Dextrose Bites – Dextrose Melts de Banana e Manga
Em um mundo onde a energia é essencial para o desempenho físico e mental, os Dextrose Bites surgem como a solução perfeita para quem busca um impulso rápido e eficaz. Elaborados com um foco especial em entusiastas do fitness, esses deliciosos melts de dextrose são feitos com açúcar de dextrose puro e um irresistível purê de frutas de banana e manga. Cada mordida é uma explosão de sabor e energia, ideal para aqueles momentos em que a energia parece escassa.
- 100% Natural Energy Bites: Criados com os amantes do fitness em mente, nossos bites de energia de dextrose utilizam apenas açúcar de dextrose puro e um delicioso purê de frutas de maçã verde. Eles podem ser usados como comprimidos de glicose para hipoglicemia.
- Performance Booster: Como um suplemento de carboidrato de rápida absorção, a dextrose repõe o glicogênio em seus músculos antes, durante e após o treino. Se você precisa de uma fonte de combustível rápida para aumentar a resistência, esses bites são para você.
- Muscle Growth: Bodybuilders e qualquer pessoa que realiza treinos intensos podem se beneficiar do pico de insulina que nossos bites de dextrose proporcionam. Isso leva a uma maior absorção de nutrientes em suas células, promovendo ganhos musculares.
- Recovery Support: Não deixe que a fadiga de um longo treino o impeça de enfrentar seu próximo desafio fitness! Nossos bites de dextrose ajudam você a se recuperar mais rápido, permitindo que você continue avançando em direção aos seus objetivos.
- Conveniente: Nosso pacote contém um total de 36 melts, com 12 melts em cada embalagem. Eles são uma alternativa ao pó de dextrose, comprimidos de dextrose e pó de glicose. Vêm em uma embalagem com fechamento hermético!
1. Energia Instantânea: Proporciona um aumento rápido de energia, ideal para treinos intensos ou atividades diárias.
2. Fácil Digestão: A dextrose é rapidamente absorvida pelo organismo, garantindo que você não perca tempo em busca de energia.
3. Apoio à Recuperação: Ajuda na recuperação muscular, permitindo que você se recupere mais rapidamente entre os treinos.
4. Praticidade: Embalagem portátil e fácil de transportar, perfeita para levar na bolsa ou mochila.
5. Sabor Irresistível: Combinação deliciosa de banana e manga que torna o consumo prazeroso.
Para obter os melhores resultados, consuma 1 a 2 Dextrose Bites antes, durante ou após o exercício físico. Para uma recuperação otimizada, é recomendado ingerir os melts logo após o treino, quando os músculos estão mais receptivos à absorção de nutrientes. Mantenha a embalagem bem fechada após o uso para preservar a frescura e a qualidade dos melts. Ideal para atletas, corredores e qualquer pessoa que busque um suporte energético prático e saboroso em sua rotina.
odin –
I decided to try these dextrose tablets as sometimes during workouts I start to feel a crash coming on and figured these might help. Be aware that upon opening this package, there will be a cloud of sugar powder that poofs out! I was hoping for banana mango taste as package indicated but you can’t tell any kind of flavor other than just sugary. Luckily I tried by taking small bites first because even in that small amount, it was a little too much sugar at once. I would suggest taking little bits of this at a time but then it loses it’s convenience in that you have to place it in something to nibble throughout your workout. After taking, I felt like a thick residue within my mouth, often the same feeling I get after ingesting a high sugar dessert. Some like really sugary things, others like me, not so much so I pass on this product.
Drew Easland –
Huge dextrose fan. Great carb for that little pick me up whenever you need a sugar boost. I love it preworkout, mid workout and post workout. Flavor is great, although slightly chalky. Pricey enough that it won’t be my go to carb, but a great one when I’m competing.
SnickerdoodleSarah –
For energy these definitely work. I did a 10K recently and took these with me in the event I hit a wall. After the 5th mile I needed the boost so had one of these.
The flavor isn’t bad but it’s really just dextrose and it’s super sweet. The fruit flavors are quite faint and don’t really come through.
The texture was challenging for me and I would encourage you to have water at your disposal. It’s very powdery and extremely dry so quite difficult to chew and swallow. This was a challenge when running.
You get 12 of them in a pack and I still have some which I guess says a lot. The pack can be resealed which is handy.
odin –
These Dextrose bites are very handy, I like to use them for backcountry skiing and seems to have provided me with enough energy to make it to the peak and back down, the serving size is 4 pieces and the bag provides 3 servings (12 dextrose bites), I like to take one or two before my workout, one during, and the last one for recovery, the banana mango tastes very pleasant and is just sweet enough to cover the powdery taste of the dextrose, the bites feel like hard blocks in hand, but dissolve almost instantly once you start to eat, the blocks also have a small line which helps them be split in two if needed, each serving contains 20g of sugar (for 4 pieces, so about 5g per bite) and are just 80 calories.
A potential con is that they are all loose inside the bag and are not individually wrapped, so taking one or two on a hike you would need to bring the bag or put them into baggie or something similar, the bites are like little sugar cubes, and they can dry out your mouth so it’s best to have some water handy especially during exercise.
Overall I recommend, a nice snack that’s great for energy and recovery, simple all-natural ingredients, resealable bag, enjoyable banana mango flavor, the bag I received has an 3/25 exp date.
Made in the USA.
BryanFarme –
Listing says, “Dosage Form Powder.” Guess that should have been a sign, lol. I was expecting these to be similar to fruit leather since the ingredient list says dextrose and lists 2 fruit purees. I tried one and had to spit it out. Texture is what I would imagine eating a spoonful of powder sugar would be like. They are overly sweet – which isn’t bad. But they taste like chemicals (too much banana flavor). I got these to use for preworkout but can’t imagine using them. I can get past the taste but not the texture.
Fennel Salad –
The consistency is similar to freeze-dried ice cream, very crumbly and chalky. While the banana mango flavor was acceptable, it wasn’t very appetizing due to the texture. You definitely need to wash it down with some water after consuming it or else you’ll get dry mouth. Personally, I didn’t notice any difference in my energy levels before, during, or after my workouts.
London Gal –
These have an interesting texture, they are sweet and do seem to have a banana-y flavor, not sure if I noticed the mango or not.
They are significantly larger than I thought that they would be. I decided to start small, as my workout is only half an hour long, and I don’t know if it’s as intensive a workout as they’re intending these to be used for. and I took one before and then one after I exercised. Before, it really did feel that my energy was picking up as I was sitting at the computer before I started my workout, don’t know if that was just psychological or what.
I kind of think I had a bit more stamina during my excercise, it probably would have been more pronounced as I’ve been sick. Afterward, I ate the another one and also had my postworkout drink. I kind of think I may be a bit less sore the day after, than I normally would be, but it’s kind of hard for me to tell.
What I Think –
I’ve never had dextrose supplement before so I kind of have mixed feelings about this. Think of these as highly compressed powder sugar cubes, but they’re not as sweet as sugar. They dissolve very quickly in my mouth, but that also leads to dry mouth easily. So, I usually take a sip of water to help water it down per se. I find the flavor kind of bland as the banana mango flavor is barely perceptible. On the other hand, I did feel the energy boost from taking just one dextrose cube before exercise. Typically, I can run on the treadmill at quick pace for 30 to 40 minutes, but with the consumption of this, I can last up to 60 minutes. Moreover, I find taking one after exercise helps me recover quicker from fatigue. These dextrose cubes come in a small and resealable bag which I find very convenient to carry with. Overall, these dextrose cubes do boost energy level temporarily, but the taste could be improved further.