Designs for Health GI Revive é um suplemento em cápsulas que oferece suporte à saúde intestinal com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada. Com 210 cápsulas, este produto combina ingredientes poderosos como Ulmus rubra, raiz de alcaçuz, L-glutamina, zinco carnosina, MSM, pó de raiz de marshmallow e extrato de quiabo. Cada um desses componentes desempenha um papel crucial na promoção da saúde gastrointestinal, aliviando desconfortos digestivos e fortalecendo a barreira intestinal.
A L-glutamina, um aminoácido essencial, é fundamental para a manutenção da integridade da mucosa intestinal, enquanto o zinco carnosina atua na proteção e reparação do revestimento intestinal. O Ulmus rubra e a raiz de alcaçuz são conhecidos por suas propriedades calmantes e anti-inflamatórias, ajudando a aliviar irritações no trato digestivo. O MSM (metilsulfonilmetano) contribui para a saúde das células intestinais, e o pó de raiz de marshmallow oferece um efeito emoliente, promovendo conforto digestivo. O extrato de quiabo, rico em fibras, auxilia na regulação intestinal e na promoção de uma digestão saudável.
Além de sua fórmula abrangente, o GI Revive é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) e não contém glúten, garantindo um padrão de qualidade superior. A Designs for Health é reconhecida por sua dedicação à qualidade e eficácia, sendo a marca mais recomendada por profissionais de medicina funcional.
- Suporte gastrointestinal abrangente, promovendo uma digestão saudável.
- Ajuda a aliviar desconfortos digestivos, proporcionando conforto e bem-estar.
- Contribui para a saúde da mucosa intestinal, essencial para a proteção do trato digestivo.
- Fórmula livre de OGM e glúten, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
- Recomendado por profissionais de medicina funcional, garantindo confiança e eficácia.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 7 cápsulas por dia, divididas em duas ou três doses, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante seguir as instruções de uso para maximizar os benefícios do produto e garantir uma saúde intestinal ideal.
Rachlynn –
Well, I finished one bottle of that, it took a month and I could tell I was slightly getting better along with my Custom Probiotic’s 11 strain powder. I can’t tolerate my Klaire probiotics that are probably better darn it but they will stay in the fridge for when I heal. The job is not done so I had to order more and I just put it on AutoShip because I bet it’ll be like everybody else and require a 3 to 6 month healing journey. Take it from me and 10 years of suffering find out exactly what’s going on in your gut with a Genova leaky gut test, and the OAT test to see if you have pathogens in your gut. I always thought it was just candida albicans and leaky gut but turns out a lot of people have clostridia infections. Get to the bottom of the problem so you can go from there don’t suffer long-term like me, which really messes your gut up on top of your whole life. And the entire family suffers. I did buy some extra glutamine powder to take with it as I heard you need 3 to 5 g daily and this doesn’t have that much. I used Klaire labs for that but I bet Designs for health is good too. They both are good companies.
maria guadalupe gomez issa –
Me ayuda a dormir 8 horas
Amazon Customer –
I used to get this from my naturopath’s office until she retired. Helped a lot but stopped taking it a short while after her retirement. Been having a lot of tummy issues of late and decided to start taking again. Have only been taking for less than a week but am beginning to notice some improvement already. Will need a couple of more weeks to really see if it’s helping sufficiently.
Barbara Guest –
I tried to find something less expensive, but nothing i trued comes close to being as good as this product. I’m sold on it!
Michele J. –
My 11 year old just went through one heck of a year with debilitating chronic stomach pain, weight loss and subsequent panic attacks from the pain. It took 11 months until we figured out he had chronic moderate gastritis with duodenal ulcers caused by H. Pylori bacteria. His GI doctor recommended going the traditional route of dual antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors. I’ve learned through a HP support group on FB how harmful and purpose-defeating that that drug combo can be for conditions caused by HP. I did decide to give him one round of antibiotics but used the GI Revive in place of the proton pump inhibitors to help heal his gut. Short of calling it a miracle, he has had very little complaints about his belly hurting. And when he did, we were on a two week break from GI revive. So I’ve been giving him a “maintenance” dose every other day. Initially we did start with every day dosing. We mixed it in a vitamin water or sports drink. Once you get past the look of it, it’s not too bad. He’s been taking GI revive, a daily probiotic supplement and a shot of kombucha every day. He seems to be doing great! He seems like he is even starting to gain weight and getting some “meat” on his ribs. I truly believe that GI revive is playing a vital role in his healing (and I used to be a homeopathic skeptic).
BigJ –
Just started my second bottle, and so far this product definitely seems to help with Leaky Gut syndrome. While rotating foods and avoiding those you have a sensitivity to, this stuff should help you get over your sensitivities quicker, and also make it tougher to develop new allergies/sensitivities. Contains lots of good stuff for the gut like marshmallow and okra…the first few days taking it I noticed a slight cooling feeling in my stomach, a very good sign. Be sure to take this stuff on an empty stomach with a good amount of water – the less acidic you can have your stomach when you take it, the better, so that it increases the chances this stuff makes it to your small intestine (this is important as I don’t think these capsules are enteric coated). YES this stuff is quite expensive, and one bottle only lasts a month at the recommended dosage (7 pills per day), but if you are serious about healing your GI issues, this should really help.
kittymom –
Working great for my leaky gut
Ermengarde –
This was recommended to me by someone whose health care professional recommended it to him. It really helped me. I started with the powder version and I think it might have worked a little better but the capsule form is a lot more convenient.
jph3 –
It’s really disappointing when sellers don’t stand by their products. I understand that supplements work differently on individuals, but when spending this kind of money on pills…you should at least be able to get your money back if they don’t work for you.
That being said, I started with the suggested dosage of 7(yes 7) capsules every morning and it wrecked my digestion. I have Sibo, Celiac and some parasites so my doctor recommended this. After cutting back to 2 pills a day and taking a break from the first bout of sickness, I still can’t take it without increased bloating and discomfort.
Again, I see that this works for many customers, but it would be nice to get my money back after 2 weeks and no luck at all.