Descrição do Produto: 20 Mule Team All Natural Borax Detergent Booster
O 20 Mule Team Borax é um produto revolucionário que se destaca como um impulsionador de detergente totalmente natural, ideal para quem busca soluções eficazes e sustentáveis para a limpeza do lar. Este mineral incrível, encontrado em diversas partes do mundo, tem sido utilizado por famílias ao longo das gerações para uma variedade de aplicações, desde a lavanderia até a preservação de flores e projetos de artesanato.
Ao adicionar o 20 Mule Team Borax à sua lavagem, você não apenas potencializa a remoção de manchas difíceis, mas também deodoriza e refresca suas roupas, proporcionando uma sensação de limpeza profunda. Sua versatilidade não para por aí; ao ser aplicado em superfícies como bancadas e eletrodomésticos, o Borax age eficazmente na remoção de gordura e sujeira, deixando seus utensílios de cozinha brilhando como novos. Além disso, ele é altamente eficaz na eliminação de resíduos de sabão, depósitos de água dura e sujeira acumulada, garantindo um ambiente mais limpo e saudável.
O 20 Mule Team Borax é uma escolha inteligente para quem deseja um produto de limpeza que não apenas funcione, mas que também seja seguro e natural. Com sua composição mineral, ele se destaca como uma alternativa ecológica aos produtos químicos agressivos, permitindo que você mantenha sua casa limpa sem comprometer a saúde da sua família ou do meio ambiente.
– Eficácia na Remoção de Manchas: Remove manchas difíceis de forma eficaz, garantindo roupas limpas e frescas.
– Desodorização: Elimina odores indesejados, proporcionando uma sensação de frescor nas roupas e ambientes.
– Limpeza Profunda: Remove gordura, sujeira e resíduos de sabão de superfícies, deixando-as brilhantes.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em diversas aplicações, desde lavanderia até limpeza de superfícies e projetos de artesanato.
– Produto Natural: Composição 100% natural, segura para a saúde e para o meio ambiente.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o 20 Mule Team Borax, adicione 1/2 xícara do produto ao seu detergente habitual durante o ciclo de lavagem. Para limpeza de superfícies, misture 1/2 xícara de Borax com 1 litro de água morna e aplique a solução com um pano limpo, esfregando suavemente até que a sujeira e a gordura sejam removidas. Para a remoção de depósitos de sabão e água dura, aplique o Borax diretamente na área afetada, deixe agir por alguns minutos e enxágue com água limpa. Com essas instruções simples, você poderá aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios deste poderoso mineral em sua rotina de limpeza.
Mack –
Been using this for 30 years. It’s natural and fantastic at removing underarm stains & freshening laundry. I even put a pinch in my foot soaks and bath.
Amanda P –
I never knew about all the amazing uses Borax has to offer. I like many saw the “life hack” of using a large amount of Borax and soaking sheets or a comforter overnight in the tub to give them a good deep clean. I didn’t go that far, but instead went to their website, where there are endless uses for the product. I live in an area with extremely hard water. As a result, my clothes tend to start looking a bit dingy after a few washes. I even use a detergent meant for hard water. I discovered that by adding a 1/2 cup of Borax to my laundry, and using at least warm water to ensure it dissolves, that not only do all my clothes come out cleaner, but the dingy clothes return to better than new condition! They are bright, vibrant, and oh so clean.
The funny thing is, my husband wasn’t let in on this little secret, so when he took over the laundry for a bit, everyone in the household noticed that the clothes started to look dingy and dull again. He couldn’t figure out what he was doing wrong. I told him about including Borax, but forgot to mention the warm water factor. There were a few loads where there was some white powder clinging to our darks 🙂 A for effort. Now that he knows all the steps, our laundry is back to being flawlessly clean. That’s saying a lot since we have 2 kiddos in elementary school.
A nice tip, even if you need to use cold water for your wash, you can still use Borax. Just mix the Borax with some hot water until dissolved, and then when the washing machine is full with water, poor in the mixture. Only important thing to note is you must wash and rinse whatever container you have used thoroughly. Borax can be toxic if ingested. I use that to my advantage and line areas in the garage, where creepy crawlies might try to invade, with a thin line barrier. Stops them in their tracks!
It’s such a wonderful multi-use item that I wish I had discovered sooner!
Captain T –
Borax does a great job cleaning laundry but be cautious when having it shipped with other orders in the same container. The product slightly leaks out of the box and can cover other items in the shipment even if the four boxes are in a box that’s covered in plastic, it still leaks out. I will continue to order it separately but not with subscribe and save.
Shel98 –
20 Mule Team All Natural Borax Detergent Booster & Multi-Purpose Household Cleaner has been a game-changer for me. It never disappoints and is always delivered on time with my subscription. This versatile product not only enhances my laundry by removing tough stains and deodorizing, but it also works wonders around the house. From cleaning countertops to freshening up bathrooms, it handles it all with ease. Highly recommend for anyone looking for an effective, all-natural cleaning solution! 🌟
Maz-n-blu –
I originally purchased 20 Mule Team Borax to use as a laundry additive to boost the cleaning power of my detergent. I have hard water, and adding this product did indeed make a difference in how clean my clothes get. I also noticed that it got rid of that mildly funky odor that towels sometimes have even after laundering.
What is even more impressive is this: My dishes were coming out of the dishwasher with little specks of debris on them. After disassembling and cleaning the spray arms and base mechanism, I still had bits of who-knows-what on my dishes. I purchased and used an expensive dishwasher cleaner product with no improvement. Then I tried a half cup of this borax with my regular dishwasher detergent and ran the heavy cleaning cycle with a load of dishes. PROBLEM SOLVED! Spanking clean dishes. Now I do this every few weeks to maintain my dishwasher’s effectiveness.
What else is this product good for, you ask?
1. I have used it with success to kill ant colonies. Mix 1/8 cup sugar and 1/4 cup borax. Sprinkle around any trails, baseboards, or wherever you are seeing the pesky things. They take this “food” back to the colony and in a few days, you will notice they are gone.
2. For a clogged drain, put 1/2 cup borax into the drain with 2cups boiling water. Wait 30-60 minutes, then flush with plenty of hot water. Effective and less expensive than bottling drain cleaner.
3. Hard water stains in your toilet? Put one cup borax into the toilet and let it sit overnight. If you have a ring at the waterline, you can also soak paper towels in a borax and water mixture and place them alone the water line ( remove enough water from the toilet beforehand so the paper towels won’t dissolve into the water. Do not flush the paper towels! Remove, scrub the bowl the next morning, and your toilet will definitely look better. Repeat if necessary.
3.Removes mildew stains from outdoor furniture. Mix 1 cup in half a pail of warm water. Wear rubber gloves. Scrub furniture with cloth or brush. Works great.
There are many other uses for this product, so the value is enormous! You can skip buying more costly fixes to many household cleaning and maintenance needs. I hope this helps you decide on whether this product is right for you. Peace.
Onadime –
Great for laundry but boxes always leak powder on the bottom
Doesn’t matter if I order from Amazon or pick up at target they always leave a trail I have to pick up, wish they were made in better packaging
Elle –
I use this with every load. I used to work in a very greasy restaurant and this was the only thing that removed the nasty residue on my clothes.
Gets out smoke and cleans my workout clothes very well too. Great non-toxic option and there’s no scent.
Easy to use, just add to the drum. Don’t add too much or your clothes can come out stiff or fade color.
M –
Works great. Kills weeds and lichens on a paver patio too.