Cuticura Sabonete em Barra de Limpeza Profunda Fórmula Aveia – Pele Oleosa – 85g (Embalagem com 6 unidades)
O Cuticura Sabonete em Barra de Limpeza Profunda Fórmula Aveia é a solução ideal para quem possui pele oleosa e busca um cuidado eficaz e prático. Com 85 gramas por barra e um pacote contendo 6 unidades, este sabonete foi desenvolvido para proporcionar uma limpeza profunda, removendo o excesso de oleosidade e impurezas que podem obstruir os poros e causar acne.
A fórmula enriquecida com aveia não apenas limpa, mas também acalma a pele, reduzindo irritações e vermelhidões. A aveia é conhecida por suas propriedades suavizantes, tornando este sabonete uma escolha perfeita para quem deseja manter a pele equilibrada e saudável. A ação de limpeza profunda do Cuticura desobstrui os poros, prevenindo o surgimento de cravos e espinhas, enquanto controla o brilho excessivo que pode ser desconfortável.
Com o Cuticura Sabonete em Barra, você pode desfrutar de uma pele limpa e fresca todos os dias. Sua fórmula suave garante que a pele não fique ressecada, proporcionando uma sensação de conforto após o uso. Ideal para o cuidado diário, este sabonete é uma adição essencial à sua rotina de beleza.
- Limpeza Profunda: Remove o excesso de oleosidade e impurezas, deixando a pele limpa e saudável.
- Controle da Oleosidade: Ajuda a manter a pele equilibrada, prevenindo o brilho excessivo e o surgimento de acne.
- Ação Calmante: A aveia acalma a pele, reduzindo irritações e vermelhidões.
- Desobstrução dos Poros: Previne o aparecimento de cravos e espinhas ao desobstruir os poros.
- Durabilidade: O pacote com 6 unidades garante um suprimento duradouro para o cuidado diário da sua pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, umedeça o rosto e o corpo com água morna. Aplique o Cuticura Sabonete em Barra de Limpeza Profunda diretamente na pele, fazendo movimentos circulares suaves até formar uma espuma rica. Enxágue abundantemente com água morna e seque delicadamente com uma toalha limpa. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, para garantir uma pele limpa, fresca e saudável ao longo do dia.
Brent T Baker –
I’ve looked forever to find a soap that would help with my extremely oily skin. This stuff is perfect. I actually am able to put lotion on now and not feel like a grease trap.
sk116 –
I’ve been using this soap for years and love it so much. Very mild scent, keeps breakouts at bay, gentle on skin, provides some exfoliation. No need to spend money trying all the specialty cleansers out there.
GreeceLightning –
This is a decent product.
scdepatr –
I used Cuticura as a teen (once or twice), but kinda forgot about it as I got older. Now I’m in my late 40’s and I still have problems with occasional (frequent if I’m not diligent) breakouts!! I see a dermatologist regularly and was on an antibiotic for acne for several years. When the doc decided to take me off that (for fear I’d been on the antibiotic too long), we tried another drug that is popular today but I didn’t like the side-effects. I told her I didn’t want to continue with any oral meds (seems like I’d been on them for most of my life!) and asked her what I should try in the *natural* way. She recommended that I wash with an anti-bacterial soap. I went out and bought Dial but really did not like the scent or the way my skin felt after using it. I could not find an unscented Dial so I searched “antibacterial soap” on a drugstore website. Cuticura came up at the top of the list. I was so surprised! I didn’t even know they made it anymore and don’t recall ever seeing it at the store. I read the product description and saw that it was indeed antibacterial so I gave it a shot. I have been so pleased! It has done a great job controlling my breakouts and I love the way it makes my face feel (tight, but not dry – very clean).
I decided to search Amazon to see if I could find it on subscribe & save so I could stock up. I found this “oily skin formula” that is even more suited to my needs than the original. I really love the oatmeal in it. I’ve often used a scrub and this easily replaces any scrub I used before while still being antibacterial. The scent is very mild – much more mild than the original (which is very nice as well). I think this is my new face soap for life! I just hope they don’t ever quit making it because I really don’t want to go back to Dial!!
Angela Currington –
My mother says it really helps her skin
Sharon H –
I have used this product on my face for many years. Helps with oily skin/acne. I wouldn’t use anything else!
kdd –
My teenage daughter uses this product to help with oily skin and acne. Works great. Keeps skin less oily but without drying out too much.
R. Kerlin –
This soap cleans oily skin well, doesn’t dry my skin, and is anti-bacterial, which is what I was looking for. I won’t use just any soap on my face. And at this price I can have a bar at every sink and in the shower without breaking the bank.