Descrição do Produto: Mak Menthol Crystal 4 oz
Os Cristais de Mentol Mak são a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma experiência refrescante e revigorante. Com 100% de pureza e origem orgânica, esses cristais são extraídos da planta Mentha Arvensis, garantindo um produto natural e de alta qualidade. Embalados em um saco resselável, os cristais mantêm sua frescura por muito mais tempo, permitindo que você desfrute de seus benefícios aromáticos sempre que desejar.
- ✅ NECESSITA DE UM BOM HÁLITO! Esses cristais de mentol oferecem diversos benefícios para a saúde através da aromaterapia.
- ✅ DESEJA UM TRATAMENTO DE SPA EM CASA! Transforme seu chuveiro ou sauna a vapor em uma experiência infundida com mentol, ajudando a aliviar a inflamação respiratória, ideal para sua sauna pessoal.
- ✅ USO EM ARTES E ARTESANATOS! Os cristais de mentol podem ser utilizados na fabricação de cosméticos, loções, xampus, pomadas, sprays para os pés, velas e muito mais.
- ✅ NOME BOTÂNICO! Mentha Arvensis, com ponto de fusão entre 40 e 42 graus Celsius.
- ✅ FÁCIL DE USAR! Embalados em sacos reutilizáveis de alumínio de grau alimentício.
- ✅ APICULTURA! Os cristais de mentol ajudam na eliminação de ácaros nas colmeias.
- ✅ MISTURAM BEM COM! Manjericão, eucalipto, gerânio, grapefruit, zimbro, lavanda, limão, mirra, pinho, alecrim, hortelã-pimenta, tea tree e wintergreen.
1. Aromaterapia Eficaz: Proporciona um hálito fresco e ajuda a aliviar a congestão nasal.
2. Experiência de Spa em Casa: Transforma banhos comuns em momentos relaxantes e terapêuticos.
3. Versatilidade em Cosméticos: Ideal para quem deseja criar produtos de beleza personalizados e naturais.
4. Solução para Apicultores: Eficaz na manutenção da saúde das colmeias, combatendo pragas indesejadas.
5. Misturas Aromáticas: Pode ser combinado com uma variedade de óleos essenciais, ampliando suas aplicações.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os Cristais de Mentol Mak, adicione uma pequena quantidade (cerca de 1/4 de colher de chá) em água quente para criar um vapor aromático que pode ser inalado. Para um banho relaxante, dissolva os cristais em água morna e desfrute de uma experiência revigorante. Ao utilizar em cosméticos, misture os cristais com óleos ou cremes base, garantindo que a temperatura não exceda 40 graus Celsius para preservar suas propriedades. Em apicultura, adicione uma pequena quantidade aos quadros das colmeias para ajudar a controlar a população de ácaros.
Angie l Acker –
Great product and packaged great. I use small amounts with my bath/shower mixtures
Alejandro Revilla –
I had originally discovered menthol crystals in an open air spice market in Old Dubai, UAE. Somehow, I must have mentioned my breathing issues to the vendor, and he recommended that I put a few menthol crystals and hot water in a bowl and inhale the steam. I tried it and was astounded to discover that it worked better for me than the regular mentholated vapo rub that is sold in drug stores. However, once back home in Canada when I ran out of the crystals I had bought in Dubai, I couldn’t find a place to purchase them. Someone suggested I try Amazon, and I did. This product arrived exactly as advertised. Plus, I appreciate the fact that it came with a « Best if used by » date — which gives me 4 years to use the contents of the package. Great value: for the price, I received at least 10X the quantity I purchased in Dubai, and the quality is excellent. I recommend this product and vendor.
Dayna Colby –
I got this while I was sick with a stuffy nose and thankfully for amazon it delivered the same day. I was desperate to breath through my nose at night and this stuff did just the trick! All I did was grab a pinch (yes a pinch) of the crystals and put it into warm water in a coffee mug. i would close my eyes and hold the cup under my nose for a couple breaths and you can instantly feel your sinuses open up. Of course over about an hour or so they close back up and I would just repeat this, which is worth it when you can’t breath.
I love this way more than extra oral medication for stuffy noses! A little goes a long way and the bag has laster me and my family for about a year now. I definitely recommend!
TellMeAllAboutIt –
Listen, let me tell y’all about these Menthol Crystals. I’ve been struggling with allergies and a cold for days – stuffy nose, congestion, the whole nine. I couldn’t even breathe properly! But these little crystals? MAGIC. I just inhaled the vapor and within minutes, I could finally breathe again.
No more feeling like I’m suffocating. It’s like a breath of fresh air for real. It’s been a lifesaver, especially with the cold season hitting hard. I’m now ready to tackle my day without all the sinus drama. If you’re struggling like I was, do yourself a favor and grab these crystals. Trust me, you won’t regret it!
I put 2-3 crystals in a facial steamer that was sitting ACROSS THE ROOM FROM ME Y’ALL! When I tell you my ENTIRE family could smell it upstairs (where I was) and downstairs too. TRUST ME – only use a couple!!! The steamer I used is called the GreenLife Nano Ionic Face Steamer. It has a little basket where I added just a couple of crystals. The link is:
IMPORTANT: Don’t put this up to your face girl!!! Just steam it from across the room…trust me.. it’s strong enough. You could also use a small will reach whatever room you’re in. TRUST!
#GameChanger #BreatheEasy #MentholMagic #AllergyRelief
cs –
Very good for balms and just clearing your beak.
NCNana –
I used this to make shower disks/soothers, whatever you want to call them. I like the menthol aroma for the shower. This worked well, the scent wasn’t overpowering but was sufficient for a good warm shower.
J. Mansoo –
I use this for soapmaking to give my homemade soap a little zing and tingle.
Melt this down and into the soap with other essential oils and it gives your soap a fresh scent and a cooling sensation. Awesome for summer.
I’m currently up to using 5% weight of fats. Not sure how much more I can go, because remember, methol is the main ingredient in things like Icy Hot and BioFreeze. That intense of a menthol level, no one wants in their soap.
Five stars.
Hope this review helps you in your menthol crystal buying decision making. 🙂
Be well. 🙂
Wildrose Skincare –
Lovely true menthol. I add two or 3 small pieces to fragrance free lotion get a cool sensation. Takes a couple of days for it to melt into the cream. Love the fresh cooling effect. Little bit goes a long way. Do a skin test before using to make sure you aren’t sensitive.
Alejandro Revilla –
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Esperaba cristales y llego un bloque, difícil de comer, deben tener cuidado con esto
Anders in Chicago –
These work great to throw on the hot rocks in a sauna, After about 30 seconds they fill up the space with vapors that not only open up the breathing and sinuses, but the skin too. Only a small pinch of a few crystals, or one larger one, is all it takes for it be effective but not overwhelming. I consider them a much better alternative to menthol oils, and keep about a tablespoon of crystals in a small screw top art paint jar in my gym bag. I made the mistake of bringing the container into the sauna, and the contents quickly liquified in the heat. When I got home, I reheated them, poured it on aluminum foil and made a fresh batch of crystals that I could soon peel off. Be careful not to touch your eyes or any sensitive pores after touching the crystals.