O DHEA, ou Dehidroepiandrosterona, é um hormônio produzido naturalmente pelas glândulas suprarrenais e desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções do corpo humano. Com o passar dos anos, a produção de DHEA diminui, o que pode levar a uma série de efeitos negativos na saúde e no bem-estar. A suplementação com DHEA tem se mostrado uma solução eficaz para restaurar os níveis desse hormônio, promovendo uma sensação geral de bem-estar e vitalidade.
- Disponível também em frascos e potes de 2 oz. e 4 oz. com bomba.
- O DHEA tem um efeito positivo em nossa sensação geral de bem-estar.
- O DHEA pode aumentar o desejo sexual tanto em mulheres quanto em homens.
- O DHEA pode ajudar a lidar melhor com o estresse, além de fortalecer o sistema imunológico.
- O DHEA desempenha um papel vital no aumento da massa muscular magra, na queima de gordura e na estimulação do crescimento ósseo.
1. Melhora da sensação de bem-estar geral, proporcionando mais energia e disposição.
2. Aumento do desejo sexual, contribuindo para uma vida íntima mais satisfatória.
3. Auxílio na gestão do estresse, promovendo um estado mental mais equilibrado.
4. Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
5. Estímulo ao crescimento muscular e à queima de gordura, ideal para quem busca um corpo mais saudável e definido.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o DHEA, recomenda-se iniciar com uma dose de 25 mg a 50 mg por dia, conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. O produto pode ser administrado em cápsulas ou em forma líquida, sendo importante seguir as instruções do rótulo. É aconselhável tomar o DHEA pela manhã, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção. A monitorização dos níveis hormonais e a consulta regular com um médico são essenciais para ajustar a dosagem e garantir a eficácia do tratamento.
Anna H –
I didn’t like that this cream is so thin. I didn’t notice any improvements so out of desperation, I tried the pills and I have been having great results with the pills.
M. –
Natural Radiance DHEA didn’t work for me and I believe this was so because of where the cream was applied. I now have a prescribed DHEA and it’s instruction is to apply to the inside lips of the labia not the arm or behind the leg as recommended on Natural Radiance. The tissue is very different and doesn’t absorb into the body well.
PH –
I’ve been using this item daily for a couple of months now and I don’t see or feel any changes. Maybe it depends on the individual but I’m not going to buy it again.
Great product, unfortunately my wife while used the crème got angry and techy
LoriJeanM –
This product is comparable to Twist DHEA 25 ( $49 for a one month supply) This is half the price and is equally as good. For any women 40’ish and older. Try this product. It helps with hot flashes, skin softness, energy, and sleep.
Caryl M. Kirk –
I’ve had is a subtle and some what surprising response to this creme. It took me a while to evaluate it, but after I missed my regular dose I decide THIS STUFF REALLY WORKS. I think it was someone on this thread that said they stuck their finger in and pulled it out and whatever stuck was what they used. I used this same strategy for my dosage and used my little finger. I put it on the inside of my arms, back of my knees and inside of my thigh. All I can say is that I’ve more energy and since I’m on depression meds it actually helps with the depression. I’m 65/66 years old…my husband has been on testosterone therapy for almost 2 years and I was having some problem keeping up with him. Now, like I said, it is subtle but now I’m more sexually active and I’ve noticed that my body responds…which I’m very glad about. We’ve been married 48 years and these have been the best years we’ve EVER HAD!!
I have tried multiple DHEA creams and always go back to Natural Radiance brand. On occasion, when I have difficulty finding Natural Radiance DHEA cream to purchase, I bought other creams thinking they are all created equally. This is not the case for me anyway. My symptoms are alleviated when I use this brand and quickly return when I use other brands. The cream absorbs quickly into the skin and does not leave a greasy residue like other creams do. Most important of all, it works! (not sure why there is a rating for how flavorful the cream is. It is not to be ingested).
ColdLittleHeart –
After my last hormone panel was done, my doctor recommended I take DHEA supplements (I had very low testosterone and low DHEA). I’m usually very sensitive to anything I ingest, so I bought a jar of Natural Radiance. I had high hopes, but nothing happened — bad, good, or indifferent. I checked with a friend who is also on hormone therapy, and she told me she’d had the same experience — her naturopath told her that hormone creams only have a placebo effect. (She’d tried both an estrogen and a progesterone cream and her numbers stayed out of whack.)
So I tried 10 mg DHEA capsules. I’ve been taking them for a couple of weeks now, and my husband was the one to notice I had more energy and seemed more “alive.”
If you’re trying to balance your hormones and have been advised to add DHEA, please don’t fall for the placebo of using cream. It might moisturize your skin but it won’t change the numbers on your hormone panel!