Depology Black Caviar Eye Patch (30 Pares) | Patches Hidrogel para Olheiras | Suaviza Linhas Finas e Rugas | Hidratante com Ácido Hialurônico
O Depology Black Caviar Under Eye Patch é um adesivo inovador para os olhos, desenvolvido com tecnologia de hidrogel, que visa suavizar a aparência de linhas finas e rugas. Com uma fórmula rica em ingredientes poderosos como caviar negro, cica e ácido hialurônico, esses patches oferecem uma experiência de cuidado intensivo para a delicada pele ao redor dos olhos. Cada embalagem contém 30 pares de adesivos, proporcionando uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca revitalizar a área dos olhos e combater os sinais de envelhecimento.
As máscaras para os olhos são especialmente formuladas para nutrir e hidratar a pele, reduzindo visivelmente a aparência de rugas e promovendo um contorno ocular mais jovem e vibrante. O caviar negro, conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, combinado com a extensina hidrolisada, atua na minimização das linhas finas, enquanto o ácido hialurônico proporciona uma hidratação profunda, deixando a pele macia e suave.
Versáteis, os patches podem ser aplicados não apenas sob os olhos, mas também em outras áreas do rosto, como a testa e as linhas de expressão, permitindo que você aproveite os benefícios desses ingredientes eficazes em diferentes regiões. A textura avançada de hidrogel adere perfeitamente à pele, garantindo que os ativos penetrem profundamente durante o uso. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se deixar os patches agirem por pelo menos 10-15 minutos.
- 1. Nutrição Profunda: Enriquecidos com caviar negro, cica e ácido hialurônico, os patches oferecem uma nutrição intensa para a pele delicada ao redor dos olhos.
- 2. Solução Antienvelhecimento: A fórmula com caviar negro e extensina hidrolisada ajuda a minimizar a aparência de linhas finas e rugas, promovendo uma pele mais jovem.
- 3. Aplicação Versátil: Podem ser usados em várias áreas do rosto, como sob os olhos, na testa e nas linhas de expressão, proporcionando benefícios abrangentes.
- 4. Facilidade de Uso: A textura de hidrogel adere bem à pele, tornando a aplicação simples e rápida, com resultados visíveis em poucos minutos.
- 5. Hidratação Intensa: O ácido hialurônico presente na fórmula proporciona uma hidratação profunda, deixando a pele revitalizada e com aparência saudável.
Para utilizar os patches, comece limpando e secando bem a área ao redor dos olhos. Retire cuidadosamente os patches da embalagem e aplique-os suavemente na pele, assegurando que estejam bem aderidos. Deixe os adesivos agirem por um período de 10-15 minutos para permitir que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Após o tempo de aplicação, remova os patches delicadamente e massageie suavemente a área para ajudar na absorção de qualquer excesso de produto. Utilize conforme necessário para obter os melhores resultados e manter a pele ao redor dos olhos hidratada e rejuvenescida.
HarleanC –
These do a lovely job of reducing puffiness around the eyes. They’re easy to use and feel good on. No eye irritation, or strange sensations- these are great quality. The packaging is very sleek as well and matches the price tag: these would make an excellent gift.
Everyday is Blessing –
I go through eye patches like there is no tomorrow because I use them on my under eyes, forehead, smile lines, as well as on neckline. As long as it’s not too cheap and doesn’t bother your skin, any under-eye patch delivers a temporary fix in my experience. I think consistent use definitely helps make the effect last longer. The last three eye patches (from other brands) I tried were giving me a bit of an uncomfortable tingling sensation under my eyes, and my skin isn’t even that sensitive (it gets sensitive depending on my menstrual cycle, but not normally). However, this one felt good and didn’t irritate my skin under the eye at all. After using it, my skin felt very soft and well-hydrated. The patch is also not too thin. Overall, one of the better eye patches I’ve tried among the hundreds of different ones .
M&M –
I’ve used different types of eye patches, but this one seems different and seems better, maybe because it’s an actual product from South Korea. Patch did not irritate my skin. Very hydrating. It feels soft and smooth. Doesn’t have a scent. It has Hyaluronic acid and Cica to help reduce wrinkles and fine lines. I used it for the first time and noticed it helped with my under eye puffiness and eyebags. I’ll update review for better results in a couple months. Patches feel lightweight and feels nice under my eyes. Easy to use, place patches under eyes after cleaning face and let it sit for 15 mintues. As I get older, I am starting to take care of my skin more and trying out different things to help reduce and prevent skin aging. I’m glad I found this brand and so far, I’m pretty happy with product and I plan to buy more from this line. It’s a great addition to skincare. Recommend.
HarleanC –
I use a lot of these under eye patches with different ingredients for different purposes. Like the others, this brand with black caviar collagen was well saturated with product, soothing to the sensitive skin, and was very cooling which decreases inflammation.
Depology is a trusted brand with products that have gained high marks. This product is no different. It is relatively higher in cost than some of the other products out there but you can be assured you are using quality products.
As of yet, I cannot report long term success. I will continue to use these along with other products and will report back if I feel this is superior long term.
Grace –
I accidentally ripped one. Not a huge deal since you can still use it, but for this price, come on.
Having said that I did like these. They were quite hydrating and felt nice and didn’t pill like another product from this brand under my moisturizers. When my skin is normal and hydrated this doesn’t make a ton of difference, but I’ve noticed when I’m traveling my my skin is looking rough and dehydrated – that’s actually when these and other skincare products will help to ease some wrinkles. It’s not permanent – some rest, some water, and some nice moisturizers will get rid of those wrinkles unlike REAL wrinkles which this I don’t think will help, sadly. But all in all, a good product and I see the value in the high price.
M&M –
I first tried these on the Friday night at the end of a very long week. It was not entirely fair to the patches because chances were slim that *anything* would make *any* part of my face look like it hadn’t just been through that week.
But these managed to make my eyes look like I hadn’t been averaging 5 hours of bad sleep a night for a week straight. It was, as the product description promised it would be, pretty magical.
I have two quibbles about the construction of the patches. They’re curved more steeply than any other I’ve ever used, and that made it tricky to get them under my eyes in a way that covered as much of the area I wanted to cover without poking the inner corner of my eyeball. And while trying to get them situated properly, I discovered they’re a bit fragile and will tear if not handled carefully.
But for the results I got in just 15 minutes, I will happily deal with those two things. The fine lines were smoothed out, the puffiness was flattened, from a single pair of these patches I got the type of results I would normally see from 3 days of repeated treatment.
To address the big fancy elephant in the room, yes, these are comparatively pricey. Good-quality caviar extract is sadly not cheap, even wholesale, so at least part of the price tag can be attributed to that single ingredient.
So I will use these more sparingly than my other patches, treating them as a luxury rather than a regular part of my routine, cherishing them and keeping some in reserve for Fridays at the end of very long weeks.