Dee CEE Labs Formula 303 – Comprimidos de Força Máxima, 90 Unidades, é um suplemento natural projetado para proporcionar alívio eficaz de dores musculares e promover um estado de relaxamento profundo. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto combina as propriedades benéficas do Magnésio, da Flor de Maracujá e da Raiz de Valeriana, oferecendo uma solução holística para aqueles que enfrentam desconfortos musculares e estresse diário. Cada comprimido é uma dose de força máxima, ideal para quem busca um suporte natural em momentos de tensão ou após atividades físicas intensas.
O Magnésio é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na função muscular e na recuperação. Ele ajuda a reduzir a tensão muscular e a prevenir cãibras, proporcionando um alívio significativo para quem sofre com dores após treinos ou longos períodos em pé. A Flor de Maracujá, conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, contribui para a redução do estresse e da ansiedade, enquanto a Raiz de Valeriana é amplamente reconhecida por sua capacidade de promover um sono tranquilo e reparador. Juntas, essas ervas criam uma sinergia poderosa que não apenas alivia a dor, mas também melhora a qualidade de vida.
Dee Cee Laboratories Formula 303 Natural Relaxant é um remédio herbal totalmente natural que utiliza as propriedades medicinais da raiz de valeriana, da flor da paixão e do magnésio para proporcionar músculos relaxados, alívio do estresse e alívio natural de espasmos musculares, tensão muscular, cãibras nas pernas e estresse. Esta fórmula perfeitamente equilibrada de raiz de valeriana, flor da paixão e magnésio também oferece alívio para dores musculares e muito mais. Os ingredientes naturais do Formula 303 podem apresentar um odor, sabor e cor distintos, pois são feitos de forma natural. Este produto é livre de glúten, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) e é fabricado há quase 60 anos nos Estados Unidos, em uma instalação registrada e inspecionada pela FDA, em total conformidade com as Boas Práticas de Fabricação atuais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio natural de espasmos musculares, tensão muscular e cãibras nas pernas.
- Proporciona relaxamento muscular e alívio do estresse.
- Fórmula equilibrada de raiz de valeriana, flor da paixão e magnésio.
- Livre de glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM).
- Fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação registrada e inspecionada pela FDA.
- Alívio eficaz de dores musculares e cãibras, promovendo recuperação rápida após atividades físicas.
- Redução do estresse e da ansiedade, contribuindo para um estado mental mais calmo e focado.
- Melhora na qualidade do sono, ajudando a combater insônia e promover um descanso reparador.
- Fórmula natural e segura, ideal para quem busca alternativas aos medicamentos convencionais.
- Facilidade de uso, com dosagem prática que se adapta à rotina diária.
Para obter melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 comprimido de Dee Cee Laboratories Formula 303 Natural Relaxant até três vezes ao dia. Os comprimidos devem ser tomados com água, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, para maximizar a absorção dos ingredientes ativos. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Keri Dixon –
Not sure how I missed this before purchasing but the product contains lactose. So, while it’s gluten free, it’s not safe for me to use. The other ingredients look great – and I wish they had a formula without lactose.
my self –
I was prescribed this from my chiropractor when I had hurt my back. My muscles had all tensed up which was not helping things heal well and the tightness was exasperating other pain. I had used careful message and other method at the doctors to help my muscles.
when used as directed:
-Works within 20 to 40 minutes depending on how much food you have eaten, your level of bodily hydration and your general body size.
-it relaxes muscles and makes me feel a bit warmer – probably due to improved circulation though non-tight muscles.
-Ask doctor about combining it with other medications. SERIOUSLY, do not take any medication lightly even if it is homeopathic.
-They taste and smell is really bad- they stink like nothing else and will make everything and i do mean everything smell like it. It’s a weird cross between some thing like grape bubble gum and old sweaty gym socks. Believe it or not, you kind of get used to the taste and smell.
-The bottle comes with no cotton so the pills rattle around loosely.
