Detoxify Mega Clean Herbal Cleanse – Tropical – 32 oz – Bebida Detox Herbal Profissional com Cardo Mariano e Raiz de Ginseng
Detoxify Mega Clean Herbal Cleanse é uma bebida de desintoxicação herbal formulada profissionalmente, projetada para apoiar a limpeza completa do corpo, especialmente para indivíduos que vivem em ambientes com alta exposição a toxinas. Com 32 oz (946 ml) de uma mistura tropical, esta bebida é enriquecida com ingredientes poderosos como Cardo Mariano e Raiz de Ginseng, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde. A fórmula natural de desintoxicação é cuidadosamente elaborada para auxiliar o processo natural de eliminação de toxinas do organismo, promovendo uma limpeza interna eficaz.
Os principais benefícios do Detoxify Mega Clean incluem a melhoria da saúde geral, aumento da energia e suporte ao funcionamento do fígado. A bebida atua em quatro fatores de limpeza do sistema, abrangendo os sistemas circulatório, digestivo e urinário, além de processos de saúde restauradora. Para obter os melhores resultados, é fundamental ler e seguir as instruções fornecidas com o produto. A data de revisão (REV) no rótulo indica quando o conteúdo foi atualizado pela empresa, enquanto a data de validade está impressa na parte inferior da garrafa.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Desintoxicação de alta toxicidade: Mega Clean é especialmente formulado para pessoas com estilos de vida com alta exposição a toxinas*
- Desintoxicação natural: Formulado com ingredientes poderosos para apoiar o processo natural de desintoxicação do corpo*
- Limpeza completa do sistema: Suporta 4 fatores de limpeza completa do sistema, incluindo os sistemas circulatório, digestivo e urinário, bem como processos de saúde restauradora*
- Siga as instruções: Para obter os melhores resultados, leia e siga cuidadosamente as instruções fornecidas
- Nota importante sobre segurança: A data de revisão (REV) no rótulo do produto indica a data em que o conteúdo do rótulo foi revisado pela empresa. A data de validade é diferente e está impressa na parte inferior do frasco.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para utilizar o Detoxify Mega Clean Herbal Cleanse, misture o conteúdo de uma garrafa de 32 oz com água e beba todo o líquido. É essencial seguir as instruções fornecidas no rótulo do produto para garantir a eficácia da desintoxicação. Recomenda-se consumir este produto como parte de um estilo de vida saudável, que inclua uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos, para maximizar os benefícios da limpeza interna.
Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar
- Promove a eliminação de toxinas acumuladas no organismo, melhorando a saúde geral.
- Aumenta os níveis de energia, proporcionando uma sensação de bem-estar e vitalidade.
- Suporta a função hepática, essencial para a desintoxicação natural do corpo.
- Contribui para a saúde do sistema digestivo, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes.
- Oferece uma abordagem natural e segura para a desintoxicação, sem aditivos químicos prejudiciais.
Para utilizar o Detoxify Mega Clean Herbal Cleanse, misture o conteúdo de uma garrafa de 32 oz com água e beba todo o líquido. É essencial seguir as instruções fornecidas no rótulo do produto para garantir a eficácia da desintoxicação. Recomenda-se consumir este produto como parte de um estilo de vida saudável, que inclua uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos, para maximizar os benefícios da limpeza interna.
- Promove a eliminação de toxinas acumuladas no organismo, melhorando a saúde geral.
- Aumenta os níveis de energia, proporcionando uma sensação de bem-estar e vitalidade.
- Suporta a função hepática, essencial para a desintoxicação natural do corpo.
- Contribui para a saúde do sistema digestivo, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes.
- Oferece uma abordagem natural e segura para a desintoxicação, sem aditivos químicos prejudiciais.
Kyle Johnson –
I took this detox drink 3 and a half hours before my drug screening and passed on the same day. There was no prior cleansing treatment other than being a heavy user and stopping 3 days before my test. Take 3 and a half to 4 hours before your test and you should pass with flying colors. Other reviews helped with when to take it but never said if it fully worked and it does!! Don’t drink too much water because it will dilute your urine but just follow the instructions on the bottle and you will be good.
Sosa –
I had bought 2 of these and the pill capsules in hopes that i would pass my drug test for probation. I drank the first one a week before my drug test so i can see how it works. All my tests came back positive. I took the 6 capsules with lots of water then the day before my test i took my 2nd drink then did a drug test and i failed. I drank lots and lots of water as well and i took 10 drug tests and failed all of em. This stuff is a waste of time and money, on top of that this product taste nasty af. Dont even work i wish i could get my money back!
