Cutemol Emoliente Creme Hidratante é um creme hidratante sério e eficaz, desenvolvido especialmente para recuperar a pele seca e danificada. Com suas propriedades emolientes, ele proporciona uma hidratação intensa, sendo ideal para mãos e pés rachados, além de ser indicado para condições como eczema, psoríase e pele irritada. Este produto não apenas restaura a barreira cutânea, mas também alivia o desconforto e melhora a aparência da pele, tornando-a mais saudável e revitalizada.
RESTAURE E REPARAÇÃO: Ação calmante, cicatrizante e hidratante poderosa. O creme emoliente Cutemol proporciona hidratação intensa e sela a umidade para os casos mais graves de pele danificada, quebradiça, seca e rachada. Renove sua pele para obter a aparência e sensação macia, flexível e saudável que você adora.
COMBATA OS DANOS: Nosso hidratante em tamanho de viagem não apenas oferece hidratação poderosa, mas também sela a umidade para criar um ambiente ideal para promover a cicatrização. O Cutemol ajuda até mesmo nos casos mais graves de pele seca causada por eczema e psoríase.
MAIS FORTE E EFICAZ: Pare os danos à pele e ajude a aliviar a dor e reduzir a coceira com ação calmante. Nosso hidratante ultra-hidratante usa ingredientes naturais como cera de abelha, lanolina e alantoína para evitar descamação e ajudar sua pele a se recuperar o mais rápido possível.
USE EM QUALQUER LUGAR: Use um poderoso hidratante emoliente em qualquer lugar que você precisar. O creme emoliente Cutemol é ótimo para problemas nos pés, mãos, cutículas, palmas, joelhos, cotovelos, braços, pernas e em qualquer lugar que você precise de hidratação intensa.
CUTEMOL: Nosso objetivo era criar uma classe superior de hidratante emoliente que não apenas hidratasse a pele seca, mas também protegesse a pele para permitir uma cicatrização melhor e mais rápida. Nosso hidratante emoliente oferece os benefícios de uma pomada de longa duração, mas é absorvido elegantemente pela pele como um creme cosmético.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação intensa para pele seca e danificada
- Ação cicatrizante e calmante para eczema e psoríase
- Ingredientes naturais como cera de abelha e lanolina
- Pode ser usado em qualquer parte do corpo
- Protege a pele e promove uma cicatrização mais rápida
- Proporciona alívio imediato para a pele seca e irritada, melhorando a qualidade de vida do usuário.
- Promove a cicatrização de feridas e rachaduras, acelerando o processo de recuperação da pele.
- Formulado com ingredientes naturais que nutrem e protegem a pele, evitando reações adversas.
- Versatilidade de uso em diversas partes do corpo, atendendo a diferentes necessidades de hidratação.
- Cria uma barreira protetora que mantém a umidade, essencial para a saúde da pele em ambientes adversos.
Aplique o creme emoliente Cutemol generosamente nas áreas afetadas da pele, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Utilize diariamente, conforme necessário, para obter melhores resultados. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico.
Todos os direitos reservados. Este texto foi criado pela Vitaminer Shop e não pode ser reproduzido sem autorização.
Sandy Schiffman –
I have used this product for many years! It is the only thing I have found that works for my nails! I use it every time I wash my hands at home and keep it on my bathroom sink counter. I also keep it in my cosmetic case in my purse that I use if I wash my hands when out on errands, lunch, etc. It lasts a long time because nails are not very big and you don’t need very much product because it is so creamy and moisturising! I had just put it on subscription–it arrived today when I have enough to last for at least another month! When I finish it I will adjust my subscription. It comes out to also be a bargain!
hmmmm –
Bear with me bc this is long. I have had a cast on my leg for two months that goes from just under the knee down to the toes. This is my second round with this (ankle injury/surgery) and I know from the first round that the skin dryness that comes with a cast is insane and most lotions don’t even touch it. My PT from the first round of surgery and casting used an emollient on my skin and explained that is the best thing to use for such a high level of dry skin. I bought this product SPECIFICALLY because it says it’s an emollient. I have to say it definitely works and the moisture lasts. It doesn’t just evaporate in minutes and look like nothing was ever put on. My skin still looks hydrated hours later. I even used it on my dry cuticles on my hands just to see and I am very impressed. The bottle isn’t as large as I would have hoped but a little cream goes a long way so I think it’ll last. I have one kid with psoriasis and another kid who just has naturally dry skin. I think this cream would also be great for them so I am going to buy a few more bottles and just keep it on hand. This might be my new lotion staple. Definitely worth the cost. There is a slight heaviness to it initially but it’s worth it to get rid of the extreme dryness. There is no scent and it does not irritate my very sensitive skin at all, so that is yet another positive.
green –
Good to have for hands.
