Descrição do Produto: Digest-Aid
O Digest-Aid é uma fórmula completa de enzimas digestivas que combina uma mistura poderosa de ingredientes para otimizar a saúde digestiva e promover o bem-estar geral. Com uma combinação abrangente de enzimas, incluindo Dygezyme, papaína, bromelaína, lipase, celulase, alfa-galactosidase, pancreatina e lactase, este produto foi desenvolvido para apoiar o processo digestivo natural do corpo. Essas enzimas trabalham em sinergia para facilitar a quebra de todos os principais grupos alimentares, garantindo uma absorção ideal de nutrientes e promovendo a saúde intestinal.
Além de suas enzimas digestivas, o Digest-Aid contém uma mistura calmante de ingredientes como pó de gengibre, óleo de hortelã-pimenta, óleo de hortelã-verde, óleo de ajowan e óleo de erva-doce. Esses componentes não apenas ajudam a reduzir o estresse e a tensão, mas também apoiam a conexão entre o intestino e o cérebro, proporcionando uma sensação de calma e equilíbrio tanto física quanto mentalmente.
Para potencializar ainda mais a saúde intestinal, o Digest-Aid inclui uma mistura única de prebióticos e probióticos. Com FOS (fruto-oligossacarídeos) e L-Sporogens, essa combinação promove o crescimento de bactérias benéficas no intestino, resultando em uma digestão aprimorada, aumento da imunidade e um bem-estar geral.
A qualidade, segurança e integridade são os pilares da HTN, que se dedica a capacitar as pessoas a viverem vidas mais saudáveis por meio de produtos nutricionais de qualidade superior e informações confiáveis sobre nutrição. Estamos comprometidos com nossos produtos e nossos clientes; se você não estiver satisfeito por qualquer motivo, entre em contato conosco e faremos o possível para resolver a situação, sem perguntas.
– Suporte Digestivo Completo: Melhora a digestão de todos os grupos alimentares, promovendo a absorção de nutrientes.
– Equilíbrio Mental e Físico: A mistura de ervas acalma a mente e o corpo, reduzindo o estresse.
– Saúde Intestinal Aprimorada: A combinação de prebióticos e probióticos favorece o crescimento de bactérias benéficas.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produtos de alta qualidade que seguem rigorosos padrões de segurança.
– Compromisso com o Cliente: Garantia de satisfação, com suporte ao cliente sempre disponível.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de Digest-Aid antes de cada refeição. Isso garantirá que as enzimas digestivas estejam disponíveis para auxiliar na quebra dos alimentos, otimizando a absorção de nutrientes. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
Ronald R –
These give me terrible heartburn.
Nurses Rock –
This bottle of digestive aid capsules arrived quickly and well packaged. The bottle was sealed for freshness and safety, and it contains a total of 60 capsules, equal to 30 servings. The ingredients are natural and known for digestive health. You do pick up the minty smell when handling, and I did notice that come through after taking as well. These are about the same size as most other capsules and did seem to help improve my rate of digestion. I didn’t have any upset stomach or indigestion after taking these. I had my mother in law try them as she has some pretty severe stomach and bowel issues, and unfortunately these did not help her. She ended up with some pretty massive stomach pain and indigestion, which isn’t uncommon but she said did feel more amplified since adding this in. The price point for this is consistent with other similar products. Overall, this does help with digestion however definitely not suggested for those with severe stomach or bowel problems. Would recommend.
RaeReadsALot –
Works great when I have indigestion, the only down side is the capsule itself tastes not so great, but quickly swallow it down and it’s fine.
Danat –
I ordered these to use as needed. I take probiotics, but sometimes I need to add a digestive enzyme, usually when I eat a lot of rich foods. Ginger is always effective for me, so I thought this preparation would work with the added ingredients. Definitely a game changer for me. I used these before a big meal out, and I had no problems. What I don’t like is their size. They are quite big and not that easy to swallow without a lot of water. The price is fine for as needed, but quite expensive for a 30-day supply.
iseeyou –
Supplements like these that aim to aid your digestion can be very helpful, so I added these to my daily intake of capsules. The capsules are average supplement size and are easy to swallow. They have a somewhat exotic minty smell in the bottle. They have more ingredients than I can check out, but I did not see anything on the list that looked suspicious. When You’re taking multiple supplements, it’s sometimes difficult to determine which is doing what and which is doing the most good. So I keep experimenting. Everybody responds differently to supplements, so I don’t know what these will do for you, but for me they are definitely doing some good.
JHB-4 –
It helped with my digestive problems. I will continue use.
JT –
I was excited to try out a new digestive enzyme and especially one with a straightforward ingredient list similar to-but better than what I’ve been taking. However when I opened the bottle at least one of the capsules was empty (appears to be cracked) and there was dust (presumably the insides of that pill) covering the rest of the pills and the inside of the bottle. I like the smell of mint, but it’s pervasive and because it’s now on the exterior of every pill, my AM pills all taste like mint. That could be a good thing, if you take after eating, but I take before and with coffee which doesn’t pair particularly well with mint (luckily I’m not drinking juice). That also suggests a potential mis-dosage, which even minimally, is not ideal. There are no blemishes in the product itself so it seems to be a manufacturing defect that I’d have hoped would be caught in QC tests. So it makes me question the overall quality when it’s the first time I’m trying it. I leave it open to the chance that I happened to get the exception and not the rule. I do think that I’ve noticed a more-settled stomach since taking these, so it may be doing some good all in all. But when everything (including burps) taste like mint instead of what I’m eating, it throws me off.
Danat –
Health Thru Nutrition’s, digestive enzyme complex, veggie caps are very easy to swallow. Upon opening the bottle, a pleasant, minty aroma made me happy, I knew that the capsules would be much easier to swallow because of the pleasant aroma. I was pleasantly surprised by the list of ingredients, many of the ingredients I was able to identify as herbs and spices, that I use in my every day life. The capsule size itself is about 3/4 of an inch, I was a little worried about the capsule being difficult to swallow, no problems, very impressed by how easily the capsules were to use. I used capsules, after a meal that would normally cause me some stomach distress, I am happy to report that I had no problems with the digestion of my meal.