O Plug Liver Cleanse Detox é um produto inovador que se destaca no mercado de desintoxicação, promovendo uma limpeza profunda e eficaz do fígado. Com uma fórmula poderosa composta por ingredientes naturais, como cardo de leite e alcachofra, este detox é ideal para quem busca eliminar toxinas e melhorar a saúde hepática. A combinação de 13 plantas, flores e frutas proporciona uma experiência única, revitalizando a energia do corpo de forma natural e saborosa. Cada garrafa de 100 ml é uma explosão de sabor de superfrutas, tornando o processo de desintoxicação não apenas benéfico, mas também prazeroso.
Os benefícios do The Plug vão além da simples desintoxicação. Ele melhora a digestão, aumenta os níveis de energia e promove a saúde geral do fígado, ajudando a restaurar o equilíbrio do corpo. A fórmula é projetada para ser consumida diariamente ou semanalmente, permitindo que o usuário limpe seu organismo das “toxinas gordurosas” acumuladas no dia a dia. Além disso, a bebida eletrolítica reidrata o sistema sem adição de açúcar ou cafeína, garantindo uma recuperação rápida e eficiente, sem ingredientes artificiais. Com certificação kosher, sem glúten e não transgênico, o The Plug é uma escolha saudável e consciente.
1. Regain Energy & Balance: Restaura o corpo ao seu estado saudável com a maior concentração de ervas do mercado.
2. Potência à Base de Plantas: Utiliza 13 plantas, flores e frutas para revitalizar a energia de forma natural.
3. Apoie sua Desintoxicação: Elimina toxinas gordurosas acumuladas, promovendo uma limpeza eficaz.
4. Reidrate Naturalmente com Eletrólitos sem Açúcar: Hidrata o corpo sem cafeína, açúcar ou ingredientes artificiais.
5. Otimize seu Tempo: Acelera a recuperação e melhora o estilo de vida com uma fórmula de saúde prática.
AmazonCustomers –
I tried The Plug Liver Cleanse Detox & Repair Drink, hoping for a health boost with its promise of detox and liver support. While I can’t say much about its effectiveness yet, one thing’s clear: the taste is a major letdown.
Despite its all-natural, plant-based ingredients and the benefits it might offer, getting it down is a challenge due to its unappealing flavor. If you’re considering this for your health routine, be ready for the taste test.
Saja Hussein –
I was very skeptical about this drink, but trying it a couple of times and now I am a fan. I have been super dehydrated from being sick, so I’ve been using it as a way to help me be less nauseous and more hydrated and I am very happy with the results. I’m waking up feeling better every time I drink it the night before. The only thing I would change is the taste, I’m not a fan of the flavor but otherwise I really like it.
Sparkle…The SURVIVOR. –
I recently have been dealing with some nasty symptoms of NAFLD, and decided to invest in a variety of supplements and tonics to support restoring the health of my liver. To be honest, I instinctively felt that this product was not going to be worth the high price I paid, so I decided to try the purchased bundle – shots and pills – independently from anything else I had purchased. This way I could accurately determine the efficacy of The Plug. Boy am I glad I did!
Not only did this product do literally NOTHING beneficial for my liver (I am still waking up to right-sided shoulder and back tightness and pain), it messed with my menstrual cycle and made me bleed heavier and for longer. I consumed about half of this product so far – nightly since the day of delivery. I purchased the large 24 pack, which was bundled with a 10 day supply of encapsulated supplements, and paid well over $100, to my regret.
The only potential benefit I can see from investing in The Plug (JEEZ – with the name alone I should have known better, right?!🙄) would be like a club/party/venue promoter purchasing in bulk to sell at coat check or the attended restroom at last call or whatever. It would be a pretty quick and easy profit for, say…$10 a pop? That is, if you have no moral compunction against selling basically snake oil. Promoters usually don’t, lol!😅
For the rest of us who aren’t regular social drinkers, and are dealing with very real liver issues that could be life-threatening…there’s nothing to see here. Save your money and invest in a better product for waaaayyy less.😒
AmazonCustomers –
So far so good
ShawdyArtez –
Would buy from them again. Very tasty and it helped. Thank you!
Tamerra Brooks –
Love these, must drink 2 at a time
John H –
I purchased more for the overall benefits of the supplement, not necessarily as the “final shot” of the day. What I notice withy regular regimen of probiotics and vitamins, is a more refreshed early mornin stomach feeling. Matched with a good diet, not consuming calories late in the evening, seemed to allow a much more restful sleep. I took one package daily for 6 days, purchased a second package of 12 and took every other day. I think it’s a positive addition to a good healthy diet, and certainly has some benefits if there is some dietary drift
Jmfarber –
Please, try works good at night just before bed. Get in system better to do the job.