Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Ingredientes Naturais: Valorizamos ingredientes derivados da natureza. Nosso sabonete Dermaharmony 2%% Pyrithione Zinc (ZnP) é livre de fragrâncias e corantes artificiais. Além disso, não realizamos testes em animais. Nossa fórmula é livre de sulfatos, MPG, parabenos, edetato dissódico (ETDA) e PEG.
2. Seguro para Diversas Condições de Pele: Nosso sabonete é seguro para o uso diário em condições como Dermatite Seborreica, Caspa, Acne, Fungos, Psoríase, Assaduras e Crosta Láctea.
3. 2%% Pyrithione Zinc (ZnP): O ZnP é um ingrediente ativo presente em nosso sabonete, indicado tanto para adultos quanto para crianças. Ele ajuda a combater os sintomas das condições de pele mencionadas anteriormente, proporcionando alívio e conforto.
4. Complemente o Tratamento: Para casos mais persistentes de Dermatite Seborreica, recomendamos o uso do nosso creme específico para essa condição, o DermaHarmony Seborrheic Dermatitis Cream (ASIN: B07VNT2ZLL). Utilize-o após o uso do sabonete para potencializar os resultados.
5. Compromisso com a Qualidade: Nosso produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, seguindo práticas sustentáveis de cultivo e colheita. Buscamos fornecedores que valorizam os direitos humanos e trabalhistas, garantindo salários justos.
Para obter melhores resultados, utilize o sabonete Dermaharmony 2%% Pyrithione Zinc (ZnP) diariamente durante o banho. Aplique o sabonete na pele úmida, massageando suavemente até formar espuma. Deixe agir por alguns minutos e enxágue completamente. Evite o contato com os olhos. Para um tratamento mais completo, utilize o creme DermaHarmony Seborrheic Dermatitis Cream após o uso do sabonete. Consulte um dermatologista para orientações específicas sobre o seu caso.
Lembramos que todas as informações técnicas sobre o produto estão disponíveis em formato HTML.
Allen Slucher –
I’ve been fighting what I THOUGHT was just flaky dry skin for years. I’ve spent countless nights researching the best oils, lotions, creams, cleansers, or black magic voodoo spells to cure it! Finally it got to the point that my eyebrows were flaking and peeling too. Full snake skin shedding status.
Nothing worked. Finally after more research I figured out it was eyebrow dandruff. I read a ton of reviews and decided to try a cheaper choice first and I’m beyond grateful that IT WORKED!
After just one use with an exfoliating glove by the next morning it was gone and stayed gone for almost a week. I’m testing how often I need to use it to keep it at bay without making my skin ACTUALLY DRY OUT and becoming what I believed was the original problem.
So far, I’ve found that using the soap alone without the glove every 3 days OR using the soap with the glove every 5 days to a full week yields the same results. I’m over the moon!
It smells good and doesn’t have any strange fragrance to it. It makes my skin feel wonderful and my eyebrows are now softer as well. To anyone dealing with weird flaking eyebrows just give it a shot, it is soooo worth it!
ydnic –
Being in my 60’s suffering from rosacea and having sensitive skin, I have always fought to have a nice completion.
I was at my hairdresser’s and overheard a conversation about zinc soap, I thought why not I’ve tried everything else. I’m so glad I did!
Within the 1st week I noticed a big difference, redness was diminished and small breakouts had stopped. I have not noticed overly drying or any other side effects.
I still get a few breakouts but so much less than before.
The soap has a nice lather and smoothness to it.
If you still have not pushed the buy now button what are you waiting for? Maybe it will help you also.
Bassem –
This is better than any cream for seborrheic dermatitis.. but don’t overuse it .. once a day is the right dose to me.
Nancy de Armas. –
Since I started washing my face with this soap the flaking around my eyes and eyebrows has diminished quite a bit.
glen g –
My Doctor told me to pick this and selsun blu up for a red rash I was getting on an around my face, shampoo with the blu and wash face with the bar everyday and I will say It does work, took about ten days but works . I do have to keep up with it 1/2 times a week to keep it gone but worth it to me
Amy S. –
This soap is the best thing ive found to help clear up my seb derm. Nothing else ive tried really manages it. It does burn just a bit if you have areas of redness but its not bad and its so worth it. Its a good value and lasts a long time. 10/10 recommend and I will continue buying this.
shelleyeatz –
The base of the soap was not properly mixed/homogenized. Random bumps would form when using the soap, causing it to feel very rough on the skin.
Kindle Customer –
This is an enjoyable bar soap to use. It is finely milled and the lather is creamy.
My face and scalp became itchy and inflamed. This calmed it down significantly after one use.
Morgan –
This is the only soap I have found that has cleared up my face!
Amazon Customer –
amazing result… immediate skin reaction for 1st use. skin flakes reduced to small area and if followed with a cream your skin seems new. amazing soap for dermatitis