Descrição do Produto: Liver Cleanse Detox
O Liver Cleanse Detox é um suplemento inovador, projetado não apenas para desintoxicar o fígado, mas também para promover uma recuperação abrangente desse órgão vital. Enriquecido com ingredientes poderosos como Colina, Dente-de-leão, Cardo Mariano, Alcachofra, Chanca Piedra e Beterraba, este produto desempenha um papel crucial na saúde do fígado e na desintoxicação. A fórmula é cuidadosamente elaborada para impulsionar a energia, o metabolismo, a saúde digestiva e o sistema imunológico, proporcionando um suporte completo para o bem-estar geral.
Como um suplemento diário para o fígado, o Liver Cleanse Detox combina uma mistura especial de ingredientes naturais, incluindo Berberina, Raiz de Chicória, Raiz de Bardana, Cúrcuma, Extrato de Semente de Uva, Mil-folhas e Graviola. Essa combinação única não apenas auxilia na desintoxicação do fígado, mas também melhora a saúde geral, aproveitando o poder dos ingredientes naturais.
Este suplemento é ideal para homens e mulheres de quase todos os estilos de vida, sendo gentil com o estômago e sem causar efeitos colaterais. Ele ajuda a reduzir as enzimas hepáticas, melhorando os níveis de energia e o bem-estar geral. É importante observar que este é um produto natural que contém flores; evite se você for alérgico a flores semelhantes a ambrosia ou margaridas.
A fórmula de saúde do fígado “tudo em um” oferece suporte com os melhores extratos, incluindo Colina, Zinco, Extrato de Semente de Cardo Mariano, Extrato de Dente-de-leão, Folha de Alcachofra, Extrato de Raiz de Chicória, Folha de Graviola, Chanca Piedra, Mil-folhas, Vitaminas C e E, Raiz de Cúrcuma, Raiz de Bardana, Raiz de Dock Amarelo, Semente de Aipo, Extrato de Cereja Ácida, Fruto de Framboesa Vermelha, Raiz de Gengibre, Berberina, Extrato de Semente de Uva, Extrato de Folha de Orégano, Folha de Aloe Vera, Fruto de Bilberry e Folha de Espinafre.
Produzido nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação que segue as normas GMP, nosso suplemento de fígado apresenta Cardo Mariano e é feito com cápsulas veganas NÃO-OGM, cuidadosamente misturadas sem enchimentos, laticínios, amendoins ou cores artificiais, garantindo qualidade confiável para o suporte saudável do seu fígado e intestinos.
– Desintoxicação Eficaz: Promove a limpeza do fígado, eliminando toxinas acumuladas.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora os níveis de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga.
– Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para uma digestão saudável, aliviando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes naturais, é gentil no estômago e sem efeitos colaterais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas do Liver Cleanse Detox diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do suplemento. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga as orientações do seu profissional de saúde para um uso adequado e seguro.
solar camera it does not charge the battery –
My liver numbers have been up due to the remaining effects of a bout of hepatitis, and I was in the market for a product which could support liver function. I am very pleased with the combination of herbs included in this supplement. The ingredients are responsibly sourced and the price is right. I’ve been taking this for a few weeks and will get my next blood draw next month, so here’s hoping that this supplement has been helpful!
Dawn –
I mia detoxifies the liver and inside is purifies the lungs
Eliza –
This product is fairly easy to use you just take one everyday. It hasn’t really helped in making me feel different. Easy to swallow with water, I haven’t noticed a difference but everyone’s bodies are different and it might just not be as effective for me.
cindy20 –
This kidney blend has a variety of great benefits for your kidney health! There are no foul smells with this and after a short time of taking it, I can tell this blend is a good product for a cleaner.
I’ve treated myself and my family members with herbs for almost 4 decades now. Well, I know that my body requiring vitamins and herbs is because my diet is not sufficient, but I am very grateful for the benefits that come from these natural products.
