DANNI é um produto inovador que oferece uma ampla variedade de estilos, cores e designs de padrões para atender perfeitamente às suas necessidades diárias de arte de unhas fashion. Esses adesivos de esmalte em gel semi-curado REAL proporcionam uma manicure instantânea, permitindo que você desfrute de unhas impecáveis a qualquer momento. A aplicação é extremamente fácil, basta colocar, lixar e curar com luz UV em apenas alguns minutos. A remoção também é simples, basta descascá-los com um palito de madeira ou com os dedos. Além disso, o kit de unhas em gel DANNI é conveniente e fácil de usar, permitindo que você faça pedicures instantâneas em casa ou no escritório, economizando tempo e dinheiro em salões de beleza. O material utilizado é não tóxico e de longa duração, eliminando a necessidade de aplicação de uma camada superior e evitando danos às suas unhas. Quando totalmente curados com luz UV, esses adesivos podem durar até 2 semanas. Com DANNI, você terá unhas de salão sem precisar gastar muito. Economize tempo e dinheiro com nossas tiras de esmalte em gel semi-curado e mantenha suas unhas sempre bonitas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Variedade de Estilos e Cores: DANNI oferece uma ampla variedade de estilos, cores e designs de padrões para que você possa expressar sua personalidade e estilo único através das suas unhas.
2. Fácil Aplicação e Remoção: Com DANNI, você pode obter uma manicure perfeita em apenas alguns minutos. A aplicação é simples e a remoção é fácil, sem a necessidade de produtos químicos agressivos.
3. Economia de Tempo e Dinheiro: Ao optar por DANNI, você pode pular as idas ao salão de beleza e economizar tempo e dinheiro. Tenha unhas de salão no conforto da sua casa ou escritório.
4. Material Não Tóxico e Duradouro: Os adesivos de esmalte em gel semi-curado DANNI são feitos de material não tóxico e duram até 2 semanas quando totalmente curados com luz UV. Não há necessidade de camada superior adicional.
5. Solução Econômica: DANNI oferece uma solução econômica para manter suas unhas bonitas. Evite gastos excessivos em tratamentos caros de salão e mantenha suas unhas sempre impecáveis.
Para usar o produto DANNI, siga estas etapas simples:
1. Limpe e seque bem as unhas antes da aplicação.
2. Selecione o adesivo de esmalte em gel semi-curado DANNI que melhor se adapte ao tamanho da sua unha.
3. Retire o adesivo da embalagem e aplique-o cuidadosamente na unha, alinhando-o corretamente.
4. Pressione suavemente o adesivo para garantir uma aderência adequada.
5. Use uma lixa para remover o excesso de adesivo e dar forma às unhas.
6. Cure as unhas com luz UV por alguns minutos para garantir a secagem completa.
7. Após o uso, remova os adesivos com cuidado, descascando-os com um palito de madeira ou com os dedos.
Experimente DANNI e desfrute de unhas perfeitas e estilosas em questão de minutos!
Xxx –
I followed all the steps to prep my nail before applying, but it didn’t last. Only lasted for 1 day and it peeled off. I wasn’t doing any heavy duty
eku –
First time using this brand
These are soo pretty. I get nonstop compliments! Easy to apply. Thick and sparkly. So far holding up well! Good value for the money. I usually use dip but wanted to change it up for a while. If these give me 14 days I will buy all the colors!
Amanda M –
These nails are TOO THIN and NEVER hardened to a stiff texture. They still bend after cured (as you can see in my picture), and I tried curing them for 90 seconds 4 times in a row. They bent at finger end where nail sticks out past finger with VERY LITTLE pressure and stay bent over. If you hit them so they bent backwards, they pop right off or tear right off. And they come off by just pulling on them lightly without hitting them even easier than regular press on nails.
I tried even putting a gel nail polish on top and curing it to stiffen them up and again it didn’t firm them any harder! If they would stiffen, I would try a nail bonder to at least get them to stay on.
Someone needs to prefect these because they are really good idea and easy to put on compared to all other types of acrylic nails on the market, but they don’t work yet!
