Este produto é uma poderosa combinação de cúrcuma orgânica e curcumina com bioperina, projetada para promover a saúde das articulações. Cada cápsula contém 1200mg de uma fórmula premium, garantindo a máxima eficácia. A cúrcuma é conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, enquanto a curcumina é um composto ativo encontrado na cúrcuma que ajuda a melhorar a absorção e a biodisponibilidade. A bioperina, por sua vez, é um extrato de pimenta preta que potencializa os benefícios da curcumina.
Este produto é respaldado pela nossa GARANTIA DE SATISFAÇÃO DE 100%% SEM PROBLEMAS. Se por qualquer motivo ele não funcionar para você, basta devolvê-lo para obter um reembolso total. Sem perguntas.
Agora, vamos conhecer 5 motivos recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para comprar este produto:
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
Saúde das articulações
A combinação de cúrcuma orgânica e curcumina com bioperina é especialmente formulada para promover a saúde das articulações. Esses ingredientes naturais ajudam a reduzir a inflamação e a aliviar a dor nas articulações, proporcionando maior mobilidade e flexibilidade.
Potente ação antioxidante
A cúrcuma e a curcumina são conhecidas por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres e proteger as células contra danos oxidativos. Isso contribui para uma melhor saúde geral e pode ajudar a prevenir o envelhecimento precoce.
Melhora da digestão
A cúrcuma tem sido tradicionalmente usada para melhorar a digestão e aliviar problemas gastrointestinais. A curcumina presente neste produto ajuda a estimular a produção de bile, melhorando a digestão de gorduras e facilitando a absorção de nutrientes.
Reforço do sistema imunológico
A cúrcuma possui propriedades imunomoduladoras, o que significa que ela pode ajudar a regular o sistema imunológico. Isso pode fortalecer a resposta imunológica do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças e infecções.
Qualidade premium
Este produto é fabricado com ingredientes de alta qualidade e passa por rigorosos controles de qualidade para garantir a máxima eficácia e segurança. Além disso, é produzido seguindo as boas práticas de fabricação, garantindo um produto confiável e de confiança.
- Redução da inflamação nas articulações, promovendo maior conforto e mobilidade.
- Ação antioxidante que protege as células e contribui para a saúde geral.
- Melhora na digestão, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes essenciais.
- Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
- Produto de qualidade premium, com rigorosos controles de segurança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para garantir a integridade do produto.
That One Blonde –
Their customer service is awesome. I had my 1st delivery package arrive damaged and empty, and they refunded me my money about a half hour after I notified them of it.
The product itself seems to work. I started taking turmeric with pepper about 5 months ago following a herniated disc, surgery and now recovery from nerve damage in my entire left leg. Some days my leg swells up pretty big and my back is very sore. Using turmeric it has improved significantly.
I’ve used 2 brands so far, this one and Gaia. The Gaia brand seemed to work better for me, personally, even though the dosage is smaller. This product DOES seem to work, I can tell if I don’t take it. And the dosage is very high. But for me it seemed the other brand worked better.
I purchased a third brand that I’m going to start next week to compare to these two.
NHMama –
Love this supplement. Had done a ton of research on the alternative health benefits beyond the typical joint and intestinal benefits. I have found it has greatly helped detox and balance my body. I had left my bottle in my bag after a trip and couldn’t find it for a couple of days and could feel the dramatic difference in not taking it verse taking it. I had started to feel significantly better after the first 2 weeks of taking it. I started taking 1 a day for a week then increased to 2. My mother thought I was crazy but it was suggested to me that it helps with mental health as well and I have to say I 100 agree. My husband saw a noticeable difference and he has started taking it. Love it!
VB –
I was having electrical work done here in my home and was coming up on a scheduled knee surgery. As the electrician was tending to his work, we were chatting, and I had mentioned my upcoming surgery. He went on to tell me he suffered severely with knee issues when a friend of his recommended Tumeric Curcumin (it was not this specific brand, though.) He had been taking it for years, and he said his issues diminished significantly. I will not deny I was skeptical, but I figured I would give it a try. I have arthritis in both knees and did go ahead with the surgery on my right knee, but my orthopedist did say the other would have to been cleaned up very soon down the line. I ordered Superfood Harvest’s brand after reading all the reviews. My left knee began to feel as good (if not better,) than my right knee after a month of using the product. Bending down, and getting up was almost impossible before, but now I can do it (not as easily as I would like,) without the amount of pain I once had. I cannot recommend it enough.
Michaela S. Slutsky –
It seems like a very good product it really helped with many symptoms w/o any side effects and it started working pretty fast. But here is the problem the 1st bottle I pursed were very good fresh and it started working very good, than I ordered a 2nd bottle and there was a problem w/this product the capsules seemed demaged not same as first time the inside content looked like it wasn’t fresh or capsules correct it had cracks on inside and some capsules were broken and spilled but I gave it a shot and tried it and after a week a realized that this capsules were not working at all I started feeling all the symptoms again plus some other side effects.
I defently recommend this product it’s very good but I hope the manufacture will assure its quality to be consistent fresh and proper every time . After all it is very good and important supplements that people take for important health reasons to get help and it cant be good in some bottles and bad in others. I hope they take serious responsibility for their product and u as consumer also make sure that the pills look right and fresh inside the bottle each capsule.
SueBee –
I did a fair amount of research into Curcumin and knew it was something that needed to be added my family’s diet for its short and long term health benefits. Where our food comes from is just as important as what we consume to maintain nutritional balance with a healthy and very active lifestyle. I looked at many products, there are LOTS of them out there, and this products kept coming out on top of the rest. I am very pleased with my purchase, the fact that we have ordered this product 3 times shows that it does what it is supposed to do. I will continue to purchase this product in the future. If you are also comparing curcumin products, be sure to add this one to your list and see how it compares, make your own choice.
ThirdDayGirl –
After research I noticed the ingredient (Tumeric) was noted to be good for positive mood, and inflammation. Aches and pains. I have both so decided to give this a try because of its ingredients. I have been using the product for some time now. I definitely notice a difference if I forget to take it: I feel as though it has helped with my mood for sure. I usually take it once a day but sometimes twice a day morning and evening. And that’s mostly what I’m taking it for as I can’t say that I feel as though it’s helped with my inflammation or pain and aches. I tend to still need to take things like over the counter anti inflammatories. But I will continue taking this for mood. I have not personally noted any digestion or gastric upset from taking this even with the pepper in it. I tend to take it on an empty stomach though but if I’ve taken it with food it’s never been a problem. Disclaimer: Every person’s going to have their own experience with supplements but this was mine. If you have a serious medical issue you should always seek the advice of your doctor.
Jackie Rodriguez –
This is an amazing product! I’m so glad I read one of the best reviews from a qualified or certified Dietician regarding this product and commending the company for developing this (organic) product and adding bioperine. This is the second bottle I’ve purchased and it’s been working great, as I have arthritis in my right knee and left hand. I also run/jog several times a week and run half marathons regularly. Therefore, I take 2 tablets prior to running and I don’t suffer from inflammation and I have very little pain. Since I’m very active, I take it regularly. This is a great product! I highly recommend it! You can take it with or without food.