Disclaimer-My review is part of the Vine program on Amazon. They chose us to give our honest opinions/reviews in exchange for products at a reduced price. I have to pay taxes on the items, so they are not completely free.
Here is my personal rating system:
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Five Stars – If I absolutely love the product and it exceeds my expectation, I will actively suggest the product to the people I influence and would purchase it again myself as needed.
🌟🌟🌟🌟 Four Stars – I really like the product and it does what the seller claims it would do. I would more than likely recommend it to someone if I knew they were looking for that product.
🌟🌟🌟 Three Stars – The product is standard, and for the most part does exactly what they say it does, but I would specify any differences. There may be things about a three star rating that I don’t like about the product. If I knew someone were looking for that specific item and I recommend it to them, I would also share with them the reservations that I have.
⭐️⭐️ Two Stars – I take low ratings seriously. I also take seriously issues with products after you have spent good money on them. In this case, I would probably never recommend anything that I would rate two stars on, in fact, I would probably tell people so they would shy away from it.
⭐️ One Star – it would take some serious issues to get a one star review for me. A bad product and bad customer service would do it though.
I take pride in giving honest reviews & hope this review is helpful to you! 🤗
Carol C –
I like the added beetroot and the artichoke extract that this Liver Detox offers in addition to the regular Milk Thistle that my older liver supplements have. I did a lot of research on the added benefits of all of the other ingredients before I tried them and I was impressed, still impressed. Feel great and labs look improved.
Rafael –
solar camera it does not charge the battery –
I’m a believer in the health value of occasional detox supplement regimens that cleanse the liver and digestive system.
I also believe that users should always reach out to manufacturers for supplement testing data since in the U.S. at least, supplements are not regulated by the FDA and there are plenty of examples of products that aren’t pure or don’t have the requisite levels of the supplement being purchased.
Some manufacturers test, some apparently do not. Some manufacturers make their test data available, some don’t.
I hadn’t heard of Totaria Health, but was curious about their Liver Cleanse and Detox supplement since the detox formula that Totaria lists looks good and their supplement is favorably priced. Their product info on Amazon also cites “manufactured in the U.S.A.” which should be a positive for product quality control.
I reached out to Totaria Health for additional details. My query and Totaria’s response is listed below:
Date: Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 10:55 AM
Subject: Lab test results for Totaria supplements
To: [email protected]
I wanted to ask a few questions about your ‘Liver Cleanse Detox & Repair 25-in-1 with Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root, Beetroot, Artichoke Extract, Vitamins Zinc, Choline.”
Is this supplement manufactured in the U.S.?
Are the ingredients sourced in the U.S.?
Have you done any lab testing that you could share like verification of ingredient levels and purity?
From: support [email protected] 在 2024年7月18日 周四 3:12 写道
Date: Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 6:51 AM
Subject: 回复: Lab test results for Totaria supplements
I am glad that you are interested in our products and seek more information before purchasing.
Manufacturing location: Our products are manufactured in the United States, and it usually goes through a rigorous process to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Raw material source: The raw materials are purchased from the United Kingdom.
Laboratory testing and verification: Our products are all produced in GMP factories and have COA certificates
It’s a positive that Totaria got back to me quickly and with a very straightforward response.
I was encouraged that the manufacturer verified that this supplement is manufactured in the U.S. from materials sourced in the United Kingdom, but I would have liked to see their actual product test data, which they did not provide.
I’m not sure what to make of their email response coming back in Chinese characters.
In using their liver detox supplement for the past week, I found the formula gentle enough not to create digestive issues. But I have NOT done any exhaustive testing, which ideally would include a baseline liver enzyme test combined with a second test after using this product for a couple of months.
Nevertheless and all in all, if you’re looking for an effective liver detox supplement, from the information I have, I think this product is worthy of consideration.
cindy20 –
Ordered 2 bottles of liver cleanse. Boxes say liver cleanse and detox. Both bottles are lung cleanse and detox!
Update. Changed from one star to 3. Customer support from Totaria Health was prompt with a promise of a refund.