Descrição do Produto: S.H.I.N.E.® D-Ribose com Bioenergy Ribose® 9.9 oz (280 g)
S.H.I.N.E.® D-Ribose é um suplemento inovador que se destaca no mercado pela sua formulação avançada, projetada para otimizar a energia e a recuperação muscular. Com a poderosa Bioenergy Ribose®, este produto é clinicamente comprovado para promover energia, melhorar a resistência e reduzir o tempo de recuperação após exercícios intensos. A D-Ribose é um açúcar natural que desempenha um papel crucial na produção de ATP (adenosina trifosfato), a principal fonte de energia para as células do corpo. Ao suplementar com S.H.I.N.E.®, você não apenas aumenta sua capacidade de desempenho, mas também minimiza a dor muscular, a rigidez e o desconforto resultantes do uso excessivo dos músculos.
Este produto é especialmente formulado para aqueles que buscam maximizar seus treinos e melhorar sua qualidade de vida. A sua forma em pó se dissolve facilmente em água ou suco, permitindo uma ingestão prática e rápida. Cada porção de 5g, que corresponde a uma colher de sopa nivelada do utensílio incluído, é suficiente para proporcionar os benefícios desejados. Além disso, S.H.I.N.E.® D-Ribose é livre de glúten, vegano e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO), tornando-o uma escolha saudável e segura para todos.
– Aumenta a produção de energia celular, melhorando o desempenho físico.
– Reduz a dor muscular e a rigidez, facilitando a recuperação após treinos intensos.
– Melhora a resistência durante atividades prolongadas, permitindo treinos mais eficazes.
– Fórmula livre de glúten e vegana, adequada para diversas dietas.
– Praticidade na preparação, com fácil mistura em líquidos, ideal para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa nivelada (5g) de S.H.I.N.E.® D-Ribose em 200-250 ml de água ou suco. Consuma uma porção antes ou após o exercício físico, conforme sua necessidade de energia ou recuperação. Para uso diário, pode-se tomar uma porção a qualquer momento do dia para manter os níveis de energia elevados. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
V. M. Badertscher –
I was not expecting any miracles, as I am always skeptical of alternate medical solutions, but my M.D. recommended I try it for flagging energy, and much to my surprise, it actually works! I am able to work longer stretches, take fewer and shorter naps, sleep better at night and get up earlier and more rested. The taste is mildly sweet with no aftertaste, and the product quickly dissolves and works well scattered on cereal or in any liquid. The SHINE brand is more expensive than most, and I’m not sure there is a good reason for that. When I reordered, I chose NutriCost and it seems to do all the same things for a much lower cost.
Alfonso –
Just finished this product and It did its job from the moment I started taking it all the way till the end of the container. Very good quality and very good to mix. Did not have a bad after taste and gave me tons of energy just like I needed. Will try another brand just to compare, and will be back to update this review……
Okay NOW a few months later I’m updating this to a 5 star. I tried the bulk supplements brand and it was not the same effect. To be fair I was NOT exhausted like I was before but I was still tired and couldn’t function in my everyday life. I would just slump by the time I got home and even taking an extra scoop didn’t help me. Bulk supplements was also too messy for me since it comes in a bag that became a little difficult to seal for me and no measurement scoop. My joint pains have not come back and that is a PLUS with either brand. I will go back to taking this brand since it worked wonders for me!
Jose –
Muy bueno para la fibromialgia crónica
Joe Rich –
I have been using this in my morning shake for several years. It gives me a boost of energy. I have Sjogrens so I follow Dr. Teitelbaum’s protocols, but this is my favorite.
Mike –
Seems to be pure and effective
Ms.Terry Ryder –
I have Chronic Fatigue (ME/CFS) and thus slow exercise recovery (takes days!). It is said to be from a mild chronic viral infection of the brain and cells, and related epigenetic low cellular ATP production.
I also had trouble sleeping more than 3-1/2 hours/nt for a year. Within 3 days of starting on D-Ribose (which I use 3x/day to sweeten coffee or tea), I was up to sleeping 5-1/2 hours, without waking to pee. 1-1/2 months later, I am now at up to 7 hours sleep, and my low Heart Rate Variabilty (HRV) score has improved.
D-Ribose and extra magnesium helped me more than anything else in the late Dr. Martin Lerner’s CFS/ATP Protocol (which is used by almost every CFS specialist).
D-Ribose is also used for heart issues (muscle weakness, low ejection levels) and that is what most of the medical research on D-Ribose (and CoQ10) is about.
The quality of this brand is good, it is a good value, and it dissolves well in coffee, tea, green drinks, etc., so it is also an answer to the question about what to use as a good ‘healthy’ sweetener.
Update 2 years later: Doing better, and can can now bicycle 30+ flat-ish miles at age 60. Still takes a few days to recover, but things are improving. Sleeping heart rate is down to 52 from 70, and avg HRV is up to 60 from <40 (60-80+ is 'normal').
I still use D-Ribose *at least* once a day, mostly since I like the taste better than Stevia (#2 choice) and don’t want to die of a heart attack (avg life expectancy of people with low HRV is 58 years).
Lz –
So probably like most people who end up looking for this product (any brand), I had come across Dr. Teitelbaum’s book “From Fatigued to Fantastic” and knew I had to at least give this a try… I’m pretty desperate for help with my absolete energy levels… And was really excited to give d ribose a shot.. the brand I purchased first (trying to save money), was the Bulk Supplements brand…. In complete transparency, I did NOT feel a noticable change in my energy levels with EITHER brand… I can’t say I’m surprised but if I recall correctly, the statistic was something like 90% of patients had reported up to an increase in their energy levels of 45% by the end of 3 months using d ribose. And that could very well have been my issue – I hadn’t intended on taking a break from using it when I switched over to this brand, it was just how my finances fell at that time and I had to wait a couple weeks before purchasing it. I will say though, with the Bulk Supp brand, I could def taste it – d ribose is a sugar, and that brand definitely made my juice sweeter. I didn’t notice that with this SHINE brand
.. so clearly there’s some kind of difference in the 2 but I couldn’t tell you what. After I ran out of this brand, maybe a week later or so, I felt extra-fatigued and didn’t know why. I take medication daily thats supposed to act as a stimulant, and although I was still tired way more than a person should be… I do believe that the d ribose somehow allowed my medication to be slightly more effective, or longer lasting. It was a “didn’t notice until it was gone” kind of thing … So if you’re wondering if you should go with this brand over another, I would recommend this one simply because I feel I can trust the director of the fatigue center to create a product that honors the intentions of really helping people with a condition he himself knows all about. The other brands may not have incentive to manufacture a pure product and may try to cut some costs by adding fillers. I am Not implying that I feel Bulk Supplements did that – it was just something I thought of after making the purchases. If you’re wondering if you should even try. It at all, I obviously can’t advise you there but I would say just to remember that it may not be effective until 3 months of continuous use or longer… I’m sure it’s different for everyone but until I know what else to do – I will be purchasing this regularly.
mj –
have been using this for 3 weeks, appears to be ok, has no after taste, which is good, i mix it in pure pomegranate juice
Vanessa David –
I have CFS and this made my symptoms much much worse and gave me migraines.
I was reading some other people with CFS who have tried it and it did the same to them and saw no difference.
I wish I had known more about it before purchasing $70.
LindaAmazon Customer –
He likes it because it really have no flavour. Hasn’t taken it long enough to know if it works for him