Desert Essence Castile Liquid Soap With Eco-Harvest Tea Tree Oil – 32 Fl Oz – Face é um produto de limpeza eficaz para o rosto e corpo, que combina óleo de coco, azeite de oliva e óleo de melaleuca. Essa poderosa mistura proporciona uma limpeza profunda, removendo impurezas e sujeiras, ao mesmo tempo em que acalma a pele.
O óleo de melaleuca presente nesse sabonete líquido possui propriedades antibacterianas e antifúngicas, ajudando a reduzir a oleosidade da pele e diminuir imperfeições, como acne e manchas. Além disso, sua fórmula suave e natural não resseca a pele, deixando-a macia e hidratada.
Com Desert Essence Castile Liquid Soap, você pode desfrutar de uma limpeza profunda e eficaz, sem agredir a pele. Sua fórmula suave e natural é adequada para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo peles sensíveis.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Limpeza eficaz: A combinação de óleo de coco, azeite de oliva e óleo de melaleuca proporciona uma limpeza profunda, removendo impurezas e sujeiras do rosto e corpo.
- Acalma a pele: Enquanto limpa, o sabonete líquido acalma a pele, deixando-a suave e confortável.
- Reduz a oleosidade: O óleo de melaleuca ajuda a controlar a produção de óleo na pele, reduzindo a oleosidade e prevenindo o surgimento de acne.
- Diminui imperfeições: Com o uso regular, o sabonete líquido ajuda a diminuir imperfeições, como acne e manchas, deixando a pele mais uniforme e radiante.
- Fórmula suave e natural: Livre de ingredientes agressivos, o Desert Essence Castile Liquid Soap é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, inclusive peles sensíveis.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter melhores resultados, aplique o Desert Essence Castile Liquid Soap no rosto e corpo durante o banho ou limpeza diária. Massageie suavemente a pele úmida com movimentos circulares, enxágue abundantemente e seque delicadamente. Utilize diariamente para uma pele limpa, suave e radiante.
Para obter melhores resultados, aplique o Desert Essence Castile Liquid Soap no rosto e corpo durante o banho ou limpeza diária. Massageie suavemente a pele úmida com movimentos circulares, enxágue abundantemente e seque delicadamente. Utilize diariamente para uma pele limpa, suave e radiante.
Pammi –
Love this soap. I use the Desert Essence Facial Soap and knew this was going to be awesome. Yes it does have a different smell but that is the tea tree oil and it is so good for your skin. I am allergic to certain preservatives and I can only use products that do not contain chemical preservatives. I have used the original face wash for years and when I found out they made a Castile type soap I was jumping for joy. The nice thing about their soaps in liquid form, just use a foam dispenser no need to water it down at all but keep the spout clean and free from soap residue
Sean –
product never arrived, no reply to email, small bottle
Annie –
I will never buy any other soap/shampoo! My hair had been super flat, was getting greasy fast, had no body and was just heavy. I also have dandruff. I found the more dandruff shampoo I used the more dandruff I seemed to have. So I looked into natural alternatives and found DE. Wow! My hair is so clean you can feel the difference. It’s fluffy around the roots, has body, I swear it even looks to be brighter in color and seems to be totally removed of the waxy buildup from drugstore shampoo thank god!
Dandruff? What dandruff! YES!! Best dandruff shampoo ever. It feels good on your scalp oh yea! Lathers great and could be watered down to stretch out your bottle.
Also used it for an all over bath and I’ve never felt so soft. Dead skin was falling off of me while I soaked. Sorry if that’s tmi but I find that pretty awesome. The oils leave your body silky smooth and clean in such a refreshing way.
I do not mind the smell it seems kind of pepperminty but still tea tree. I like it because when I smell it I am reminded that I’m fixing to have one of the best baths of my life. Seriously!
karen –
The last brand of soap we purchased was too strong smelling of tee tree. This one is much better smelling.
Meraki –
it foams so well and smells so citrusy! I’m in love, I’m obsessed 😍
NoahandPresleysMom –
I know this is marketed for face and body use, but it works better as a cleaner! I hope my floors with it and it cleans better than regular floor cleaner!
Courtney –
This soap gently cleans my skin. It has even helped clear up a couple of rashes, thanks to the tea tree oil. It does smell strongly of tea tree oil, which is to be expected. My biggest issue is that the soap is very watery-perhaps a trait of liquid Castile soap?I’m not entirely sure. Combined with the lack of a pump, I am wasting a lot of soap. The bottle I received looks almost like it could be a refill bottle. I didn’t receive a tall looking bottle as pictured, but a shorter, fatter bottle.
In my experience, this soap does exactly as advertised. I am very happy with how squeaky clean my skin is. I love the benefits of tea tree oil. I do recommend moving it to a different container with a pump so that you don’t accidentally dump out too much soap. Four stars solely due to the container issue.
manowahine –
Okay, so this soap has a few things in its favor: natural/biodegradable, great value, and works well. The only con I really have with it is the absolutely horrid smell. But, if you can get past that, I recommend it. It might just be me (or the tea tree oil…), but I really have a hard time with it. I have ordered this twice, however, because it is the best dandruff and skin care soap I have found. Then, you don’t have to be concerned with the side effects of more expensive/lab created formulas (i.e. retinol and sun danger). I mixed a little with my shampoo and it killed the dandruff completely with only a few uses. I use it on my face to control acne. The only downside there is the awful smell is just that much closer to your nose…Maybe adding tea tree oil to my better smelling soap will be just as effective (and smell just as awful), but I haven’t tried it and I like having better skin, so this is pretty worth it. Give it a try! If you hate the smell of it, use it for cleaning windows or something that smells worse. 🙂
Dissatisfied –
Have used Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Face wash for years and appreciate the Dessert Essence products.
This in particular is a great liquid soap that is very versatile and at a good price. Less strong smell than the D.E. face wash and doesn’t dry out the skin as much either.
It’s a liquid soap so it is runny but you can put it into old contact lens solution bottles which can then be dispensed as drops or squirted.
A few drops go a long way… it can also be diluted with water to make it last longer. Works great when diluted and put into as foaming soap dispenser.
You can google hundreds of dilution methods and solutions that can be made using castile liquid soap, this is also one of the less expensive and more “natural” castile soaps. In addition it contains tea tree oil which has natural cleansing and antibacterial qualities.
If you aren’t familiar with tea tree oil it is a bit odd for a smell at first but it will grow on you… plus it rinses off. If you aren’t familiar with tea tree oil buy this and get acquainted. P.s. you’ll be recommending this to someone else soon enough.
Raul R. –
I bought it as an alternative to Dr Bronners and it’s great. My only suggestion would be to have a cap like Dr Bronners so it’s easier to pour the soap.