The color of these is great they really look professional and real! The idea of sticking on and curing is great too, so much better than the gel you have to form on top of your nail, which I can never get to stay on, which also break off at the finger end.
I waited too long to try them and then to return them, so I will be throwing them away. It sucks I didn’t try them sooner, but I was saving them for a special occasion I was using them for, so I ordered them early to make sure I had them in time for the event. Now I am out $17.99. Don’t waste your $.
Amanda M –
Worked well but did have a pop off or 2. After having my nails done for years I have found my natural nails are super thin. I now use builder gel in light coats and that works better for me than these but these are a great idea for some and super cute.
eku –
I wasn’t sure what to expect with this product, but they are really easy to apply (and remove) with some cute colors/designs, perfect glossy finish with no worries about messing up wet polish, and zero nail damage… this was my second round of buying these gel nail strips. They’re pretty easy to apply, small learning curve, but I felt pretty comfortable with the process by the third diy mani (and I have never used any other nail color strip before, honestly haven’t painted my nails in 5 years or more). I’ll reiterate a few tips I came across that were helpful: 1) really pay attention to matching the size of the strip to each nail. My nail widths aren’t completely symmetric. 2) Do not skip doing a light filing of your nail surfaces with the fine side of the emery board provided to get good adherence 3) Really press the top edge of the gel strip firmly next to the cuticle with the angled flat stick provided or one of your own, I have a rubber one that I prefer – I had to trim a few of the strips at the top to get a perfect fit. 4) Clip or cut the gel strips a little bit longer than your nail with nail clippers or scissors and then cure them before filing to get a smooth edge. I found they file nicely after 1.5 to 2 cycles of light curing. They hold up pretty well as long as you’re not doing anything crazy (my current set are a bit scratched up, though only a bit, after I spent two hours trimming a new pool cover with my nails frequently scraping against the concrete). I have long hair so usually by day 4-5 I notice my hair is catching on the cuticle edges of the strips when I try to pull my hair up in a ponytail from my nails growing out a little. The gel strips typically are still adhering well and look fine, but I usually remove them around the 1 week mark bc the hair catching thing drives me crazy. Plus I like trying out new designs. They really are easy to remove as shown in the video on the product website and there is no nail damage. Just a bit of gooey adhesive that comes off with acetone or rubbing alcohol.
kimmi –
They take some skill to apply. Make sure you trim them to your current nail length. Once applied my lasted for two weeks before the edges started to lift and catch on things. I used acetone to remove them.
Tim B. –
These are beautiful, nicely packaged, and come from a kind seller, but they last only a week.. even though I took every measure I know for best application: I prepped the nail, smoothed the edges, and finished with a thick top coat. I was very happy with the quality of the design, and didn’t mind them being on the thinner side (they don’t cure stiff), they still gave structure to my damaged, thin and cracked, long nails. The stickers are flexible and not one cracked or broke, but whithin a week they started lifting from the tip of the nail, and once that happens dirt gets stuck and they must be taken off. On the plus side, they were really easy to take off, barely any stickiness residue.
Honestly, even though the price is good, it’s disappointing after such a long careful application.
I do appreciate the seller’s communication, and will give them another go, hopefully a different design will last longer.
Tim B. –
I have used nail stickers that are not gel and used a gel top coat with lamp and found they are better. These particular gel stick in nails look pretty however they are so thick that it is annoying if you wash your hair etc…. The lip is high so things get caught. Also, I feel like for the price all of them should have the design on them for the people who like nails to all be same. I had to cut down some of them so they would fit my cuticle since not enough of ones with designs. They will work for a holiday party then I am taking off. They need to be much thinner. Also, include all designs. Let people buy a solid to go with it I will not purchase again.
kimmi –
These DO NOT harden and peel off! I had them in my lamp for over 8 minutes and still soft. Peeled off easily. What a waste. Concept is great, maybe if you need something really quick. Don’t waste your money or time!
Jess –
5 star. Best i haved worn! Longest lasting. Best adhesive. Been wearing 3 weeks now! Constant compliments!