Patti klein –
I’m not sure what thickness is referring to but if it’s the consistency and texture of the liquid you drink , I would say it’s maybe most similar to Gatorade but has a weird almost spice that stays on the tongue for a minute. Nothing foul or gross, in fact the fruit punch flavor is quite tasty but it’s a unique taste for sure.
This stuff is the real deal though, should jot have passed my drop at all, in fact I took a test at home way later at night the morning I dropped and passed , and even though I passed earlier that morning , hadn’t done any illicit at all and even maintained eating healthy the rest of that day, night and week… and when I peed at home it was a big fail.
Here’s the key though- give yourself at least a week to prepare before the test, preferably 2 weeks. And If the job or whatever you need to pass a piss test for means that much to you, then follow this and hopefully you have the same results I did: a Minimum of 7 days before the drop Stop smoking / drinking / doing drugs : cigarettes and vaping if you can / start eating just salads / stop drinking soda and coffee/ start drinking green tea / lots of water / cranberry juice / I took a 5 day detox pill supplement but i honestly don’t think it did anything and I ate 6 capsules in the am and 6 in the pm for 5 days , I bought a 5 pack of 12 panel drug urine tests from amazon , took one after completing the 5 day cleanse and still was dropping dirty. So then I bought 2 of the detoxify mega clean drinks. One was a practice run to see what happens and if it works and the other was for the day of my actual test. Dead the directions on the bottle and follow them exactly as it says. Now on the bottle it says to pee frequently about 3-4 times before your test, I recommend peeing 5 times and then that 6th one is the golden piss of purity. Reason I say that is because I used 2 more urine test cups I had with the practice run bottle, initially I wanted to do one to see it’s clean and on 3 hours later to see how long my window of time to drop would be.
Well let’s just say at my 5th pee , some toxins has disappeared but not all. Granted this was a 12 panel test, most places use 5 panel so the things popping up for me are simply due to the specificity and wide range that particular test captured but needless to say I was more than bummed about it. I go out and smoke a cigarette , drink a half cup of cranberry juice and have to piss yet again which isn’t uncommon at all when drinking this much Fluid. There was another cup on the back of thr toilet seat so just for old times sake I peed up to the line in this new cup to see if there would be any change with zero confidence at all anything would happen. But low and behold hands done across the board I was clear and clean on all 12 by that time , that’s when I knew how good this product is !
Kayla M. Fruetel –
This worked for me! I will say, I did two rounds of this over the course of two weeks after receiving an unexpected job offer. Heavy, daily THC user (flower and vape). I had maybe 3 days of non use before starting. I started by using the pre-cleanse pills from the same company for 1 day, then followed the instructions on drinking this and following it with water. I was definitively still hot for THC with a home test. A week later, I did two days of the pre-cleanse pills. On day 2, I drank their smaller bottle and lots of water. On day 3, I drank this big one and about half the container of water and was negative on the home test. I immediately went to get tested for my job and just received the results, negative for all substances! I didn’t really follow the food guide but I did not eat anything the morning I went for the official test. Caution, this stuff reminds me of colonoscopy prep both in flavor and effects, if you catch my drift. Stay near a toilet!
LinaSeid –
This is my first and likely last Amazon reviews. I had to review online because this stuff works (at least for THC screening) and I’m amazed! Just passed my UDS for my employer. I am in the healthcare field so a negative UDS was crucial. I have my medical marijuana card to treat anxiety, but am told healthcare systems will still want employees with negative THC screening.
I am 5’5 and about 185 lbs. I have been a multi-day dabber of high concentrates (>85%) for the past few years. I did not discontinue my THC use until the day prior to the testing, including both a “practice” day at home and actual test day. I also did not follow any “special” diet prior to testing both times. I followed the directions exactly.
Read a lot of other reviews. For me, tested negative after my 5th or 6th urination. And between 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Started to test positive again after 3 hours. Test day, started drinking at 12pm, could pre-schedule my UDS at local testing site fortunately and scheduled for 2pm. Was out the door by 220pm with submitted sample. Got email from my employer st 240pm with congratulations on my new job. (My UDS was last on my pre-employment check list).
Don’t hesitate. Worth every cent. Buy it. It works!!