Descrição do Produto: Cleartract D-Mannose Formula Powder, 50 Gramas
O Cleartract D-Mannose Formula Powder é um suplemento inovador que se destaca pela sua formulação em pó, oferecendo uma das formas mais potentes e eficazes de D-mannose disponível no mercado. Com 50 gramas de pura D-mannose, este produto não só proporciona uma solução prática e econômica para quem busca manter a saúde do trato urinário, mas também se destaca pela sua facilidade de uso. O pó é levemente adocicado e praticamente sem sabor, o que o torna ideal para ser adicionado a bebidas ou alimentos, sem alterar o paladar.
A D-mannose é um açúcar natural que atua como um agente de proteção para o trato urinário, ajudando a prevenir a adesão de bactérias às paredes da bexiga e da uretra. Isso é especialmente benéfico para pessoas que sofrem de infecções urinárias recorrentes. A forma em pó do Cleartract permite uma dosagem precisa e flexível, adaptando-se às necessidades individuais de cada usuário. Além disso, a sua apresentação em pó é mais econômica em comparação com outras formas de suplementação, garantindo que você obtenha o máximo de benefícios sem comprometer o seu orçamento.
– Eficácia Comprovada: A D-mannose é reconhecida por sua capacidade de ajudar a prevenir infecções urinárias, proporcionando alívio e proteção.
– Forma em Pó: A apresentação em pó é a mais potente e econômica, permitindo uma dosagem personalizada e flexível.
– Sabor Neutro: O leve sabor adocicado torna o produto fácil de incorporar na sua rotina diária, sem comprometer o gosto das suas bebidas ou alimentos.
– Saúde do Trato Urinário: Contribui para a saúde geral do trato urinário, promovendo um ambiente menos propício para a proliferação de bactérias.
– Praticidade: Ideal para quem busca uma solução simples e eficaz para problemas urinários, sem a necessidade de medicamentos mais invasivos.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Cleartract D-Mannose Formula Powder, recomenda-se dissolver uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 2 gramas) do pó em um copo de água ou suco, consumindo uma a duas vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. É aconselhável ingerir o produto entre as refeições para maximizar a absorção. Para pessoas que enfrentam infecções urinárias, pode ser benéfico aumentar a dosagem temporariamente, sempre sob orientação de um profissional de saúde. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Must Love Dogs –
This product has worked wonders for me to keep UTIs away. I used to get them almost every time DH and I had “alone time”, regardless of my obsessive personal hygiene both before and after. I missed work, spent hundreds on doctors visits and antibiotics, and the doctors had no additonal help to offer. After a ultrasound it was confirmed that my physiology was not the cause of such frequent infections. I was given the standard line of “maintain good hygiene” and sent away with my 120th prescription for Cipro. Frustrated, I turned to the internet and learned about D-Mannose powder. While I was vigilant in taking it, I didn’t get a UTI for 6 months. One night I fell asleep before taking the powder supplement and woke up with an infection. I highly recommend to be very consistent in taking this product either before or after your planned activity, or once daily with breakfast/lunch/dinner. E. coli will cling to the D-Mannose sugars and will be flushed out of your system if you are proactive about preventing an infection – however if you slack off, D-Mannose powder is not enough to cure an infection in a timely manner. It can provide a little relief from the symptoms once the infection starts, but you really need to get yourself to the doctor for antibiotics once the infection kicks in, as D-Mannose won’t get you out of the danger zone. After many tears and sleepless nights wondering what I did to deserve all these UTIs, D-Mannose powder has been a life saver. Do yourself a favor and keep a water bottle mixed with a few teaspoons of this powder at your bedside at all times if you are prone. This is the solution that suffering women have been searching for.
Florida Jones –
Good product, only take if needed, seems to help if bladder is irritated.
NY Shopper –
I purchased this for an elderly family member who has a urinary tract infection. The patient has been taking the Clear Tract every day for months. Although the urinalyses continue to show high bacteria levels that would normally have to be treated with strong antibiotics, the patient exhibits NO SYMPTOMS of UTI and feels fine! In the past, this person took strong antibiotics for UTI and, although the antibiotics helped the UTI, the patient was left terribly weak and in bad shape from the antibiotics. Clear Tract has no side effects and it works. Also, although it’s a type of sugar, it has absolutely no negative effect on the patient’s blood sugar (patient has well-controlled Type-2 diabetes).
I highly recommend this product. I bought some for myself just to have on hand in case I ever need it.
Jess –
I recently had the displeasure of my first urinary tract infection. Having never had one before, I was definitely lost when it came to buying something to treat it. I am not the type of person who runs to the doctor to get antibiotics when I have an illness. There are certainly times that going to a doctor is beneficial, but if I can treat something at home I will.
After doing some research, I decided to purchase this product in the powder version in addition to extremely potent cranberry pills with vitamin C.
The powder comes with a scoop so it is easy to measure the exact amount taken each time (which is one scoop every two hours).
Let me just say, I had this item shipped overnight to me. When I got in, and quickly read the dosage because I just wanted to take it and make that awful burning feeling subside (and stop running to the bathroom every 30 minutes) and it turns out, I read the instructions wrong. I was only taking one scoop per day, rather than every two hours.
EVEN WITH JUST ONE SCOOP a day I could tell a massive difference, especially with the burning. I recommend drinking this with water because water itself can help to flush out a U.T.I. I drank at least the recommended eight glasses per day of water.
When I read the instructions again, I realized I was taking it wrong, and began taking it as you are supposed to.
My burning sensation was gone COMPLETELY after three doses. My frequent feeling of urination dissipated after two days.
Now, I also purchased cranberry pills. I don’t want to say that those didn’t do anything, but this D-Mannose powder was certainly the biggest help.
My infection was not a severe one. I did not develop a fever, chills, etc. My symptoms were only burning while urinating and frequent urination. I started treating it as soon as I felt the first burn.
If you are a person who doesn’t have money to go to a doctor, or just prefers alternate treatment – this is absolutely the way to go.
The powder is tasteless which is something I was concerned about, being somewhat of a picky eater. You literally cannot taste it at all. You can mix it with any drink, but again, I would recommend water as that helps the U.T.I itself.
All of the symptoms of my U.T.I are gone now, but just for good measure I am taking this a few times a day just to make sure.
If you have a U.T.I – this will be the best $20.00 or so you will spend.
Good luck. =)
Lisa lee –
This brand is the best. It stops the pain and discomfort in an hour of drinking it. It has no flavor. But it works great. I have been using this for over 8 years now. It’s all natural and that is why I like it so much.
Teri Huff –
This is a great product to easily use to keep ITUs away. Whenever I have the feeling that an ITU may be trying to get started, I use this product as directed. Saves me from a doctor visit and prescriptions. I have allergies to so many prescription drugs that it is difficult to have anything prescribed. It works very well for the elderly who have a tendency to have ITUs.