O Desodorizador para Lixeira de Fraldas é a solução ideal para manter o quarto do seu bebê livre de odores desagradáveis. Compatível com a maioria das lixeiras, este produto inovador utiliza filtros de carvão de bambu, que são eficazes na eliminação de odores provenientes de fraldas descartáveis e de pano. Cada pacote contém 12 unidades, garantindo que você tenha sempre um sachê à mão para combater os cheiros indesejados.
Com a nossa embalagem de 12 sachês, você pode dizer adeus ao cheiro forte que muitas vezes invade o ambiente. O carvão de bambu é uma solução natural que absorve os odores, em vez de apenas mascará-los com fragrâncias artificiais. Isso significa que seu bebê estará protegido de respirar ar contaminado por cheiros desagradáveis. A aplicação é simples e prática: basta colocar o sachê no bolso do filtro do balde de fraldas ou fixá-lo na parte inferior da tampa. Mesmo em dias de fraldas especialmente fedorentas, como durante o período de dentição e desmame, você pode adicionar sachês extras para garantir que o ambiente permaneça fresco.
Além de ser uma excelente opção para lixeiras de fraldas, o desodorizador também é versátil o suficiente para ser utilizado em outros locais, como lixeiras comuns, sapatos, bolsas de ginástica e armários de academia. Cada sachê tem uma durabilidade de até 30 dias, proporcionando um ambiente limpo e agradável por um longo período.
1. Elimina odores desagradáveis do balde de fraldas, mantendo o quarto do bebê fresco.
2. Fácil de usar, basta colocar o sachê no filtro do balde ou na tampa.
3. Protege seu bebê de respirar odores indesejados, absorvendo-os naturalmente.
4. Ideal para dias de fraldas especialmente fedorentas, como durante o desmame.
5. Um presente prático e útil para mães novas e experientes, aplicável em diversos ambientes.
Para utilizar o Desodorizador de Balde de Fraldas, insira um sachê de carvão de bambu no bolso do filtro do balde ou fixe-o na parte inferior da tampa. O carvão atuará absorvendo os odores desagradáveis, garantindo que o quarto do bebê permaneça fresco e livre de cheiros indesejados. Cada sachê tem uma duração de até 30 dias, permitindo que você desfrute de um ambiente limpo e saudável por um longo período. Experimente agora e transforme a experiência de cuidar do seu bebê!
Ember Blue –
We bought these for the Diaper Genie. Even using 3 pouches in one pail (one in the flip-top filter slot and 2 at the bottom of the pail), the smell overcomes us at times. They are very effective when the pail is closed; the pail is in our 1-year-old daughter’s bedroom beside her changing table and we don’t immediately smell waste when we walk in. However, they are not effective at combating strong odors on their own. We have to sanitize the pail with every bag change and deorodize with Lysol and air out once a week. But I hate to think of what we’d be dealing with if we didn’t use them, so we continue to rotate! Also, I like that the pouches are reusable and can be recharged in the sun, and that they are compostable and environmentally friendly!
Ember Blue –
These deodorizers are still working and remove most of the smell from our diaper genie. I’ve noticed a world of difference from what we were doing before. It’s been so helpful that I’m going to renew my monthly subscription. I hate it when my daughter’s room stinks because I opened the diaper genie for only 1 second to put a diaper in. It’s such a small expense for the luxury of a fresh-smelling room.
The seller contacted me in order to resolve my issue. I guess they now have a new supplier with better quality control for their charcoal. I have been using a new set of deodorizers and they do seem to be working better. The smell is not totally removed, but it is noticeably improved. My daughter’s diaper genie used to smell like death after just 2 days of diapers. Now it just only smells a little bit, even after a week. So, I am updating the stars in my review to reflect this.
Also, A+ customer service. This seller is amazing.
I haven’t noticed a difference. Once my daughter started eating solid food the diaper genie started to stink. I decided to put the poopy diapers in the outside trash and only pee diapers in the diaper genie. Amazingly, after several days that begins to stink too. I cleaned it, aired it out, nothing helped. I purchased these deodorizers a while ago and didn’t notice any difference. I recently ordered them again by mistake and returned them because they are of no use to me. I have resorted to keeping the diaper genie in the bathroom so that my daughter’s bedroom doesn’t stink every time the pail opens.
Pros: The bag it comes in is nice and the sachets fit perfectly in the lid of my Diaper Genie Complete.
Hmi –
These are a product you didn’t know you needed until you have them. I switched to unscented generic liners and added these. 2 months in and I hand yet to smell anything. They are definitely doing their job.
Haley –
I have a senior rescue dog who’s paralyzed from the waist down, including his bowels/bladder so he wears disposable belly bands to prevent chronic UTIs and keep his fur/bedding clean. The poop, well that just comes out as it moves thru and I just keep washable bed pads on top of my duvet and pick them up- no biggie, he desperately needed a kind, permanent home 🙂
I got a diaper pail and those plastic discs but they didn’t control the smell, especially when he has a UTI and uses more diapers/urine gets funky. I already use volcanic rock for the cats’ litterbox which works well so I saw these and gave them a shot.
My biggest gripe is they hold on to the ammonia smell for a VERY long time. I’ve had to leave them out in the sun for 2+ weeks to get the smell out of them and some seem like they’ll never be back to “normal”. I use multiple in the diaper pail and swap them out weekly vs 15dys since they were really grabbing the smell fast- even when he’s doing good and only needs 1 diaper a day with normal urine smell.
So if the only way I can get these to work is by using 5 in the pail and another 5 around the immediate area, I’d need to order several more sets since they do not “refresh” in the sun as advertised 🙁
My volcanic rocks refresh within 24hrs but these can take weeks of direct sunlight. It’s not worth the hassle of changing them every week and sometimes I don’t have enough to change all of them.
Too bad. Since he can’t use washable diapers due to his extreme predisposition to chronic UTIs, I still want to do my part to reduce the amount of plastic, chemicals and other earth-unfriendly products. Sadly I still have to bleach his diaper pail and if I can’t find/make volcanic rock sachets that work, I’ll have to resort to chemicals again.
I try to support mom ‘n pop businesses above big box stores every chance I can, but I’m dumbfounded how quickly these grab the stink but take forever to “recharge” even when placed in direct sun for over a week at a time. I just don’t have time to worry about these- if they’ll be “recharged” enough by the time I need to swap them out on trash nite, etc. All of them are in use except the 5 that absolutely will not refresh and stink horribly- I use the built-in pail deodorizer cup AND a pail liner so they don’t come directly in contact with his diapers and there’s not even any poopy diapers in there since I just flush his turds down the toilet.
On to the next hopeful solution.
Amazon Customer –
Great product for the diaper genie, got rid of the smell. Used one in the top and another at the bottom
Alex E –
My diaper pail REALLY needed a new carbon filter (it came with one) it was smelling SO bad. I went with these because it’s cheaper and reusable. I’ve had it in there for a few hours and the horrible smell is all gone and back to being fresh!!!!!!!
Kaeli rabago –
Love the product.
HQ –
This did not help with odors. I tried putting one in the bottom of the pail as well as the lid where it normally goes and it did not deodorize the diaper smell like the original that came with the diaper genie did. Save your money and order a different brand.
Christina Root –
So, I’m torn on this product, I like that it’s all natural and a good price, but I can’t say that it really does much in removing smells. That being said, I don’t think the name brands do any better, so I guess from that stand point I’d rather support a small business.