Descrição do Produto: Detergente em Pó Tide Original, 143 Onças
O Detergente em Pó Tide Original é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma limpeza profunda e eficaz em suas roupas. Com uma fórmula avançada que ataca até mesmo as manchas mais difíceis, este detergente é capaz de eliminar manchas de até 7 dias de idade, garantindo que suas roupas fiquem sempre com aparência de novas. Os cristais Acti-Lift presentes na composição do produto potencializam a remoção de sujeira e manchas, proporcionando uma limpeza superior.
Reconhecido como a marca de detergente número 1 da América, Tide se destaca não apenas pela sua eficácia, mas também pela confiança que gera em seus consumidores. A tecnologia HE Turbo oferece um poder de limpeza ainda maior em ciclos rápidos, superando o desempenho do próximo detergente líder em ciclos normais. Isso significa que você pode economizar tempo e energia sem comprometer a qualidade da lavagem.
O Detergente em Pó Tide Original é especialmente formulado para ser utilizado em máquinas de lavar convencionais e de alta eficiência, sendo o detergente mais recomendado pelos fabricantes de máquinas de lavar, com base em acordos de co-marketing. Com sua embalagem de 143 onças, você terá uma quantidade generosa para várias lavagens, tornando-o uma opção econômica e prática para o dia a dia.
– Eficácia comprovada na remoção de manchas de até 7 dias.
– Cristais Acti-Lift que potencializam a limpeza.
– Reconhecido como o detergente número 1 da América, baseado em vendas.
– Tecnologia HE Turbo que proporciona mais poder de limpeza em ciclos rápidos.
– Recomendado por fabricantes de máquinas de lavar, garantindo compatibilidade e eficiência.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Detergente em Pó Tide Original, recomenda-se seguir as instruções de uso na embalagem. Adicione a quantidade adequada de detergente de acordo com a carga de roupas e o nível de sujeira. Para manchas mais difíceis, aplique uma pequena quantidade diretamente sobre a mancha antes de colocar a roupa na máquina. Utilize a configuração apropriada da máquina, seja em ciclo normal ou rápido, e aproveite a eficiência da tecnologia HE Turbo para uma limpeza impecável.
Shastrilal –
forget about tide liguid, AND ESPECIALLY, THOSE RIDICULOUS “PODS” (if u do the math, they cost a fortune; that’s why the company pushes them so hard [even though super stupid kids used to eat them on some kind of dare that became a craze]).
the old-fashioned [PLAIN] powder TIde is quite obviously (by that i mean VISIBLY) the best washing machine soap product ever – and currently – made, anywhere, by anyone. hands-down.
just due to a variety of circumstances over the years, i’ve pretty much tried them all, i think. NOTHING ELSE EVEN COMES CLOSE.
around 6 or 7 years ago, for a while the tide company jacked up the price (this is my own personal theory) of the powder astronomically, and also made it very scarce and hard to find. i believe (again, i have NO proof, it’s just MY theory) they did this to push people toward the pods (much bigger profit for the company), and as a test run, to see if they could phase out the powder altogether (and put all their eggs in the pod basket).
then one day i was in a national chain store, and saw that they were having a GENUINELY HUGE sale on the biggest boxes of powdered Tide – i mean HUGE SALE FOR REAL. so since i was already fearing that the best washing machine soap product on the market was soon likely to disappear altogether, i bought every single box they had (i don’t remember how many that was, but i can tell u that i got some truly weird looks at checkout – lol). luckily my apartment’s kitchen has about 3 times the cabinet & drawer space of most 2-bedroom apartments (why do people accept such inadequate storage space??) and i’m pretty sure the boxes filled at least 3 tall and deep cabinets – all the way back & from bottom to top. i was using one cabinet to store all my suitcases, which i took out to make room for the tide, and put on my bedroom walk-in closet shelves (i think u’re getting the picture: if it doesn’t have tons of cabinets and closets everywhere they’re typically needed, then i keep looking for a top-floor apartment that DOES; i won’t accept being needlessly cramped). housing is about 2 things: LIVING & STORAGE.
well that haul lasted me up until this year (so about 5 or 6 yrs), till i finally had to buy a fresh box of powdered tide.
in the meantime, the company’s experiment had apparently proven a failure, because i noticed the boxes of powdered product were plentifully available again, and the price had dropped back down to normal. whew! i felt like i had dodged a bullet. that’s how much i believe in this product! lol.
anyway, after looking around, the amazon price was absolutely the best price i could find anywhere, so i’m happy to buy it here, because that means i don’t have to lug it around. my top floor apartment has lotsa of space, but no elevator.
SUMMARY: 10 Stars for plain ol’, Original Powdered Tide Laundry Detergent – and you can keep ALL the rest (even the other forms of tide. pods are for peas, and liquid washing machine detergent means you’re paying a very high price for water, with a bit of detergent in it). so as far as products go, i’m not ashamed to admit that I LOVE TIDE! does that mean i’m crazy? of course – it means i’m CRAZY ABOUT TIDE, you silly-billy!
Jessica –
Tide brings back memories when my Mother would wash our clothes I still like how it smells remove stains doesn’t take a lots to use and the quality of the box it came in. The cup you use to get the washing powder out with is too far down in the box l thought their wasn’t anything to get the powder out with.
Rena P. –
Lo recomiendo ampliamente!!!
Maria Miles –
I get as much as possible on subscribe and save due to back issues. It’s much cheaper here than stores near me. It works really well in cold water except when it was-20 outside. I have skin allergies and do my kids. This is the only brand that does not break our skin out. It’s leaves clothes really soft and clean. The smell is nice but not overwhelming.
Happy life long customer.
jane Oneil –
No plastic with this purchase. My goal was to avoid plastic use and putting plastic into the water system by using pods. With the exception of a plastic handle on the box my goal was accomplished. Great cleaning without adding to plastic waste.
Karen –
Tide is the ultimate! But the powder is like ‘the bomb’. My hubby is a mechanic & I won’t wash with anything BUT Tide. The powder seems to clean better than the liquid (but that’s my personal preference!)
Good –
I bought this to wash my cloth diapers. You need to ignore the measuring cup they give you and come up with your own based on the number of diapers you wash and your washer size. A box should last a long time for cleaning the diapers. I do wish the smell wasn’t so strong but it cleans well. I would recommend if you need something for cleaning cloth diapers!
Nancy –
After trying multiple brands of laundry detergent, Tide original has become my go to for most laundry. I used to use All free and clear, as I am sensitive to strong smells. However, I do enjoy a light scent on my clean wash and have been happy with how Tide cleans our clothes and gives a fresh, light scent.
love, love how clean clothes come out. granted stains have to be pretreated. use tide to wash walls, floors, etc.
Maria Miles –
Eu gosto que a caixa é durável e selada, gosto que tem uma alça de transporte na parte de cima e uma colher que é de plástico por dentro, o cheiro é incrível, é o único sabão que realmente limpa e faz minhas roupas cheirarem frescas. Eu adoro que eu recebo mais no pó do que no líquido, quero dizer, 113 lavagens, sim, quem não gostaria disso!!! Quando eu abri a caixa, foi fácil, tem uma aba que você puxa para abrir, então eu diria que a aparência é boa. Quando eu lavo minhas roupas, adoro que ele se dissolve e não deixa um resíduo desagradável nas minhas roupas como outras marcas fazem. Eu diria que você realmente obtém o valor do seu dinheiro ao comprar este produto.