Descrição do Produto: TEAONIC My Liver Mojo
Descubra o poder revitalizante do TEAONIC My Liver Mojo, um shot de bem-estar que foi cuidadosamente elaborado para cuidar do seu fígado sobrecarregado, proporcionando uma sensação de energia e foco renovados. Cada frasco de 2 fl. oz é uma explosão de sabor e saúde, combinando ingredientes naturais que trabalham em sinergia para promover a desintoxicação e o bem-estar geral.
- My Liver Mojo: TEAONIC My Liver Mojo é um shot de bem-estar revitalizante que acalma seu fígado sobrecarregado e faz você se sentir mais energizado e focado.
- Ingredientes: Este shot de bem-estar é uma mistura caseira única de suco de beterraba, suco de limão, folha de dente-de-leão, flores de hibisco, pimenta-do-reino, extrato de canela e suco de gengibre, todos conhecidos por suas propriedades purificadoras.
- Deliciosa Mistura: Esta deliciosa mistura de shot orgânico é extraída da canela e do gengibre, apoiando uma digestão saudável com um sabor incrível.
- Sem Ingredientes Artificiais: Este shot de mojo vegano, certificado pelo USDA, é feito com 100% de materiais herbais orgânicos da mais alta qualidade, sem açúcares adicionados, adoçantes, glúten, OGM, sabores artificiais ou naturais, ou conservantes.
- Embalagem Eficiente: My Liver Mojo vem em um pacote com 12 frascos de vidro prontos para levar, pesando 2 fl. oz cada, para que você possa consumi-los em qualquer lugar.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Promove a limpeza do fígado, ajudando a eliminar toxinas acumuladas.
2. Aumento de Energia: Proporciona uma sensação de vitalidade e foco, ideal para o dia a dia corrido.
3. Digestão Saudável: Os ingredientes naturais favorecem a digestão, reduzindo desconfortos gastrointestinais.
4. Sabor Agradável: A combinação de sabores de beterraba, limão e especiarias torna o consumo prazeroso.
5. Praticidade: Embalagem conveniente que permite levar os shots para qualquer lugar, facilitando a inclusão na rotina.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir um frasco de TEAONIC My Liver Mojo diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã, em jejum. Agite bem antes de abrir para garantir a mistura homogênea dos ingredientes. O shot pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água, conforme sua preferência. Mantenha em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e após aberto, consuma em até 24 horas para preservar suas propriedades. Incorporar este shot à sua rotina pode ser um passo significativo para melhorar sua saúde e bem-estar geral.
suzi –
I like the taste. Seeking good health benefits, only have been drinking for a week.
Sarah McMahon –
Overall, I think this is effective in what it offers, but the taste is hard for me to stomach. I have to literally shoot it like a shot of alcohol. I read some people dilute it, but for me I know I wouldn’t have been able to do that. I do think it’s an effective product, I did notice some clarity and I take some of the ingredients on their own. Positives are I love the ingredients, that it’s all-natural, the presentation, that it’s in an amber glass bottle. I do think health-wise it offers benefits, but as I said, the taste leaves something to be desired.
Leah Peralta –
Would NEVERRRRRR waste my money again or even recommend literally overpriced watered down flavored water. Did not do what it claimed and I’m pretty healthy already.
Leah Peralta –
I suffer from bloated stomach and I had try everything!! It would work for a while but than I would forgot when to take it or was always on the ran. This product has the cutest small shot version. It comes in small bottle shots, they fit every where!
This is all natural herbs so some of the bottles don’t have the greatest taste. So far the Adrenals tastes much better than the other ones.. but hey is not how it smells or taste but what it does to your body is the real deal!!! Makes you feel amazing!!!!
ccc –
I originally received samples of three mojo flavors and I really liked them, now I keep some stocked at home. The revive and detox are my favorites. I am trying the relax and digestive versions to see how it goes. I first used revive when I started feeling like a cold was coming on. After I used it I felt better, and never did get sick. Lucky timing? Not sure, but it never hurts to cover your bum.
Taste wise, I don’t mind herbal drinks and remedies so it doesn’t taste bad to me. If you aren’t a fan of most herbal style remedies you may not enjoy it. I order from their website now because my last Amazon order arrived with loose bottles which made me wonder. They were sealed, but normally they come in boxes. Anyway, good stuff, I would recommend giving it a try.
Kelly –
This product is amazing, after the 12 days of the detox i felt way more energy. This does taste horrible at first but you get used to the taste, it has a cinnamon after taste which is great! Do not drink this hot!
Joni Bun –
Xeloda is hard on your liver. I’m on it for two weeks then take a week off. I have 5 more cycles so I use Mojo for 6 days during my week off to counter possible damage to my liver.
I take it mixed in 8 oz of sparkling water. More palatable that way.
ProudPrimeGal –
Several of my family members tried this and had different feelings regarding it’s flavor. Some found it overpowering, cringing as they drank it and had to dilute it (it makes an EXCELLENT hot ginger tea) while others downed it like water with no reaction but, “This is good!” It definitely has a strong, rich, warm flavor and it wakes/perks you up. If you can’t handle it straight, dilute it a bit for the same benefits.