A Pomada de Enxofre De La Cruz é um tratamento inovador e eficaz para acne cística, tanto no rosto quanto no corpo. Com uma fórmula potente que contém 10% de enxofre, este produto foi desenvolvido para proporcionar resultados visíveis em poucos dias. A pomada atua profundamente nos poros, eliminando espinhas e cravos, além de prevenir o surgimento de novas lesões. Sua aplicação é simples e prática, permitindo que você incorpore facilmente esse tratamento à sua rotina diária.
A Pomada de Enxofre é ideal para todos os tipos de acne, incluindo a hormonal e cística, e também é eficaz no tratamento de cicatrizes de acne. Ao aplicar uma camada fina sobre a área afetada, você pode desfrutar dos benefícios de uma pele mais suave, menos oleosa e livre de imperfeições. O tempo de aplicação é de apenas 10 minutos, o que torna o tratamento rápido e conveniente. Além disso, a fórmula é segura, não contém fragrâncias, corantes ou parabenos artificiais, e não obstrui os poros, garantindo que sua pele respire enquanto é tratada.
1. Melhora Visível em Poucos Dias: Resultados rápidos que transformam a aparência da pele.
2. Eficácia Comprovada: Combate espinhas e cravos, eliminando lesões existentes e prevenindo novas.
3. Versatilidade de Uso: Adequada para todos os tipos de acne, incluindo hormonal e cística.
4. Tratamento Rápido: Apenas 10 minutos de aplicação diária para uma pele mais saudável.
5. Segurança e Confiabilidade: Testada para alergias, livre de substâncias nocivas e nunca testada em animais.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Pomada de Enxofre De La Cruz, aplique uma camada fina sobre a área afetada do rosto, costas ou qualquer outra parte do corpo que necessite de tratamento. Deixe agir por 10 minutos e, em seguida, enxágue com água morna. É recomendável seguir uma rotina diária consistente para maximizar a eficácia do tratamento e garantir uma pele mais saudável e livre de acne.
Smriti –
مبين اصلي
m –
Unfortunatley, this cream made my sensitive skin (acne and dermatitis) so much worse. I broke out in exzema like rashes along my neck and lower face (after an initial period where it looked like it worked). I have re-tried by testing this on my skin and it definitely causes reactions.
سبحان الله –
I love the result, effective in my skin.
Aya Monterola –
genuine product, good price
Vanessa –
Satisfied with the product. It removes extra oil from my face. Feels fresh. Works perfectly for a special day. Buy it. Do not think twice.
Mar Quise –
This stuff truly works! I kid you not! It works great on me and I have oily skin and have had acne all over since I was a kid and I am now a 30 year old woman who still suffers from acne breakouts. Of course I just get acne here and there, it’s not nearly as serious as when I was a teenager. I have been going to the dermatologist regularly since I was young and I was always using Retin-A, and as a teenager Retin-A was affordable with insurance. However, as an adult Retin-A is not covered by most insurance companies and is hard to get a hold of so I had no choice but to use over the counter products most of the time as an adult. To this day I still never put oil on my face as I was told by my dermatologist and everything that goes on my skin has to be oil-free AND comedogenic (does not clog pores) and (I try my VERY hardest) to not touch my face because of all the bacteria on one’s hands, but I had a hard time finding something affordable and over the counter to combat my breakouts. Salicylic Acid is not strong enough and Benzoyl Peroxide seems to make my skin produce more oil and (I know how its supposed to work…it’s supposed to bring the oil and dirt out of your skin so the pimple is not so deep and it actually brings the pimple to the surface so it can naturally work itself out and off of your skin) when the pimples come to a head on my skin I am WAY too tempted to pick at my skin causing way more acne than I had in the first place so I was kinda stuck. I am able to get prescription acne medicine such as Adapalene which is expensive with insurance and you also have to include the cost for the specialty doctor visit making it unrealistic to keep in my bathroom on the regular or even use all over my body so when I discovered Sulfur Ointment I was so happy to see how effective it is in keeping my skin under control, not only with acne but with other random minor skin problems. I discovered it by accident when I was trying to keep bugs off of me I was told that sulfur ointment will keep all kinds of bugs off of me….I later found this particular brand by accident and read the reviews and saw that it is said to be an effective acne fighting tool and the reviews were RIGHT!! I was soooooooooo SOOOO HAPPY TO FIND THIS because I can order the 3 packs for so cheap and they last a while and I can actually apply them to the breakouts I sometimes get on my back and chest and arms without worrying about the cost of having to use so much of this product regularly and all over so without this PARTICULAR BRAND of Sulfur ointment I don’t know what I would do. It works fast in comparison to other products. It really doesn’t dry out my skin unless I use it daily for a while and don’t use moisturizer and go in the sun alot. It does not have any adverse side effects and it actually drys out the pimples as opposed to creating this huge process of pulling the zit out from under my skin–like Benzoyl Peroxide–making me extremely inpatient and end up popping the zit and making it worse….it’s affordable. It doesn’t sting. And when I do end up popping zits besides myself and better judgement this ointment clears that mess up instead of allowing it to get worse. I have so many good things to say about this product I could go on forever. I get this all the time and always order the 3 pack and it has had amazing results and has saved me so much money on dermatologist visits as well as other products. I am so happy I finally found this stuff because it has saved me from alot of crying and hopelessness with this acne curse that has followed me the majority of my life and beyond (considering my mother who is twice my age still suffers from acne—obviously mild acne but still!). God Bless you All and good luck…I hope I was able to help others who have suffered in the same way I have just because of something I can’t change…my genetics.
