Designs for Health Liposomal Glutathione é um suplemento líquido de glutationa com absorção aprimorada, oferecendo 100mg por dose. Este produto é essencial para quem busca suporte ao sistema imunológico e auxílio na desintoxicação do organismo. A glutationa é um dos antioxidantes mais potentes produzidos naturalmente pelo corpo, e a forma líquida deste suplemento proporciona uma maneira prática de aumentar seus níveis. O sabor refrescante de limão e hortelã torna a experiência de consumo ainda mais agradável.
O que diferencia este suplemento é sua absorção lipossomal aprimorada. Os lipossomas são pequenas vesículas que se ligam facilmente às membranas celulares, permitindo uma entrega superior de nutrientes e aumentando a biodisponibilidade. Isso significa que o corpo pode absorver e utilizar a glutationa de forma mais eficaz, maximizando seus benefícios. A forma líquida facilita a ingestão: basta tomar 1 mL (aproximadamente 2 doses) e segurar na boca por 30 segundos antes de engolir, o que otimiza a absorção.
Além disso, o produto é elaborado com ingredientes de alta qualidade. Os fosfolipídios utilizados na formulação lipossomal são derivados da lecitina de girassol, e o suplemento é livre de glúten e laticínios, tornando-o adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares. A Designs for Health é a marca de suplementos número um recomendada por profissionais de medicina funcional, o que atesta a confiabilidade e a qualidade de seus produtos, incluindo a Glutationa Lipossomal.
– Poderosa Atividade Antioxidante: A glutationa é um dos antioxidantes mais eficazes do corpo, combatendo os radicais livres e promovendo a saúde celular.
– Absorção Lipossomal Aprimorada: A tecnologia lipossomal garante que os nutrientes sejam entregues de forma mais eficiente às células, aumentando a eficácia do suplemento.
– Fórmula Líquida Fácil: A forma líquida e o sabor agradável facilitam a ingestão, tornando o suplemento uma parte prática da rotina diária.
– Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: Feito com fosfolipídios não transgênicos e livre de glúten e laticínios, é ideal para quem possui sensibilidades alimentares.
– Cuidado Clinicamente Confiável: A Designs for Health é reconhecida por profissionais de saúde, garantindo um produto de qualidade e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 mL (aproximadamente 2 doses) de Designs for Health Liposomal Glutathione diariamente. É importante segurar o líquido na boca por 30 segundos antes de engolir, pois isso permite uma absorção ideal da glutationa. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação para garantir que este produto é adequado para suas necessidades individuais.
jenny –
I have used this product for a long time. My nutritionist used to order it for me. I decided this time to just try buying off of Amazon for the product.
Shipping: They send the product in a reusable cooler bag (see pictures). The cooler bag is double the size of a lunch bag. In the cooler bag your Liposomal Glutathione will be wrapped for protection (as it is glass) and there is an ice pack inside a zip lock baggie. My product, when shipped, was oddly put in my mailbox instead of at my front door. My mailbox is not near my home. Therefore I was a day behind in knowing it was delivered. This is a heat sensitive product so pay attention to where they will deliver your package. You don’t want it sitting out! Thankfully it is cold outside right now and so the product stayed cold for me overnight.
It is a 1.7 oz bottle (50ml). The nozzle allows you to use the product measurement free and it is not messy to use. Just turn the nozzle to the right to pump, then back to the left to close. Store it in the refrigerator.
To use: hold 2 pumps of liquid in your mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Do this 2x a day. They DO NOT mention needing to take this product with or without food.
Taste: If you liquified blue cough drops, then dump it into a shot of canola oil, and throw it in your unsweetened lemon juice. That is what I feel it would taste like. IT IS DISGUSTING. This is where I would actually give it a 1 star rating. If it didn’t work so well, I would lower the stars due to the taste. I literally plug my nose while taking the liquid, then I have some food or drink more powerful in taste to consume immediately after the 30 seconds are over. I still gag at times. I would love to see them switch to a normal medicinal flavor such as orange or just plain lemon.
Effectiveness: within 2 days of using this Liposomal Glutathione my “allergic” type reactions (ex facial rashes and migraines) lessen. I have used this product over the course of 3 years. When I use it, my skin and other reactions immediately improve. When I have stopped using it, the reactions come back. I do struggle with MTHFR. This product is phenomenal for MTHFR. Hence my 5 star rating inspite of the gag worthy taste.
Other notes: GLUTEN FREE, dairy free, soy free, and NO GMO’s.
I hope this helps.
L.A.A. –
I love the Liposomol delivery. I have food sensitives and this product doesn’t ever upset my stomach. Helps to boost my immune system too!
Gina Davenport –
I decided to order this product after much research. I was so impressed by the care the company took wrapping the bottle for breakage and a cool pak was sent to ensure supplement sis not overheat. It all came inside a lovely tote bag designed to travel with supplements while keeping them cool.
I have only just begun taking this supplement but I am very pleased with my purchase and will order from them in the future, now that I know that are of such high quality!
(I was not gifted or paid to write this and I’m very pleased with my purchase!)
buyer –
I bought this to help treat MTHFR symptoms. It made me VERY sleepy, so I started taking it at night. Now, if I go to bed without taking it (because you have to keep it in the fridge and it is easily forgotten), I wake up 2 hours later and have to take it so then sleep through the night. My sleep is great now, but I’m afraid it is dependent on taking this nightly. The taste at first is ok, but if you hold it in your mouth as instructed for 30 seconds, it tastes like sulfur to me. Ewww! Whatever- it seems to be doing something beneficial. I will continue to take it, even if just for perfect sleep after years of chronic insomnia. This comes from the manufacturer and is legit. It comes in a cooler tote bag with a cold pack!
M. P. –
Buen sabor, demasiao dulce tal vez para los q no somos amantes de lo dulce ,,, pero da buena energia. Viene muy bien envalado ..buena calidad
Best of the best by far
deepDiver –
To me, it taste like motor oil smells with just a hint of peppermint. Has the same consistency as motor oil. Seriously nasty. So I’m hoping that it’s really doing its job. I will continue to keep taking it.
jenny –
I was worried about the temperature of the package when it arrived because this has to be refrigerated. It came into a refrigerating bag with ice packs inside and it was cold. The packaging was exemplary. This looks like really high quality stuff. A friend of mine recommended this particular type and brand of glutathione based on a recommendation she got from her own doctor. I am very happy with this purchase. Incidentally, it tastes good too. Some people in the reviews wrote that since it contains alcohol it must be poisonous. First of all, alcohol is not a poison. I do not drink any alcoholic beverage whatsoever, but a minimal amount of alcohol in an extract (e.g. vanilla extract) is normal, it is a natural preservative, and does not kill anyone. I definitely recommend this product.