Descrição do Produto: Cwench Ready to Drink Berry Crush 12×16.9oz
Cwench Ready to Drink Berry Crush é a bebida ideal para quem busca refrescância e sabor em um único gole. Com 12 garrafas de 16,9 oz cada, esta bebida é feita com uma mistura deliciosa de frutas vermelhas, proporcionando um sabor intenso e revigorante. Formulada para ser uma opção prática e saudável, Cwench Berry Crush é perfeita para o dia a dia, seja no trabalho, na academia ou em momentos de lazer. Com ingredientes selecionados, esta bebida não contém adição de açúcares, oferecendo uma alternativa saborosa e nutritiva para hidratação. O design da embalagem é moderno e fácil de transportar, permitindo que você leve sua bebida favorita para qualquer lugar.
1. Hidratação Eficiente: A Cwench Berry Crush é uma excelente fonte de hidratação, ideal para manter o corpo em equilíbrio durante o dia.
2. Sabor Irresistível: A combinação de frutas vermelhas proporciona um gosto refrescante que agrada a todos os paladares.
3. Praticidade: Com 12 garrafas prontas para beber, é fácil levar para o trabalho, academia ou passeios, sem necessidade de preparo.
4. Sem Açúcares Adicionados: Uma opção saudável que não compromete sua dieta, perfeita para quem busca reduzir a ingestão de açúcar.
5. Versatilidade: Pode ser consumida em diversas ocasiões, como um lanche rápido, acompanhamento de refeições ou após atividades físicas.
Para aproveitar ao máximo a Cwench Ready to Drink Berry Crush, recomenda-se consumir gelada. Agite a garrafa antes de abrir para garantir que os sabores estejam bem misturados. Ideal para ser consumida após exercícios físicos, como uma forma de reidratação, ou como um refresco durante o dia. Pode ser combinada com refeições leves ou utilizada como base para coquetéis não alcoólicos, oferecendo uma experiência de sabor única e revitalizante.
Ashlyn Andreasen –
I love that these hydrating drinks come in the ready to drink carton because it makes it super easy to grab and go! This flavor is way better than the blue raspberry one that I also tried. It tastes kind of like a berry punch, which has a great taste! It definitely quenches thirst and helps to provide the hydration that you need after a workout, exercise, or any physical activity.
Me –
This review is for Cwench Ready to Drink Berry Crush.
Not typically a fan of premade drinks. These deliver though! Taste is not overpowering, it’s just right. Ingredients list is short and sweet, nothing scary listed. The only giant negative is the price, these are very expensive for a hydration drink. I know I know, the convenience!!! These are definitely convenient but so is tossing some powder in water and mixing it up (alternatives). Overall, they taste great and love that the container isn’t plastic but price keeps them from being 5 stars.
Isaac Powell –
It had good flavor and the flavor wasn’t overpowering either.
Cake Topper –
Some of the members of our family struggle with staying hydrated so we often try new hydration drinks. I do love berry flavors so I thought we’d try this Cwench Berry Crush. While I do try to get powders so I can reuse the drinking containers now and then it is nice to get a case of ready to drink for when you’re rushing out the door and don’t have time to mix up a beverage. These are the box-style containers with a twist off cap. Very easy to open and close. They are sealed well so I didn’t hesitate to toss one in my tote bag without worry of leaks prior to opening it.
I generally don’t like things overly sweet so when I first tried it and found the flavor overwhelming I did my go-to move and tried it over ice. No luck that way so I did my next step and diluted it with water and ice. Then I realized it wasn’t that it was overly sweet, it was that it had an artificial taste and that lingered after drinking it. I didn’t say anything of my opinion before two other family members tried it and they both said the same thing, the taste was too artificial for their liking.
I’m disappointed because I liked getting the hydration for only 10 calories but I can’t get past the taste, sadly.
Isaac Powell –
When I look to an electrolyte drink, I look for a few different things. One of them, obviously, for me, would be price. First, I have to say that the price on these, in my opinion, just isn’t worth it. At $40 for 12 of them, it works out to over $3 per drink. And if you were to get a powder that you could scoop, it would work out to easily less than $1 per serving than many of the different types available on Amazon. However, these are already pre-mixed and bottled, so they’re ready to go, which makes them a little bit convenient.
Now, another important factor is the flavor. I feel like these, personally, just don’t have the flavor that would command the price that they have. The flavor is okay, and I like to drink it in the mornings to get a little bit more energy, waking up with electrolytes. But I tried a different flavor from this brand, and I thought that that was just much better than this Berry Crush flavor. And another thing that I look for is electrolytes. Not too many, not too little. And I felt that this did find a pretty good balance in having a good amount of electrolytes without being too many. Because some brands just put as many electrolytes as they can in it, which may not be a good health choice. So, if you can afford these and you like the flavor, then they might be worth it. But, in my opinion, this flavor wasn’t all that good. And to me, it wasn’t worth the price. But they’re convenient, taste pretty good, and provide me benefits for using them. So, I would give them 4 out of 5 stars.
Customer Review –
For a low calorie drink (10 calories per bottle, but with zeroes across the board for macros), this has great flavor. Heck, even for a full calorie drink, this would rank near the top of my favorite sport drink flavors.
Other low calorie sports drinks from the popular brands have a thinness and watered down flavor. These taste like a full-sugar drink.
I can’t say I’ve ever “felt” electrolytes working, but these are refreshing after working out.
Great taste, almost no calories? Perfect for anybody looking to keep their calories low (especially sneaky liquid calories) and their sweating high!
PJ reviews –
On the surface, this seems like a perfectly fine hydration beverage. It has a fair amount of electrolytes to support most workouts, and there’s no added sugar or caffeine. At the same time, there aren’t many vitamins or minerals which your better hydration products will have. As for the taste, I wasn’t a fan when I first tried it. The taste is heavy, almost like a mild cough syrup, with a slight aftertaste from the stevia that’s used as a natural sweetener. I noticed that the taste mellowed out pretty quickly, and the beverage became much more pleasant. And as far as being a workout/recovery beverage, it works almost as well as my usual brand, though even when the taste has mellowed, I still find it a little heavy when I breathing hard and trying to gulp it down during the 15 second recoveries the instructors at my gym so generously offer! I personally prefer powdered electrolytes that I can mix on my own to get my preferred taste, but I’ve found these pre-packaged, recyclable cartons surprisingly easy to grab and go when I’m in a rush. Overall, a decent hydration beverage, just a little heavy tasting, IMO…
Tom –
Generally, I avoid more popular “sports drinks” because they’re too syrupy-sweet for my taste. I don’t drink soda, and most of the ___ade drinks out there are tuned for people with destroyed tastebuds.
Cwench has an almost-subtle berry flavor that doesn’t overwhelm. There’s no “cough medicine” taste to it, and the viscosity is just right. This is pretty close to a boxed Liquid IV.
I also appreciate that the drink comes in paper cartons and not plastic bottles. They pack up nicely, and help to eliminate plastic waste. Overall, a good hydrating product.