experience without knowledge of your situation.
BeenThereTriedThat –
These were easy to take, I would take one before every meal or sometimes after and Everytime my stomach and guts felt better.
And I mean that built exponentially. I feel like these healed my microbiome and every time I took one, I felt healthier and healthier.
I’ve struggled with gastrointestinal issues literally my whole life but that shockingly started to disappear after about 2 weeks maybe less of taking Digest Gold.
I had no negative side effects, none! I am happier now, I feel physically better (I’m not uncomfortable and don’t have to use the bathroom 20 times a day), my sleep is more regular and I have more energy during the day.
I was taking another enzyme supplement before this one but when I ran out I started taking this and it’s amazing!
(I just mention that because your timeline may be different or longer than 2 weeks if you haven’t been on any enzymes)
I HIGHLY recommend Digest Gold!! Especially to anyone with IBS or an autoimmune thing, anyone with leaky gut or a messed up microbiome. This works miracles.