DGL Licorice Extract Powder Digestive Restoration Leaky Gut Repair 2-Pack é um suplemento de DGL conhecido por reparar o intestino permeável, proporcionando alívio rápido para o estômago, garganta, sistema digestivo e muito mais. O DGL Licorice alivia o desconforto estomacal, a acidez e a queimação, ao mesmo tempo em que acalma as membranas mucosas. Ele permite que o seu trato gastrointestinal se rejuvenesça e apoie a saúde normal do estômago e do sistema digestivo. Livre-se da acidez após as refeições, do desconforto digestivo, do desconforto estomacal, de acordar à noite ou de qualquer desconforto miserável com o qual você esteja lidando.
DGL Licorice suporta a função digestiva e a saúde intestinal. O DGL licorice suporta a formação de um revestimento protetor ao longo da parede intestinal, estômago e garganta, protegendo-os do impacto do ácido e de outros distúrbios comuns. O DGL licorice, um super-herói na reparação do intestino, promove um microbioma saudável, fornecendo nutrientes importantes para o rejuvenescimento e um sistema digestivo que proporciona bem-estar. Livre-se dos problemas intestinais ao acordar, ao ir para a cama e após as refeições, pois eles se tornarão coisa do passado.
O suplemento DGL, um extrato de raiz de alcaçuz que utilizamos, suporta a normalização do inchaço e da regularidade, graças à ação calmante da mucilagem. O DGL Licorice reveste as membranas mucosas do estômago e de todo o sistema digestivo, permitindo um efeito calmante, mas também facilitando a eliminação suave. Experimente o alívio e acabe com a queimação, o desconforto e a indigestão, enquanto você restaura seu intestino. O pó de DGL funciona tão efetivamente quanto os comprimidos mastigáveis de DGL licorice.
Desfrute novamente de seus alimentos favoritos sem indigestão e desconforto estomacal. Um trato gastrointestinal acalmado para suportar arrotos e inchaço normais. O DGL Licorice suporta uma resposta inflamatória normal em todo o sistema digestivo, ajudando a promover a saúde e a função digestiva normais, tecidos saudáveis e menos sensibilidade digestiva aos distúrbios estomacais comuns. A resposta inflamatória normal também traz uma ampla variedade de benefícios positivos para a saúde. Sinta-se melhor e viva a vida que você deseja.
O pó de DGL licorice funciona da mesma forma que os comprimidos mastigáveis de DGL, mas em uma forma mais fácil de engolir. Basta misturar, engolir e apoiar a saúde digestiva normal. A maioria das pessoas usa o DGL incorretamente, mas com o seu guia do usuário, você aprenderá exatamente como usar o DGL para obter benefícios máximos. Restaure, rejuvenesça e melhore a saúde do seu intestino com a reparação natural digestiva e do intestino permeável da natureza. Suporte por e-mail de treinadores de saúde digestiva para responder a perguntas e fornecer clareza.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Alívio rápido para o estômago, garganta e sistema digestivo.
2. Suporta a formação de um revestimento protetor ao longo do intestino, estômago e garganta.
3. Ajuda a normalizar o inchaço e a regularidade.
4. Suporta uma resposta inflamatória normal em todo o sistema digestivo.
5. Fácil de usar e acompanha suporte por e-mail de treinadores de saúde digestiva.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de chá do pó de DGL Licorice Extract em um copo de água ou suco e consuma antes das refeições. Recomenda-se tomar duas vezes ao dia para suporte digestivo ideal. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar este produto, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver algum problema de saúde pré-existente. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Armazene em local fresco e seco.
Retired Rosie –
I like getting supplements in a bulk powder form. They usually have no fillers and are generally MUCH less expensive than buying them encapsulated.
Many times I’ll just sprinkle them on oatmeal or put in my smoothie. Sometimes I put them in capsules.
I like this licorice. It has no fillers. I do wish it was organic.
The company also neglects to inform the consumer where the product is made and where the plant or plant powder is sourced.
AiRoKa –
I got this powder to help my digestion but was also fascinated by the claim it can combat heartburn. The instructions suggest somewhere between 1-8oz water and I tried it with few water at first. The flavor was quite overwhelming like this (as you’d expect), it was quite sweet and bitter with a flavor somewhere between caramellized and burnt. It also didn’t quite dissolve in hot water (from the tap), but it does dissolve better in hot water.
While trying it in its concentrated form I had a glass of milk handy and, well… that blew my mind.