Vanessa –
This review is premature, but I’m that excited. As you can see in this photo, my struggle with acne is the hormonal, cystic kind. There isn’t anything I have not tried. Chemical peels, Proactiv (both versions), Murad, Aczone, Epiduo, liver cleanses, hormonal birth control, Acnepril, Estroblock.. you get it. The effects of acne have been so damaging, much deeper than physical damage. I’ve had mild acne with my cycle for about 5 years, but this stuff I have now has been going on for about a year. I’ve called in to work, even..so embarrassed. Avoid all kinds of social events even though I’d love the experiences. Lost touch with friends because I’d always decline invites to outings, especially camping and water-involved ones because I wouldn’t be able to wear makeup..my ugly skin would be exposed for everyone to see. Even though makeup actually makes the attempt to cover it up seem ridiculous, it’s all I can do to sort of feel like I have normal skin… to draw attention from the ugly blemishes. These are so painful in every aspect. I mean, talking and smiling and yawning, I can feel them. Okay.. now, on to the real reason you’re still reading.. this product! Look, this is only day number two for me. Last night, I slept with it, even though it says not to, just on my jawline and upper neck where my cysts are. This morning, I took a bath and when I began drying my face, dead skin began rolling off in this area. I rubbed it all off with a towel, being careful not to be too rough and end up with raw skin. The cysts had come to surface and I was able to gently squeeze the product of infection out of my pores, one by one. Until now, I haven’t had this much success. Just new cysts every day, the old ones wouldn’t go away, but would just become less inflamed, leaving a lump that felt like somewhere deep down, there was something still in there. When I touch these “old” cysts, today, I don’t feel that slight sensitivity like there’s still some sort of infection. The newer cysts are far less inflamed, coming to the surface, obviously drying up. I got so excited about rolling off all of that dead skin, I put it all over my face and have had it on for about 2 hours, now. It doesn’t burn at all. The smell isn’t an issue. The texture is exactly how it sounds… like an ointment. Think Neosporin or A+D ointment. I slathered a little coconut oil on my skin last night before applying this stuff. I’m going to do the same tonight. I went ahead and ordered this exfoliating mitt on Amazon, today so that I can stay on top of the “shedding” process. I just haven’t seen such rapid, non-harsh effects from any product or procedure I’ve ever tried. The redness on my jawline and neck has gone down sooo much in just one day. The throbbing of my cysts has been greatly reduced. I know it’s so soon in my treatment with this ointment, but I’m so confident that the results will just keep getting better and better. I might even go to the beach this summer.. and let my face get wet. I look forward to the day I can sleep an extra 2 hours more before waking up to get ready for work because I don’t have to do my makeup. I’m definitely getting carried away here.. it’s all because of the high level of excitement I’m currently experiencing. You have my word.. I will be updating on this review whether or not any more success comes out of it. Thanks for reading all of my story. I know that almost all of you who have read this much probably feel very similar about your acne suffering. It’s so cruel, we spend so much money, experience so much disappointment, put ourselves through hell, and in the end.. have gotten nowhere. I’m so sick of it. If this cheap bottle of sulfur ends up being the answer to “what can I do to make this stop?”.. I’m going to be so… I can’t even think of a word to accurately describe the amount of joy, relief, freedom it will bring to my life and I’ll spread the word as much as I can. This is a good place to start 😉 best wishes to you all!