Cradle Cap Care – Cuidados para a Crosta Láctea
O Cradle Cap Care é um produto especialmente formulado para tratar a crosta láctea, uma condição comum que afeta recém-nascidos e bebês mais velhos. Com uma fórmula suave e eficaz, este shampoo de 200ml ajuda a remover a crosta e a acalmar o couro cabeludo sensível do bebê. Sua composição é livre de fragrâncias artificiais, parabenos, ftalatos e fenoxietanol, garantindo a segurança e o bem-estar do seu pequeno.
A fórmula do Cradle Cap Care contém ingredientes naturais como óleo de oliva, óleo de semente de jojoba, óleo de semente de girassol e vitamina E, que proporcionam hidratação e nutrição ao couro cabeludo. Esses componentes trabalham em sinergia para reduzir a coceira e a irritação, deixando o couro cabeludo limpo e saudável. O uso regular do produto pode resultar na remoção da crosta láctea em poucos dias, proporcionando alívio imediato e duradouro.
Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o Cradle Cap Care é um produto de alta qualidade que não é testado em animais, refletindo o compromisso da marca com a ética e a proteção ambiental. Com este shampoo, você pode ter a tranquilidade de saber que está utilizando um produto seguro e eficaz para o cuidado do seu bebê.
- Fórmula Natural e Suave: Ideal para a pele sensível do bebê, sem fragrâncias artificiais que possam causar irritação.
- Alívio Rápido: Remove a crosta láctea em poucos dias, proporcionando conforto imediato ao bebê.
- Segurança Garantida: Livre de substâncias nocivas como parabenos e ftalatos, assegurando um cuidado seguro.
- Ingredientes Nutritivos: Contém óleos naturais que hidratam e nutrem o couro cabeludo, promovendo saúde e bem-estar.
- Compromisso Ambiental: Produto fabricado sem testes em animais, respeitando a ética e o meio ambiente.
Para utilizar o Cradle Cap Care, aplique uma pequena quantidade do shampoo diretamente no couro cabeludo do bebê. Massageie suavemente com as pontas dos dedos para garantir que o produto penetre bem na área afetada. Deixe agir por alguns minutos para que os ingredientes ativos possam atuar eficazmente. Em seguida, enxágue bem com água morna. Recomenda-se repetir o processo diariamente até a remoção completa da crosta láctea. Evite o contato do produto com os olhos e armazene em local fresco e seco.
Waste of time. Didn’t do a thing.
Ciera Lloyd –
This product helped with my sons cradle cap as well as my daughters. It helped loosen the flakes so I only had to do two to three treatments each. It worked great.
The only comment I have was I underestimated rinsing it out so the next day my daughters hair was really greasy. But I just didn’t wash her hair out enough but the next time we did it her hair was fine
Felicia Davis –
The smell is strong, but not overbearing. I part my sons hair, and than put the oil on his scalp. I than use the baby brush to massage in the oil. Afterwards I use the baby comb and scratch his hair to remove flakes. Than wash it out with the Aveeno baby shampoo.
Amazon Customer –
Really works! Baby’s cradle cap cleared up very quickly. We didn’t use it everyday but every other day. Make sure to follow with shampoo or baby’s hair will be greasy. Definitely purchase a brush as well to brush in the product that made all the difference.
Samantha ritter –
This product was recommended to me by another mom and I got it out when our baby started having cradle cap. I used this with a silicone brush, and I’d say it works decent. I’ve started using this in tandem with baby oil to really moisturize her scalp and that seems to work a bit better.
Mommy222 –
I used this on my 6 month old, along with the baby Frida cradle cap sponge thing and it worked it great! I was afraid to scrub her head to much so it took 3 uses to get it all off. I even used this on my 3 yr old, he only had a small patch and it came off in one washing. The one down side was my babies hair looked really greasy the next day even after shampooing.
Elise –
Baby has had cradle cap for months, pediatrician recommendations didn’t work, we bought every cradle cap shampoo and cream under the sun, stumbled in this and she still has a little dry scalp but cradle cap is overall gone and her hair is sooooo soft!
Amazon Customer –
WORKS wonders for my (adult) eczema (Cradle Cap)…
And as an FYI – my Dog got at my first bottle (bought a second), ate – drank it… ended up throwing it up, EXCEPT because it is ALL natural, she had NO side effects, and i did not need to worry. ANY I LOVE my puppy, so it was just a fluke, and yes, now I make sure it is FULLY out of her reach. Plus I really don’t want to have to purchase extra!! (It isn’t cheap) WELL WORTH IT!!!
Eda_Mama –
My 10-year-old gave herself cradle cap by lying about washing her hair for a good several weeks. I used mineral oil and combed a lot of it out, but then I ordered this to help get the rest. One wash and a good scrub while kiddo was in the shower, and the scabs were gone. It’s oily, not like a cream. Kiddo found it a little hard to apply it herself because it was runny, but it worked out. Best to maybe spray it directly on the scalp instead of applying in the palms and trying to run it through the hair like regular shampoo.
Gabriella –
I was having trouble getting the cradle cap off of my son’s head. I looked through a few reviews for this oil and bought it. It worked wonders. I used it for three days in a row so I didn’t agitate my son’s scalp too much in one night. The cradle cap is almost all gone!