Martha S. –
Es la mejor crema humectante de manos, pies y cuticulas que he encontrado.
NB –
My dermatologist recommended Cutemol Hand Cream for my overwashed hands and splitting fingernails. She said to apply moisturizer every time I washed my hands.
There are two versions of Cutemol Moisturizer. Both versions are thick and sticky. Only a small dab is needed. They could be used overnight with gloves.
This version is the Cutemol Emollient Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin. It is unscented and has no lanolin or parabens. The original version is Cutemol Emollient Skin Cream. It has an added fragrance, and in my opinion an odd scent. I have only been using the products a short time but I can already see an improvement. Both versions seem equally effective. I prefer unscented hand creams, so I’ll buy the Sensitive Skin formula from now on.
There are cheaper moisturizers available, but I’ll use this product in winter when my hands are dry and in the summer when I swim a lot. Due to the stickiness, I’ll use it a bedtime and use other products during the day.
Ceebs –
This is a great moisturizing product!
I only gave this 4 stars because I have to pat it all over my hands before I can rub it into my skin. It can really pull on your skin if you try to use it like other creams.
Vicky Cleaver –
This product is a great skin softener.
Amy S. Bass –
This product has helped my fingertips significantly. I have really delicate skin, and get cracks and minor cuts on my fingertips when cleaning. With regular use, I can use cleaning products and wash dishes without gloves and my skin stays intact.
kittykatty –
I have tried dozens of hand lotions, cuticle creams and oils. All trying to find one product that I thought worked better for my ragged cuticles and peeling splitting nails than regular lotion. I’ve tried everything at the drug store, I’ve tried Nail Tek, I have even splurged on OPI and to be honest while they aren’t bad products they didn’t really do a much better job than the lotion. They certainly didn’t do much to improve my nail beds or soothe my cuticles in the long run.
Cutemol is quite comparatively expensive to most of these products at first glance but I finally decided I wanted to try it because it seemed to me that Summers Laboratories knows what they’re doing and approaches nail and skin care from a very scientific point of view. If anything could actually help, I thought, it had to be this.
It does have a major shortcoming. I wondered if I should subtract a star but ultimately I decided I still loved it in spite of it’s issue. You see the consistency of this cream is almost reminiscent of marshmallow fluff. It is similarly pretty sticky. Not quite marshmallow sticky but if you rub this all over your hand then you will not want to touch anything for a little bit. After about 20 minutes is absorbs almost completely in and leaves nothing but a very soft vaguely waxy feeling which is only annoying near touch screens and then after that fully absorbs.
This is the kind of lotion that is probably best applied before bed and then covered by a glove or fingertip protector so you can go about your business and let it absorb all night. That might sound a bit overkill but you will be amazed at the difference if you do that. My whole hand’s texture has changed. My hands even look younger! The skin has a youthful texture and the skin has plumped up giving an almost “hand model” appearance. I can’t stop looking at my hands and nails.
It has immediate results on your nail beds as well. It will hydrate your cuticles but it will also absorb into your nail bed and lend it increased flexibility after application. You won’t experience even better results than that for 4-8 weeks when your nails have grown out more and you can tell the difference in the newly grown out nail. My nails used to split and crack as soon as they left the edge of my finger but after regular application of cutemol they are much more resilient and resistant to splitting.
I did purchase this with Summers Laboratories Dermanail product as well so I am sure that product has helped as well and I recommend if you are getting this for nail issues to get that product as well. Both take weeks to work and are comparatively expensive but it is a great deal because you actually get RESULTS. I have tried everything, rejuvacote, nail envy, every sally hansen thing under the sun, and while some of them are nice products and cheaper than Summers Labs products they do not provide the drastically improved results that these products have given me.
Cutemol and Dermanail are also much larger volumes than you are used to getting with nail products. This is 8 ounces compared with the normal .5 ounces that most cuticle conditioners come in. So actually it IS cheaper. And Cutemol goes a looong way with just a little bit. Dermanail too is much larger than the nail treatments you’re used to getting. It is 1 oz and you only need one drop per nail per treatment.
I encourage you to just stop searching and buy this stuff. It is on another level.
Sherri Johnson –
Recommend by a doctor. Works great.