Detoxify – Mega Clean Herbal Detox Cleanse Drink – Limpeza completa do corpo para mulheres e homens – Resultados no mesmo dia – Adesivo incluso
O Detoxify – Mega Clean Herbal Detox Cleanse Drink é um suplemento alimentar projetado para apoiar a desintoxicação completa do corpo para estilos de vida com alta toxicidade*. Formulado com ingredientes poderosos para apoiar o processo natural de desintoxicação do corpo*, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma limpeza profunda e eficaz.
O Mega Clean suporta 4 fatores de limpeza do sistema completo, incluindo os sistemas circulatório, digestivo e urinário, bem como processos de saúde restauradora*. Com sua fórmula única, este suplemento ajuda a eliminar toxinas acumuladas no corpo, promovendo uma sensação de bem-estar e vitalidade renovada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, é importante ler e seguir cuidadosamente as instruções de uso. A data de revisão (REV) na embalagem do produto descreve a data em que o conteúdo do rótulo foi revisado pela empresa. A data de validade é diferente e está impressa na parte inferior do frasco.
Durante os meses de verão, os produtos podem chegar aquecidos, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, quando fornecidas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Desintoxicação completa do corpo para estilos de vida com alta toxicidade*
- Formulação com ingredientes poderosos para apoiar o processo natural de desintoxicação*
- Suporte aos 4 fatores de limpeza do sistema completo*
- Instruções de uso claras e detalhadas para melhores resultados
- Produto armazenado e enviado de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes
O Detoxify – Mega Clean oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de saúde. Primeiramente, proporciona uma desintoxicação eficaz, eliminando toxinas que podem afetar seu bem-estar. Em segundo lugar, a fórmula é projetada para atuar rapidamente, com resultados visíveis no mesmo dia, ideal para quem busca uma solução imediata. Além disso, o produto é fácil de usar, permitindo que você incorpore a desintoxicação em sua vida diária sem complicações. Outro benefício é o suporte aos sistemas circulatório, digestivo e urinário, promovendo uma saúde integral. Por fim, o adesivo incluso serve como um lembrete visual para manter o foco em seus objetivos de saúde.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga as instruções de uso cuidadosamente. Agite bem antes de usar. Consuma todo o conteúdo do frasco. Em seguida, preencha o frasco com água e beba imediatamente. É importante urinar com frequência para ajudar a eliminar as toxinas do corpo. Durante o uso deste produto, evite alimentos e bebidas não recomendados. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver algum problema de saúde.
Doubting Thomas –
For reference, I am 5’2″ 130ish lbs with a slowing metabolism. I smoke nightly for pain relief and insomnia. My diet isn’t deadly, but I wouldn’t consider it healthy either. I’m active, but don’t exercise on purpose. I had short notice for a screen but knew it was possible so after abstaining for about four days I went 48 hours the natural route of cranberry juice and lemon water. At home screen was barely negative, but with no recent experience with screens I didn’t pay attention to my sample color. Rookie mistake. Having passed the at home screen I was blissfully, ignorantly confident. After the official screen I made another rookie mistake. I resumed smoking before receiving my results. I smoked for two nights before receiving an email saying the sample was diluted so I would need to retest within 48 hours. I got it postponed for another 48 hours so had four days to fix this sh**storm I created. In a panic I researched and decided to try this product. I bought two bottles. One for a trial the other for the actual screen of it actually works. I tested solid positive this morning before taking this exactly as per the instructions. An hour after drinking this I decided to test just to see where I was at. The photo clearly shows the second line indicating a negative result. It’s not bright, but not faint either. After only one hour! I’ll test again at what I have read is the optimal time (3-4 hours) and update the review.
Now for the not so pleasant. The taste isn’t unbearable, but it wouldn’t be my first choice of flavor. It’s a lot to chug in a short time. I finished within 40 minutes and immediately had the scoots. I waited the 15 minutes, refilled the bottle with water and drank that within 20 minutes. I felt bloated, a little shaky, and somewhat nauseous. Nothing unbearable, but certainly not pleasant. After finishing the water I am experiencing frequent urination as well. It’s light yellow in color but after having experimented with B12 I hope that won’t be a problem. The scoots have subsided somewhat after an hour and a half but I still have the bubble guts so I’m guessing I’ll expel my brain stem before it’s all over. Don’t be surprised when that particular unpleasantness is red in color.
During my panic I received another email cancelling my next screen because they made an error and said they would need to schedule me for a different type screen. No clue what that means but hopefully I’m prepared.
After reading a lot of negative reviews I doubted this would work. Maybe it doesn’t for everyone but it’s worth a shot. For context, I had already put in my notice at my current job so if this doesn’t work I’m in a world of trouble.
Don’t make my rookie mistakes. Make sure you don’t dilute and for the luvagawd make sure you wait for results before resuming consumption.
Update soon.
Doubting Thomas –
Perhaps my weight and diet compromised my results but as it stands, this method of clensing failed to produce any negative test results. I have been off of Delta 9 for 56 days, everyday smoker prior. Have dabled in Delta 12 and 8 about 48 days prior.
I moderatly fasted prior to beginning the clense. 6 pre clense pills taken at varying times the day before clensing along with recommended water intake. I tested throughout the entire process yet no change was detected. Instructions were followed thoroughly but no other dietary changes were made during which may have adversely affected the clensing but should not have been a large factor considering metabolism.
The drink itself like a spicy fruit punch. Similar to Hawaiian Punch with noticible sweetness. While not tasting terrible it leaves a lingering unpleasantness in your mouth and throat.
It was hard for me to consume 64 oz of liquid in 15 minutes and not vomit but I suspect that I may have been dehydrated prior despite intaking 100 oz of water the day prior which was not my norm admittedly. Also alcohol intake may have factored into the dehydration variable. These were not mentioned in the testing method so I will discount them as test distractors.
Within minutes of intaking the formula my stomach begin to turn and the bloating slowly subsided. Audible gastrointestinal noises remained frequent indicating that the formula was indeed producing rapid movement in my gut. Thereafter I continously had to sit on the toilet as the majority of the liquid was now being ejected from my rectum. This was akin to diarrhea and the feeling was uncomfortable as bile was irritating. I would suggest using Vaseline on your anus prior to mitigate the diarrhea irritation if you are sensitive or suffer from hemorrhoids. On my 3rd bowl movement I produced an intensely orange colored flow of liquid with no solids. This was the bulk of the formula exiting my system, it had indeed taken about 3 hours from consuming to produce this stage. Frequent urination between also produced pale yellow but not dilluted urine of no obvious change from typical urine color or odor which is a plus.
However the 5 test taken did not even hint at a possible passing result which was extremely disappointing especially considering the amount of time I have been obstaining from THC where others had reported quitting only days earlier, I had quit nearly 2 months yet still positive. I can only assume that my weight, diet, and hydration may be working against me moreso than other people but I would expect this product to still work as advertised for my circumstances lest I would have never bothered with a rapid clensing method. If I was to fully recommit to trying again I would have done 3 days of pre clensing and the dietary recommendation as well as increasing my water intake a week prior. Cutting out alcohol completely and using a variety of test strips vs just one brand, if only to rule out those factors if contributing to the issue. But that would be an even more expensive risk to do once more so sadly I will have to pursue another method as I am not confident in this purges ability to work in my case.
Lesson being, if you’re a larger person with a slower metabolism this product has reduced effectiveness that is not mentioned. Certainly not worth the risk of using in a realtime situation and dubious one size fits fixes all advertisement and reviews. I have attached my logs and results for review.