Detoxify – Ready Clean Herbal Cleanse – Uva – 16 oz
Em um mundo onde a exposição a toxinas é uma realidade constante, o Detoxify – Ready Clean Herbal Cleanse – Uva surge como uma solução eficaz para quem busca um reequilíbrio do organismo. Este suplemento dietético foi meticulosamente formulado para proporcionar uma limpeza completa do corpo, especialmente para aqueles que enfrentam níveis médios de toxicidade. Com um sabor agradável de uva, a bebida detox não apenas é saborosa, mas também repleta de ingredientes poderosos que potencializam o processo natural de desintoxicação do corpo.
O Ready Clean é projetado para apoiar quatro fatores essenciais de limpeza do sistema: os sistemas circulatório, digestivo e urinário, além de processos de saúde restaurativa. Cada ingrediente foi escolhido com cuidado, incluindo o extrato de semente de cardo mariano, conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas ao fígado, e uma mistura proprietária de ervas que inclui vitaminas e minerais essenciais. Essa combinação superior não só promove uma desintoxicação eficaz, mas também ajuda a revitalizar o corpo, proporcionando uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar.
Para garantir resultados ideais, é fundamental seguir as instruções de uso com atenção. O Detoxify – Ready Clean Herbal Cleanse é mais do que um simples produto; é um aliado na busca por uma vida mais saudável e equilibrada.
I was clean for 15 days. Smoked three times over a period of 3 days and went 3 weeks clean again. Drank one bottle followed directions lots of Water and cranberry juice to eliminate and flush. Two days later still not smoking. I drank one more detox. Flushing system lots of water lots. I waited 3 hrs tested my urine myself. FAILED. Tested again 4 hrs. FAILED. PRODUCT DOESN’T WORK IF YOU’RE OVER WEIGHT. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO FLUSH my system temporarily but absolutely I tested my self through out the process. Don’t WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS ONE.
B-rad –
TL:DR – Works great to help pass a drug test if you smoke… not cigarettes… and you follow the directions.
Never failed me once! I’m not afraid to admit that I smoke. Recreational reasons, medical reason, any reason really. Anyways, that’s not the point.
The point is, every time I’ve had to take a drug test for a job, or anything else that requires a pre-screen drug test, I have drank one of these and followed the directions on the bottle to a T and it has never failed me.
I’m not saying you should be smoking the day of or even the day before. But, I have smoked the day before a drug test, drank this and had no issues passing. I usually get a bottle of this or the XXClean as, same stuff just for larger people, and a jug of 100% no sugar added cranberry juice. Drink the cranberry juice the night before and the morning of. Then, roughly an hour to 1.5 hours before I need to leave for my drug test, I drink the ready clean. Wait 15 minutes and fill the bottle back up with water, then drink all of that water. After that, just keep filling the bottle back up and sip on water for the next hour. During this hour you should start to urinate frequently. After an hour to 1.5 hours and a few bathroom breaks later, you’re ready to go take your drug test. You have roughly a 6 hour window after drinking the drink, to go take your drug test. I cannot vouch and say that it has worked for me after that many hours. I personally have never waited more than 3 hours before going to drug test but have heard of other people doing it and being ok. The only thing I can say is that your chances of passing, because of the drink, are greatly diminished after 6 hours.
Tonistarks69 iG –
Work out walk a mile day sweat a lot 7 days no smoking then drink half a gallon of water then took mega clean. Filled Drink water pissed and 1 hour before the test drink half of another bottle pissed then fill the rest water and drink pissed clean
Kindle Customer –
8 days ago I learned of an upcoming UA test, stopped using then, have a test in 2 days. Have completed a 7 days complete detox cleanse, have been drinking 2-3 gallons of cranberry juice and water a day, have been taking 1000-1500mg of niacin daily, have been working out in full sweats along with hitting the sauna for a sweat through layers of clothes. Taking B vitamins. Purchased two of these drinks last week along with a 15 pack of test strips. Just did a dry run with this drink and followed the instructions exactly. Test is still showing positive. Unless the test is showing positive due to dilution, this drink did not work for me. Period. Any ideas, feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated. New job is a major necessity for my family.
Arthur Doyle Rutledge –
Worked for me!
Michelle –
Ok, my dt was at 11am. I started drinking detoxify at 8am, waited the 15 minutes and drank the bottle full of water. Half hour later I urinated once, urinated a second time before leaving the house and drank more water on the way along with a vitamin B Complex for color. Tested at around 11:15am and the dip test I took required two lines for a negative result. The second line on the THC column was very faint. I would recommend at least starting to drink Detoxify four hours prior to your test. I believe if I had urinated three times before leaving the house that negative line may have been a bit darker but this is only my assumption. They passed me anyway. Maybe the company didn’t require a negative THC due to it being legal in my state. They tested for cocaine and meth as well. I abstained about six days prior to testing. If I had more notice I would have gone a little longer if I could have. Also, I will use the pre-cleanse the day beforehand next time. Overall, I am pleased with the results.
Luke Wallenfels –
I passed the drug test!! However, I absolutely destroyed my toilet after using this product. I never knew what it was like to drop a nuke until today. All my toilet paper is gone, my bathroom smells terrible, and my roommates are mad at me. I won’t lie this is a great product, just make sure you load up on bathroom supplies before drinking this beverage….
Christopher Tankersley –
Worked like a charm