-If you were not hydrated quite enough while it was in your system, you pee may come out a bit darker. That’s one from low hydration and two this stuff seems to darken pee a little darker. At least that is how it was for me. It seems weird but I always watch the color of my pee and poo while taking medicine as color can provide you with important information.
General Advice: Use as directed of course. Most non-homeopathic doctor will not know about Formula 303. So, take a picture/ screenshot of bottle, list of ingredients and directed usage – basically the whole label and show it to your doctor. This stuff has been used for a long time and has an extensive track record. Like any medicine, it may not work the same way for everyone or the same way in every circumstance. For me it worked well on its own and in concert with other doctor prescribed homeopathic medications. Ask your doctors about combining it with any other medicines before taking anything additional.
Ashlyn –
They work very good with no weird side effects. Hold your breath when you take them cause they do stink and you won’t taste them or smell them.
Risa Benedict –
Okay, First off a bit of background on me and why I have now turned to more natural products lately. I suffer from sever muscle spasms that can literally jerk me awake at night, startle my poor cat and wake my husband at times. I used to take 800mg Skelaxen, as well as the 4mg Tizanidine (generic name for anti-spasmotic/muscle relaxant) I had to take both as 2 Skelaxen would relax my muscles but wouldn’t stop the physical spasms; thus the Tizanidine. However over the years my body grew resistant to both much to my frustration. Tried the 10mg Tizanidine but it made me feel super funky and jittery. My Dr due to all the darn rules on what your primary care physician can and can not prescribe for their patients is close to pulling his hair out trying to find something that works even if just a little better than my past medications, as well as fighting with the Anthem/Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance on getting them to approve medications I do actually need but they argue that I donut. (So sick of fighting with the insurance company! Can’t even get them to cover cost for a Genetics test to confirm my other doctors tests that I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and gave it to my daughter who we were able to get tested first. ) So here I am, going for Homeopathic treatments in the hopes I get lucky with one or more!
So, here it is, this product does help; though it isn’t exactly an Instant reaction. It takes it a couple of days to be absorbed into your system, just like any prescription, nonprescription or over the counter product! So don’t go expecting Instant relief after taking the first dose! Yes there will be some relief but very mild and that might be off putting for folk who want instant fixes/Relief. Depending on your body’s tolerance to things, the Valarian Root in this, MIGHT make some feel a bit tired, but won’t actually knock you out(unless you have a very low tolerance to things that is! So I suggest start by taking it as directed before going to bed, just in case it does make you drowsy, that way you can build up a tolerance to the herb so it doesn’t make you sleepy during the day! Next And trust me This is HUGE!! HOLD YOUR BREATH before you put this in your mouth; and DO NOT SUCK IN AIR TILL AFTER, you have swallowed this with water(tea, coffee, soda, milk whatever your choice of beverage is)!! This is VERY, VERY IMPORTANT!! Why?? Because one or more of the herbs used in this are VERY, VERY Smelly (think very sweaty old socks, or Very, Very stinky cheese like Head Cheese etc; x’s 100! 😂😂 no, Really not kidding this stuff is gods awful where its smell is concerned and its “taste” if you suck in a breath while the tablets are in your mouth. 😂😂😂) so as long as you hold your breath as I suggest and get a big gulp of your drink of choice, your fine on avoiding the horrible smell! 😂😂
Still smell aside, you should start noticing relief in a few days, week at most!
heidi wagnon –
I was very skeptical about these. They work very good with no weird feeling or side effects. However they do stink SO bad. Hold your breath when you take them and you won’t taste them.
AMoore –
No joke these smell and taste terrible, stinky feet but they really do seem to help with overall relaxation and calmness without making you drowsy.
I was very skeptical and started with the smallest bottle but for sure will be buying more.
I have bad back spasms and I can’t say this fixes them but it does help calm them to a bearable level.
E. Mccune –
This product works without any side effects to help me walk around or sit and ride/drive for long periods of time without my lower back seizing up. It also helps me to sleep longer due to the natural ingredients.