It tasted amazing with the milk washing it down, so I immediately dissolved some more in hot water and added milk, and what do you know? It’s DELICIOUS!!
It’s kind of like a caramellized sweet milk or even like a coffee (probably due to the slight bitterness).
I did try it again with milk at a later point when I actually had heartburn (usually milk either doesn’t help or makes it worse as it can be the culprit if I eat the wrong combination of foods….) and it took care of it! It definitely did for me what it promised, amazing!
The measuring scoop is nice to have, but for that pack I’d only need one.
The one thing I do dislike about this set is the fact that the powder is really fine and because of how little is in the bags in comparison I poured one bag into an empty jelly glass I had since I didn’t want to reach into the bag every time and have my hand dusted with this. With some compacting I could PROBABLY fit both bags into one jelly glass… so I’d prefer to get this in either a smaller bag or in a different container next time.
But even if not, I’ll be back for more when I run out! I can’t vouch for what it does to digestion or leaky gut, but it did help me with my heartburn and I haven’t really had any more since so it’s a must-have for me now. Plus, even without those effects, the flavor in some nice whole milk is FANTASTIC! I recommend it!
Amanda Miranda –
This is the 4th time I try to upload a review of this great product, but for some reason, my review gets rejected.
This is my favorite Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL). The one I used to use costs about $80. This one is a fraction of the cost and works better. It’s also easier to take because it’s in powder form. It’s also cleaner, because it is pure DGL, with no preservatives, anti-caking agents or other chemicals.
It gets rid of my hearburn, while healing my digestive issues. If you want to know how it does that, do some Internet research, because apparently I can’t post that here.
ItalianCypress 🫒 –
Hello friends, I selected this dgl licorice extract powder for milk tea.
I’m a big fan of root beer and fennel in general so I like licorice flavor. I found that drinking this powder straight up in water was kind of bitter and uneventful. I had recently purchased root beer milk and thought to add milk. I added milk and stevia and it makes a pretty darn good milk tea. Licorice is an acquired taste but it’s good to me. I haven’t noticed whether or not it makes my stomach feel better, but I do drink it on occasion alternating between matcha, taro, turmeric, and black tea.
AC –
Supplements help close the gap between modern nutrition levels in our food, and the levels that were there when I was young. But, in my opinion, the supplement industry has both some of the highest integrity companies, and some of the lowest. So I try and give a detailed enough review to help get to know the company and the product better, to help you determine for yourself if you want to try this one out or not.
I like so much about this, and there are some things I would definitely change.
One of my pet peeves with many supplement companies is not using the space of their supplement containers efficiently/cost effectively. I put the contents of both these pouches into just one of them, and it filled it up about 15%. If you look at a picture of a pouch on the product page, the contents of both pouches fill it to about the top of the grey horizontal strip on the bottom. They could use a much smaller pouch or other type of container, or just fill it up… even halfway up. I put mine in pint canning jar with one of the scoops because it makes it easier to access without making the mess that reaching my hand all the way into the pouch each time does.
The directions say to take one scoop 1-3 times daily, and that one pouch contains 140 servings (it doesn’t seem possible, but that’s what it says!), in which case one pouch would last about 47-140 days.
The expiration date on mine is Dec 2026, so about 2.5 years from now.
The powder has a scent and taste, of course, like licorice, but milder than you might expect.
I like my supplements to say organic, non-GMO, GMP-certified, 3rd-party tested, and Made in USA. This says none of those.
I look into the supplement companies I use because I’ve come across so many questionable ones. Their healthykidneyinc site is functional and quite informative, including a link to their YouTube videos. The founder’s bio is on the site, as is their phone number. They have an entry on Google Maps. From what I have seen I trust this company and the claims they make, which makes me comfortable taking their supplements (this is not the first one I’ve used from them).
I seem to take longer than most to see results when starting a new supplement, but I like the company, the doctor who founded it, and was excited to try this supplement. It was smart putting the extra information and scoop in a pouch on the outside of the pouch. Digging around powder for the scoop is one of my least favorite supplement activities, and this powder can be especially messy.
Thank you for reading, I hope this was helpful.
Standard Nerd –
I have not noticed any health benefit from drinking licorice tea made from this powder (although it is easy to read about with a simple internet search), but I think it is delicious!
It is not as intense tasting as I expected it to be and I admit that I am a huge fan of licorice so I expected to enjoy the taste.
There are 140 service per pouch so you really get a lot for your money. I would buy this again.