C3 Curcumin Complex – Suplemento de Cúrcuma Altamente Bioativo com 3 Curcuminoides – Não-OGM, Sem Glúten, Vegetariano (60 Cápsulas)
O C3 Curcumin Complex é uma composição patenteada e única de três curcuminoides bioativos e promotores da saúde – curcumina, bisdemetoxicurcumina e demetoxicurcumina. Esses são os constituintes mais fortes, protetores e bem pesquisados da raiz de cúrcuma. Ao contrário do pó de raiz de cúrcuma natural, que contém apenas 5-7% de curcumina, o extrato do C3 Curcumin Complex é concentrado para conter 95% de curcuminoides, sendo que a curcumina representa 70% do extrato total. Essa concentração garante uma dose potente e eficaz de curcumina para promover a saúde e o bem-estar.
A estrutura cristalina da curcumina dificulta sua absorção no trato gastrointestinal, assim como a CoQ10. Por esse motivo, a Designs for Health incluiu lecitina (de girassol), um poderoso emulsificante, para melhorar a absorção e biodisponibilidade dessa formulação. Isso significa que o C3 Curcumin Complex é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, garantindo que você obtenha todos os benefícios da curcumina.
Além disso, a Designs for Health se preocupa em oferecer produtos sempre puros e eficazes. O C3 Curcumin Complex é adequado para vegetarianos, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) e não possui glúten, laticínios ou soja. Essa preocupação com a qualidade e pureza dos produtos é o que torna a Designs for Health a marca de suplementos número 1 recomendada por profissionais de medicina funcional e pessoalmente confiável por esses profissionais.
Agora, conheça 5 motivos recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para comprar o C3 Curcumin Complex:
1. Potência máxima – O C3 Curcumin Complex é a forma mais potente de curcumina disponível no mercado, garantindo que você obtenha todos os benefícios para a saúde da cúrcuma.
2. Proteção antioxidante – Os curcuminoides presentes no C3 Curcumin Complex possuem propriedades antioxidantes poderosas, ajudando a combater os danos causados pelos radicais livres e protegendo as células do corpo.
3. Suporte anti-inflamatório – A curcumina é conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias, ajudando a reduzir a inflamação no corpo e aliviar os sintomas de condições inflamatórias.
4. Melhora da saúde digestiva – A absorção aprimorada do C3 Curcumin Complex ajuda a melhorar a saúde digestiva, reduzindo a inflamação no trato gastrointestinal e promovendo uma digestão saudável.
5. Recomendado por profissionais de medicina funcional – O C3 Curcumin Complex é a escolha preferida de profissionais de medicina funcional devido à sua eficácia comprovada e qualidade superior.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de C3 Curcumin Complex por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
Pipers5 –
In today’s world where we are all surrounded with toxins and germs, it is, in my opinion, to keep our bodies ready – instead of waiting and then expecting some drug to do the trick. Curcumin should be considered as part of your top 7 supplements, behind D3, B complex, lots of C (I take 3-4 gms) , zinc, NAC and magnesium
Inflammation isn’t good for anyone and can contribute to a host of problems/illnesses.
For me – this is the only form that does NOT hurt my stomach. Finally, this aging body has yet one more layer of protection, thanks to DFH formula. As a bonus – it also helps some with nagging pain, often.
Amazon Customer –
I tried other brands, over the counter and even from a popular health food store. They did not help at all. Found this brand totally by accident. Thought I would give it one more try. Amazing! I have rheumatoid arthritis. Even on my meds I am not pain free. This product has taken 90% of my pain away. I convinced my sister to try it for her sinusis and her knee. She is really a hard sell. But, she did it for me. She said it was the first time in 2 years she could breath out of her nose while sleeping. Everyone is different so you just have to keep trying to fine the right fit.
Mkandbb95 –
This supplement is way too expensive for the money. You can find a different brand of the supplement from Bjs or Costco for $30-35. It’s called Turmeric. It contains the same exact ingredients and has almost 2X more mg per capsule. It also contains 210 capsules instead of 60 capsules per bottle. Do the math, you’ll see that Turmeric is so much better.
Dee –
I just received my order of Design for Health C3 and the bottle was completely smashed open on the bottom. Now do I eat these with the glass all over the place? Hmm….I don’t know that I want to take the chance. There is pulverized glass everywhere! I’m going to request a replacement!
SKennedy –
Like activated charcoal and vitamin C, this curcurmin has a permanent place on my supplement shelf.
I use curcurmin for all the various reasons most people do: it’s anti-inflammatory, it’s an antioxidant, it increases BDNF, and it helps with the arthritic stiffness in my joints.
However, I noticed with several curcurmin supplements that my body produced a rather sharp body-odor when I used it (my pits stank when I worked out.) It bothered me enough that I finally brought it up to my Naturopath and she suggested this brand for its ability to stay within the digestive system, or something.
Bottom line, it does everything I want it to do and I am my normal, pleasant smelling self.
JK in LA –
I started out over a year ago with a powder form of Cocurcumin for severe bursitis and thigh,groin inflammation on my right side that spread up my right side and ended in a very painful knot between mu neck and shoulder. 3 cortisone shots over a 5 month perios and 1200 mg of Ibuprofen daily did nothing. I was introduced to Cocurcumin in powder form by my chiropractor..drank as a tea twice daily. Within two days inflammation subsided,,within two months the daily regimen of ice packs constantly were gone. Within six months pain in my leg was nearly gone. I have switched to Designs for Health capsule form for the convenience. For a year my Pilates routine was very gentle. I have been able to switch to a more aggressive form if Pilates for strength hand flexibility since my pain is gone.
e fisch –
Former competitive Skier, cyclist, windsurfer, and avid horse rider, hiker. I’ve been suffering with whole body inflammation pain and fatigue that has mostly debilitated me from these activities in my early 40s and 50’s. I’ve been tested for most diseases related to the pain, inflammation, and fatigue. 3 knee surgeries, parathyroid tumor removals…but nothing has come back positive other than the inflammation itself and minor thyroid changes. Stress from overtraining and chronic stress of any kind amazingly can take these horrible tolls on our bodies.
After one week this product is already showing amazing results. After the Herx die-off ( it’s a powerful product for antibacterial/anti .. anti fungal and microbial) for about 5 days days, it is now helping regular bowl movement and working quickly on inflammation. I have not taken any NSAIDS. My naturopath carries this brand and product. I find this miraculous after one week already. It seems to be balancing out in my system after the Herx reactions are dissipating a bit . I take this companies magnesium; dandelion root and milk thistle tinctures and Natural Cellular Defense (by Wairoa) to help support. I also take Living Fuel’s Supper berry sports drink and Amino Acids and Omegas. But this Curcumin has been the missing link. I can’t wait to see how this changes the day to day pain. Eye inflammation was immediately reduced….knee pain starting to subside without the need for NSAIDs in just the first week of its use.
Great product. Legit.
Edward John Gross –
Do the research! Spend a day googling and you will find this fomula to be top notch. Hey folks, its’ all about bioavailibity. Sorry Dr Oz, but it’s gotta get into the cell to do the good. Mother Nature prevents this and you need a magic key to get past the gatekeeper. I’ve already said to much. Lucky you for readint this review! Crack this code, save the world. Anyway, this product is well thought out. I use it!